Undiscovered Evil

Demetri's Birthday and coming back home

The next time I opened my eyes I was in a bed with Demetri next to me with his arms around me. But when I looked at his mouth I saw blood going down the side. “Oh my god, Demetri wake up please!!” I shock him until his eyes finally flickered open. I hug him like no tomorrow and yelled into his chest. “Why do you have blood on you mouth, I thought you were dead and someone killed you, don’t even do that again, do you think it was a joke to make me worry!!!” I screamed at him.
“Nat its okay. It is blood but it’s not mine.” Okay…Brain just totally stopped. “Um……what do you mean by ‘it’s not mine’?” I moved away from him and got out of the bed.
“Well I’m a vampire Natalie.” I bit my lip trying to keep it in but I couldn’t and I stated laughing. “Hahahahahahahaha omg that’s a good one Demetri!!" I fell to the ground and held my side.
“It’s not funny and it’s true Natalie!!” I started to get tears in my eyes from laughing so hard and I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears from anger. “Oh that was good…but really what is it, ketchup??” I smiled patting his chest (he’s standing). “No it is blood see.” He kissed me and let me taste it!!! I pushed him away and wiped my mouth.
“Gross okay now I know that can you frickin’ tell me why do you have blood on your mouth?” he glared and grabbed my arms tightly. In a flash I was against the wall.
“I did tell you the truth I’m a vampire and so is Lucifer!!” He showed his teeth and they grew. He put them near my neck and I shook like crazy. “Demetri stop your scaring me!!” He stopped and looked at me with sad sorry eyes, his teeth went back to their normal size and he loosened his grip.
“I’m sorry Nat. Please don’t be mad at me.” He hugged me and then let go hearing the door open. A new man stood there smirking at us. He had long silver hair in a ponytail and gray eyes, same height as Demetri.
“So this is your new pet brother.” The man moved closer to us. Demetri stood in front of me and glared at the man who called him his brother. “Don’t touch her Basil.” His brother looked down towards me and some how got behind me. I screamed when I felt his cold arms slither around me and his hand turn my face back to him. “You are a cute one.” Demetri growled and showed his teeth to his brother.
“Get away from her!” Demetri said with venom dripping from every word. “I just wanted to play Little Brother. But I guess,” He looked back down to me and licked my cheek. “I’ll see you later.” He then disappeared and I ran to Demetri.
“Ew gross he fucking licked me!!” Demetri laughed at me for being childish.
I looked at him, then the room. It was a big room with a queen sized bed with black silk sheets and curtains on the sides and the front pulled back. The windows were shaded with black curtains too with a red design on them. A door leading to more then likely the bathroom and then a door with big wooded doors with carvings in it. A big closet made of the same wood and a desk with a lamp near it. “Um where am I?” I asked tilting my head to the side.
“You’re at our families’ castle. I felt it would be better since it is my birthday soon and I wanted to bring you with me.” He said calmly. “Oh cool!! Hey where is Lynsey??” and at that moment She ran into the room being chased by Lucifer.
“Get away you sicko!!” She jumped on the bed at threw pillows at him.
“I didn’t…* dodge* do anything * dodge* to you!!!” That last time he got hit right in the face and landed on his back on the floor.
“Um guys what is up with you?” Lynsey took big breaths and tried to relax. “…HE FUCKING BIT ME!!!” I looked at her for a sec then to Lucifer.
“Oh yeah right you’re a vampire too……HEY!!!” He looked scared and moved away from me. “I’m sorry Nat just chill its not that bad you have been bitten by Demetri haven’t you?” I stopped moving toward him and shook, me getting bit and turned into a vampire…..NO WAY!!!
“No I haven’t and won’t be.” I turned around and helped Lynsey down off the bed.
“So you’re a vampire now?” I asked my sister. She looked at her pale complexion and her longer nails that were perfect.
“Yeah I guess I am…..this is so cool!!” She jumped around and got me in it too. Lucifer now stood up and shouted, “Then why did you run away from me when I told you that you were a vampire!” Lynsey put her hands on her hips and leaned to the right. “Because you said you turned me like this. Not something I hear everyday I just jumped okay.” Lucifer moved and put his arms around her waist.
“Okay well now that you’re happy can we go to breakfast?” Lynsey nodded and headed out with him, holding hands. “See you guys down there.” She waved back and closed the door behind them. I blinked twice trying to remember what just happened but then just let it go. I looked down to the ground and looked at what I was wearing. It now was a loose big black t-shirt and black boxers with flames at the bottom coming up.
“Um why am I not in the cloths I was in yesterday…YOU PERV!!!!!!!!” I started throwing random things at Demetri like books, shoes, and pillows from when Lynsey was here. “I didn’t I swear!!” Demetri caught everything I threw and threw them behind him. “I didn’t do anything to you Nat.” He got in front of me while I was trying to find something else to throw but I couldn’t find anything else. All of it remained on the other half of the room.
I turned around and didn’t look at him. “I promise I didn’t touch you. Okay so let’s go to breakfast.” He took my hand and headed for the door.
“Wait what about...”
“They won’t mind you in that.” He smiled and then I finally noticed he had changed his cloths too. He now was wearing black shorts and no shirt so it showed his muscular chest and six-pack. I blushed and turned away. “What Nat see something you like?” He smirked at me once he saw the blush.
“No let’s just go to breakfast.” I walked past him, grabbing his hand on the way. He led me down to breakfast once I stopped because I had no idea where I was going. We got down there we saw Lynsey and Lucifer sitting there eating. Then the man from before named Basil came in wearing a white dress buttoned up shirt…not buttoned and black dress pants.

“Well, well, well I get to see you again. And there is another one here too, oh but your taken…oh well that makes it fun.” Basil said to us. Lucifer broke his spoon from the pressure he put on it. “Don’t touch her Basil go find someone else.” Basil smirked and looked at Lynsey with lust. I clenched my fist, I hated it when they did that to my little sister, I was protective since we moved and she went away for a while.
The ring of the sound of my hand connecting to his face rang throughout the room. Lucifer and Demetri’s jaws were dropped with shock and Lynsey saw it coming so she just smiled. “Don’t get any ideas you leave my sis alone!” Basil turned his head back to me. His eyes weren’t their normal grey, they were red with fiery. “You got some spunk for a little girl.” He bared his fangs at me and they started to grow, I screamed moving back and turning into Demetri’s chest. Demetri wrapped his arms around me protectively. Basil stopped and looked at us remembering something. His teeth went back to normal and his eyes were back to grey. Lucifer and Lynsey watched this with shock. Basil stepped back and disappeared.
“Demetri …” Lucifer said trying to see if we were okay. Demetri just disappeared with me back to his room.
“Natalie it’s alright he’s gone.” Demetri ran his fingers through my hair to calm me but I couldn’t stop thinking about how he looked before. I pulled away from him and ran to the bathroom. “Nat get out he’s gone what’s wrong with you?” I just held onto the doorknob, if he tried I’d be there to hold it in so he couldn’t. “Natalie.” He said in a whiny voice. I just stood in my spot not making a sound except for my deep breaths. I heard his feet shift and walk away from the door. It gave me false security, because once my hands left the knob it opened fast. From the shock I feel into the tub and bumped my head a little. “Natalie, what’s wrong why are you scared, why won’t you talk to me at all?” He moved over and kneeled down to the tub and rested his head on the rim of the tub. “Please tell me.” His eyes were gleamed over with worry and hopefulness. His eyes scanned over until they met mine and stopped, looking deep within them like he could see what I was thinking. “Oh I see.” His eyes turned sadder.
“Demetri.” I moved back over and got out so I could be right next to him. I hugged him tight. “I’m sorry I wouldn’t do it again.” After a while I felt his arms go around me excepting the hug.
~Fast Forward~
Today was Demetri’s birthday and I could hear so many feet and voices go passed the room. Demetri had left for some reason and gave me a few books to read. The first 2 I finished about an hour ago and was now half way through the other one. “Hey Natalie.” Lynsey came into the room and sat crisscross next to me. “Why are you reading a book?” She asked.
“Because I was bored and Demetri left for a while. Where’s Lucifer?” She put her index finger to her lip, giving you the thought she was thinking.
“Oh he went with Demetri. So I got bored and looked for you. But did you know that there are a lot more people here then it looked like?” I nodded and closed the book. “So…” But before anything else happened Demetri, Lucifer, and some other girl came into the room. “Lucifer!” Lynsey jumped up and ran to his arms. I stood up and walked calmly over to Demetri. “Hey.” I said with a smile. He just smiled back and held my hand. “This is Serenity she will be here to help you two pick out dresses for tonight.” Serenity bowed her head with a smile.
“It’s a pleasure to help my lady.” She said to me. “Um no no its okay you can call me Nat.” She opened her eyes and tilted her head to the side with confusion. “But that wouldn’t be proper. But if that’s your wish I shall do it for you my... I mean Nat.” We both exchanged smiles and everyone else smiled as well.
After some time of thinking and trying on things Lynsey finally found a dress. It was a long sleeveless black silk dress with purple trims. The top looked more like a corset and the bottom came out a little with a fishnet lining over it. “Wow Lynsey you look gorgeous.” Lucifer said spinning her around. She smiled a little and held his hand.
“Okay Nat your turn.” She said. Now the eyes were on me but I wasn’t paying attention. To busy looking at the dresses. “Ms Natalie has one caught your eye?” Serenity asked. “Well they all are so beautiful but nothing really has giving me that feeling.” Serenity nodded and walked over and grabbed something out of the closet. “Try this one on Natalie.” She put it under my arms and led me to the bathroom.
I looked at the full body mirror and looked at the dress. It was beautiful and shimmered like the night sky. The dress was white and very elegant. I found a little flower pin that I could put in my hair when we were getting ready (its the same dress in the background). “Wow.” I whispered to myself. A knock came to the door and Serenity’s voice came through.
“Natalie are you okay?” I walked back to the door and opened it just a way so I could see her. “Yeah I’m okay.” Lynsey came up now in her regular clothes and pulled the door open all the way. “Holy cow you look so adorable!!” She gave me a hug and I smiled a little. I looked over to Demetri to see his mouth in a sweet smile. I smiled back and then went to get out of the dress.
When I came out Lynsey was cuddled up with Lucifer and Demetri stood to my right against the wall. It had seemed Serenity had left fir some apparent reason. “It is almost night time but it doesn’t begin until 12:00.” Demetri told me I guessed, the clock on the bedside said 10:56 so we at least had some of an hour to do nothing and then get ready. I just nodded to him and walked over to a chair. It helped me just relax and be warm. But then I felt something else, it was Demetri; he sat in the chair with me and pulled me into his lap. “You should rest so you will be able to get through the party.” He softly whispered. Nodding again I feel asleep in his arms.
Lynsey’s POV
Lucifer and I were cuddling on the couch while we waited for the party. But it was about an hour-long wait, which seem to take forever. Nat finally got out of the bathroom and I watched out of the corner of my eye, her and Demetri sitting in a chair together with her in his lap, and her falling asleep. They seemed so cute sitting there but my mind was mostly on Lucifer. He was also asleep with his head resting on my shoulder, breathing lightly through his slightly opened mouth. It put a smile on my face just seeing him in this adorable state. Before of course he was adorable but this just made those ones look like nothing compared to this. I knew now I had fallen for him, but didn’t show it because I was Emo not supposed to be happy like others. So I didn’t show it around anyone but Natalie. Slowly my eyes because heavy with rest, pulling me into its deep slumber.
Not long later Lucifer awaked me. “Wake up Angel its time for you to get ready.” He smiled down at me with a childish smile. I resisted smiling back and just got up walking straight to the bathroom. When I walked out, Lucifer was in a stunning black silk tux. He came over to me and held up a black rose with a red tint on the sides. “For you.” I tenderly took it from his hands and held it in mine.
“Thank you Lucifer.” I looked around and saw Natalie and Demetri still in the chair. But then why were we already dressed up and not them. “They will be ready soon but we must leave and join the others first.” Lucifer said, answering the question. “Oh, okay.” He smiled and held his arm out for me to take, “Shall we?” I wrapped mine around his and looked into his eyes. “We shall.” With that we left out the hall and into an enormous room filled with people drinking, talking, and dancing to the music. “Amazing.” I spoke out of reaction.
“Not as amazing as you.” Lucifer whispered. Corny, yes but absolutely adorable. We walking in and were greeted by other vampires who saw and knew Lucifer. He introduced me like the gentlemen he was and they all seemed nice. I looked around and even say that Basil was here in a silver tux, getting crowded with vampire ladies.
“Oh, Lucifer, who have sure found yourself a lovely lady, truly a keeper.” I looked back where the voice came from to see a woman about a couple of years older then us. She had silky black hair that was half in a bun and the other half falling down her back. She had blue eyes and wore a red dress with slits at the side.
“Thank you Maria, this is Lynsey, Lynsey this is one of my good friends Maria.” We both shock hands with smiles.
“She truly is one for you, loyal, not to shy, open minded, and a loner.” But wait how did she know that I never even said a word to her. “I know because of what’s happened to you from your eyes.” Maria giggled a little at her statement.
“Oh.” We started to talk and I learned her and Lucifer is a friend by family relations, but she was already married to a man named Tom. They spent all their years together and were very good friends. She also said that I was his first girlfriend, said he was too picky of the girls he’s met. This made me laugh and really wonder if I was his first. He didn’t seem to act at all like he hadn’t been in a relationship with someone else but that could be held for questioning until later.
Awhile after talking to Maria and becoming her friend, I looked up at the clock and saw it was about 15 minutes before 12:00. So the other two should be here soon.

I slowly woke up to Demetri resting his head on my shoulder I thought sleeping. I couldn’t help but love that look of his, he seemed so innocent and like an angel. “Demetri …I think its time to get ready.” I whispered to him.
“Okay.” He smiled with his eyes still closed and got up, bringing me up with him. “You can go get dressed in the bathroom I’ll wait.” Demetri said.
“Okay.” With that I went to the bathroom and got the dress back on, my hair up in high ponytail, and make-up. When I got out Demetri was in a black tux with his hair still messy. “Aw you look magnificent my lady.” He spoke will giving a small bow.
“Aww why thank you kind sir you are very handsome tonight.” I bowed as well and laughed with him. “Let’s go their waiting.” He took my hand and pulled me out of the room and down to a set of wooden doors. They slightly opened to relieve a lovely, stunning, ballroom. The chatter that filled the room before subsided as the doors opened for us. They all moved to the side and made a path to a big chair in the middle of two other ones. He kept walking still holding my hand. The people who I assumed were all vampires bowed their heads when Demetri pasted them. He stood tall with pride at everything that went on in the few minutes that passed like hours. Demetri sat down in the middle chair and pulled me down on his lap again. Lucifer walked up in front of us and bowed to the others.
“Welcome all to this special occasion, the birthday of Demetri!” They all clapped and the noise came back into the room as if nothing happened before. Random men and women came and wished Demetri a happy birthday and complimented him on his date. He was deep in conversation and I in thought. I had never seen these man people it’s like a whole city was here for the birthday.
“Good evening Demetri.” A man approached us said. He was 5’9”, his hair was to his shoulders and a patch of it covered his left eye, which was a dark green color. Then also he wore a dark purple outfit. “Good evening to you also Damien. This is lovely lady is Natalie.” Damien bowed lightly and then gave a cold but sad look. “It’s wonderful to met you Miss Natalie.”
“It’s nice to met you too Damien.” I said smiling up to him.
“So where will you be going next Demetri, they say you haven’t been back her since a three days ago when you and Lucifer returned with Natalie and Lynsey?” Damien asked.
“Well I’m thinking about going back and living in the human world for a while. You should join us Damien.” Damien sighed lightly and just under his breathe.
“Maybe, it might be nice to get out instead of staying locked in.” Damien’s face seemed to lower even more with his words. All though I had no clue what it meant. That just pushed me to know more.
“Well I shall talk to you two later, Demetri, Miss Natalie.” He bowed once more and turned to disappear into the crowed. “Demetri…has he had a ruff past?” He gazed down at my questionable face and answered, “Yes he has.” I didn’t ask anymore after that for the rest of the night.
“Come Natalie, let’s dance.” He stood up bringing me along, grabbing my hand and walking down to the music. We turned to each other and moved with the music, not leaving each other’s eyes. At the end of the song he dipped me down, still not losing eye contact. We heard clapping but didn’t pay mind to them. “You’re magnificent.” He brought me out of the crowd to the side. “Natalie do you think we can really come and live and go to school with you with humans?” He asked. His face looked so excited not wanting to hear what everyone who asked a question that they feared.
“Of course I would love you guys being there.” He seemed to brighten his smile and sparkle up his already sky eyes. “Grand, we will leave tomorrow afternoon for your home.” He grabbed me around the waist and hugged me close. “I’m so thrilled.”
“Same goes for me.”
Demetri had gone and to speak with other men that were a friend of him or family. “Well look who we have here.” Came a cruel voice I despised.
“Basil, what do you want now?” He stood there all dressed up and fancy. “Your gorgeous tonight, as is Lynsey but she is untouchable when that no good Lucifer is around.” His hand trailed down my arm to my hand. Only, I pulled away and stepped back a few inches. “Don’t touch me.”
“You look so much like her,” What did he mean by all that, who did I look like. “Your face, your hair, everything reminds me of her.” He stepped closer, just to retreat back again. “But Demetri’s scent is coving you,” Basil said with a loathing voice.
As soon as he said that, he vanished from sight. “Oh aren’t you sweet.” This time it was a boy with fire red hair to his shoulders. He was dressed in a red tux. One thing that struck me strange about this new creator was the way he said that, one thing went through my mind he was absolutely not a good person to be around. “Excuse me?” he then also grabbed me. Why with the grabbing of the arm! “Natalie what’s up?” Lynsey came walking to our side and looked at the queer screen. “Oh aren’t you adorable too.” The man grabbed her too and spun her into his chest. “What the hell let go you pervert!” Lynsey tried to move but it just made this boy, or whatever you would call it happier. “Astounding, that I would find two cute, spunky, little things.” he rubbed his face in between ours, taking in our smell. Where the fuck was this person! “Jacob let them go; they are not your play things.” And speak of the devil or in this case devils, there was Demetri and Lucifer. “Aw you guys don’t let me have fun.” he pushed us into their bodies with a smirk. “We don’t let you have fun because you’re stealing something that isn’t yours.” Lucifer held onto Lynsey with a grip of iron. Demetri the same with me. “I’m just trying new things, is that a crime?”
“When you touch what isn’t yours then yes it is.” Demetri said his voice was strong and with force to scare anything away. Jacob, as they called him walked away and grabbed onto someone else. “That was so gross.” Lynsey and I said in unison.
The night pasted and the new day came, Tuesday. Demetri and Lucifer got their stuff, unfortunately Basil the evil what coming with us. No! Not fare! But Damien came too, but of course he wasn’t sexually abnormal. We got to the house and I feel down in my bed. “YES BED!” Lynsey walked in and sat down in a chair. “Um Nat I have a question I was going to ask you but couldn’t find the time until now, Can I stay here with you?” I turned back over on my back to see her.
“Certainly Lynsey.” She smiled and ran out of the room saying thank you before shutting the door. Excluding someone else was now in the room. “You’re taunting me like that.” Demetri said he stood at the edge of the bed with a smirk. “Don’t get any idea Mr. I’m not that easy.” He playfully made a sad face. “Nope, not giving in.” he fell down on the side I wasn’t laying on with a grin. “Fine, I’ll let you go this time.” He cuddled his head in between my neck and shoulder and hugged me around the waist. “Night Demetri.”
“Good Night my Angel.”