Undiscovered Evil

Lyns comes, Club

Lynsey’s POV

I hadn’t seen my sister in Four years. ... FOUR YEARS. But all was good. I stared at the window at the airport in Denver. My long black hair was a bit messy. Considering I was practically homeless now. I was kicked out of my house because I didn’t pay my rent.
I didn’t want to leave Denver, it was a polluted place but I lived where it was beyond beautiful. The mountains. There were a couple of apartment buildings built near this Waterfall. I was really angry at the fact that I lost my place. But now I was waiting to go to Spokane to visit my sister, Natalie. My thoughts and Daydreams of actually living in a place for longer then a year was interrupted by the lady at the desk announcing that we could board the plane. As it lifted off I stared back at Denver. I had many good times hear. But not enough to make me stay any longer.
You know how people take naps to pass the time on a plane, well I fear if I do that the plain will crash, and I will die because I wasn’t prepared. I was always paranoid about planes, why was my best friend died in a major airplane crash. I refused to ride plains as best as I could. So I would usually walk to where ever my feet would lead me. It just so happened I could only go as far as Denver. I was really a homeless person. And if my sister couldn’t let me stay with her. I was really screwed I would have nowhere to go.
The plane landed with some difficulty, which freaked me then out . ... I almost pissed my pants. I walked out. Shit. I wanted to call my sister. But I thought I would just make it a surprise. I just walked out of the airport quickly. I had no really big bags. Just a small thing that I could take with me on the plane I held it tightly as I tried to find a way out of here with out getting ran over. I soon made it to the High way. I was really hot out side and I was sure I wasn’t going to make it.

I made it soon into the city; you may think I have no freaking clue where I was going. But I remember where our old house used to be. The good times. Till we moved, and then I left of more like ran away. I knocked on the wooden door a couple times before it swung open. I attacked my sister in a big bear hug. “Hey sis, Long time no see” She looked down ate my fragile figure; I had black hair, and Bright blue eyes. My sister looked more different then me. She had dark brown hair and Hazel eyes.
“Hi Lyns.” She hugged me and we helped each other stand up. I was glade to see my sister again.

Natalie’s POV
The next day I was rudely awakened by the sound of someone knocking at the door. I picked Jake up and set him back down on the couch to sleep more. I stretched and rubbed my eyes free of the sleepiness. Once I got to the door I opened it and got jumped on.
“Ah!!” Whoever it was and I feel to the ground.
“Hey sis!! Long time no see!” I looked down to see a black haired girl in a black skirt and a black tank top. When she stood she was five nine too.
“Hi Lynsey!!” I hugged her back and we stood back up. “I haven’t seen you is 4 years how are you?” She smiled and we talked about almost everything. I told her about the men we saw and she got hearts in her eyes at the image of the boy named Lucifer.
“Hey Natalie we should go out clubbing tonight to celebrate.” Lynsey jumped up and laughed at nothing.
“Sure I guess, let me call Kasey and get her to come too.” I walked into the kitchen and found my phone charging. I flipped it open and dialed the number. “Hi Nat.” I heard Kasey’s voice on the other side of the phone after 2 rings.
“Hey Kasey do you think you, Alex, and Shawn would like to come to a club with me and my sister Lynsey tonight?” I asked.
“Yeah that would be awesome.” Her voice was happy and I just knew she had a smile on her face.
“Okay we’ll be there at 8:00pm. See ya later.” I said.
“Bye, see ya.” I heard her hang up and I closed my phone too.

For the next couple of hours Lynsey and I hung out and watched stuff we used to. We just had gotten done with an episode of Yu Yu Hakusho when I looked at the clock seeing it was 7:30. “Okay let’s get ready.” I said jumping off the couch and going to my closet. Almost all the cloths were black, red, purple, or blue. I grabbed a black skirt with chains on it with a chain belt going loosely around it. Also black long sleeved shirt that had billowed sleeves. On the shirt it had spider webs that were sparkly red that shimmered in the light. Last I put on my black boats and black socks that went up to my knees like the schoolgirls in Japan. I showed Lynsey and she smiled and said it looked good. She then got changed into some tight blue jeans that were marked on and a shirt on which had “Say no to crack” on the front then on the back has a plumbers crack showing. I laughed at her shirt when she got out and then we got the make up on. She had really heavy black eyeliner and purple and gray eye shadow and last black lipstick. I had heavy black eyeliner too but had red and black eye shadow but no lipstick, just some gloss. We looked at each other and smiled. I got my keys and we headed out into our neson exsetra with a devil hanging from the review mirror. We hopped in and turned on Twisted Transistor by Korn. We opened the windows to let the breeze come in as we started singing along with the song and finally pulled up to the others houses.
They came out looking cool. Shawn had jeans on with a button up shirt. Alex wore a punk look, and Kasey wore a blue skirt and a pink tank top. Lynsey squeaked at the sight of the pink but I didn’t care. Kasey was my friend and I learned to live with it. They hopped in too and we headed to “The Beaken”. We got out and the guys turned and looked at Lynsey and me the most. We got to the door to see a man who 5 inches taller then me who was built to fight. “Hey Joe can we come in?” I asked him. “Of course Nat, hey Lynsey, Kasey, Shawn, Alex.” He smiled at us and let us go into the dark room with lights flashing all around. When you went in it was like watching an old movie seeing the lights flash and the people move around. We all smiled at the sight. Kasey and Alex went to dance and we watched Shawn get pulled away by a blond girl onto the dance floor. We shrugged and followed suit and went right in to it.
After a couple of songs Lynsey and I went to get a drink. “Two Buds” Lynsey said to the bar tender.
“Well look who we got here…. the girl from yesterday but tonight she brought a hottie with her.” I looked closer at the bar tender to see it was Lucifer!!
“You work here!?” I asked.
“Yeah so does Demetri… oh, hey speak of the devil?” I looked behind me to see Demetri standing there with a smirk, putting his hands on either side of me on the bar ledge making me not able to move that much.
“Hey hot stuff long time no see.” He moved his face closer and me and Lynsey giggled.
“Get out of my face.” He smirked more but didn’t move.
“So Nat who’s your friend?” Lucifer asked.
“I’m Lynsey, Natalie’s sister.” Lucifer seemed happy and jumped over the bar and took her hand.
“A pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady.” He kissed her hand and she went off on talking to him.
“So Nat why are you here? You wanted to see me that bad, even if we just met yesterday.” He smirked and now his arms around me fully.
“No I didn’t want to see you, I told you already, it sickens me just to see your face and hear your voice.” My glare hardened but he just wouldn’t take the hint.
“I know you’re lying to me.”
“Oh and how are you sure of that?” He moved some hair that had fallen in front of my eyes and smirked more.
“Because I saw how you looked at me when you first met at the skate park and I also heard that you thought I was handsome.” I started to blush, how the fuck did he know what I was thinking in my mind!!
“Because I can read your mind silly.” He said. I looked at him weird and then moved out of his arms and walked away. He grabbed my wrist and turned me back to him.
“What do you want?” I asked him, not in the mood, “Can’t I just have one dance with you?” He smiled innocently; his gaze seemed softer which made it harder for me to look away. “Fine just one.” He smiled and pulled me back. “Yay, I get to dance with a hottie.” He laughed happily and I just gave him a weird look. “Okay so let’s go.” He pulled me along to the dance floor where I could see Lynsey and Lucifer dancing closely together. The next song that came on was a slow song, "Good Enough" by Evanescence. Lynsey put her arms around Lucifer's neck and he put his around her waist. I turned back to Demetri and saw him put his arms around me too, I slowly put mine around his neck and looked to the side, and I didn’t want to look into his eyes afraid of getting lost in them for the second time.
From the corner of my eyes I saw him looking at me with a smile plastered on his face. “What?” I asked looked at him.
“You’re just really beautiful, do you not like it when people compliment about how you look?”
“No, its just I was wondering what was with the smile on your face.” He smiled more and put his forehead to mine. “Because I get the chance to dance with you that’s why I was smiling.” He moved his face closer to mine until his lips brushed against mine then touched completely. With out knowing it I closed my eyes and kissed back. He slowly pulled away and smiled to me. I blushed after letting it all sink in.
“Hey.” I said.
“What, you didn’t like it?” This made me blush more. “No I liked it…I mean…” I looked back up to him and saw him smirking. “I knew you couldn’t resist.”
I moved away from him and went to sit down. Lynsey came to me holding Lucifer’s hand. “Hi Natalie, guess what?” She said smiling happily. “What?”
“Lucifer and I are going out now. You should go with Demetri I saw you two kissing.” She winked and giggled. “I don’t think so. You ready to go yet?” I took my beer and put it to my lips and let the liquid go down my throat.
“Yeah I guess….but they’re coming home with us.” I spat out my beer.
“What!!” She moved back but then smiled with a nod. “So let’s go I already told Shawn, Alex, and Kacey to get in the car.” She walked out still holding Lucifer’s hand. I got out there to see Shawn, Kacey, and Alex in the back of my car. Lucifer got in the passenger seat and put Lynsey on his lap.
“Well you ready?” Demetri said standing next to me. “Humph.” I crossed my arms and walked to my door. Demetri got in first and put his hand out to me.
“What?” He asked when I didn’t take his hand. “You can’t drive with me on your lap.”
“Oh, but I can.” He took my hand and pulled be down into his lap. He started the car and pushed the gas. Lynsey gave him directions to Kacey’s house and the others. He dropped them off and then went on again. Through the whole ride I didn’t move. I just gazed up at him. He just, made me feel so different. I couldn’t hate him, even if I tried. How could he make me happy and scared?
“Why are you looking at me like that Nat?” I looked around and saw we had stopped and Demetri was looking down at me with one of his famous smiles.
“Nothing.” I got out of his lap and walked to the door. I unlocked it and went inside to see Jake right in front of the door growling. “Huh what’s wrong boy?” I walked over to him and picked him up into my arms. He growled still and it seemed to be pointed to Demetri and Lucifer. “Jake it’s just some friends calm down.” Demetri and Lucifer seemed to be hissing but I didn’t pay attention. I put Jake in my room so he wouldn’t bother them and us. “That’s really weird; Jake has never done that before.” I rubbed my head and sat on the couch. Lynsey and Lucifer headed to her old room and Demetri sat down next to me. He put my head in his lap and made me lay down.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“You need to slow down a bit. Just relax.” He started running his fingers through my hair, if felt really nice but I stopped him by sitting up. But he pulled me back to him.
“Calm down.” He kissed me again, I felt sleepy and did. I closed my eyes and fell into his chest.