A Little Thing Called Magic


We were all on our way home. Romeo and Yu both wanted shotgun, so they sat on each other, and things got ugly. So my mom made all three of us sit in the backseat. I got the middle, as usual. Yu and Romeo were arguing loudly, and I was inbetween them. How fun is that?!

I was sitting with my ears plugged as Yu and Romeo fought. My mom was yelling from the driver's seat for them to shut up. But them being as stubborn as they are, it didn't work.

"Guys, just be quiet!" My mom yelled as she turned around to face us. No one was looking at the road. No one noticed that she was driving onto the other side of the road. No one noticed the oncoming semi.

"Mom!!!" I screamed. I was too late. My mom turned her head forward as we collided with the truck. It hit the side of our car and we slid of the road and rolled into the ditch. The semi slid into us again. I was screaming the whole time.

When we finally stopped, we were all upside down. "Mom?!" I yelled frantically. I saw her hand hanging and I grabbed it. She was unconscious. I shook Romeo. He was silent. I unhooked my seatbelt and crawled out. I was on the ceiling. I shook Yu and he groaned.

"Star?" He yelled. "Are you okay?"

"I am! Mom and Romeo aren't! They won't say anything! Yu, what do we do?" I freaked out. Yu grabbed my hand and grabbed the door. It was bent really badly. He pushed as hard as he could. It wouldn't budge. "Help us!" I screamed. Sirens blared outside. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to help Yu get the door open. Somebody from outside was helping too. The door pulled off it's hinges and Yu and I climbed out. Yu had blood streaming down his face. I felt blood on me too. "They're in there! Help them!" I sobbed. Yu grabbed me into his arms and held me. The cops tore the doors off the car and pulled an unconscious Romeo out. They put him on a stretcher and took him to the hospital. I just realized how many ambulances and cops were there. They took me away from Yu and stuck me in one of the ambulances. I screamed and kicked, but couldn't get away. They took Yu in a different one. "What about my mom?!"

"We'll help her." They told me. I cried as they tried to hold me down. "You have nothing to worry about."

* * *

I sat by Romeo's bed with Yu. I held Romeo's lifeless hand and Yu's comforting one. I was now crying uncontrollably.

Romeo's eyes fluttered open. "You're okay!" I yelled happily.

Romeo looked at us with concern. "Where's mom?"

Yu and I looked at each other. I could tell he was trying not to cry. I buried my head in his chest. Yu let a tear slip. "Mom's dead."