Status: I don't know how long this is going to be. It is just something I am writing day by day in the classes I am bored in

The Bloody Test


“Demetrious, Fenrir, Alexander- step forward.” A deep booming voice echoed around the highly decorated chamber. It came from a man that looked as though when he was born they clapped stones together for music. His hair was long and white and his beard spilled over the side of his podium from his high seat in the council. He tapped his fingers impatiently while he waited for the three people belonging to those names to step forward.

The first to emerge was a boy dressed in tight leather with numerous buckles twisting and wrapping all over his muscled arms legs and torso. His clothes kept him mostly covered but it was not hard to tell the defining muscles beneath all the ornate and shiny clasps. He had shiny silver piercings along his pale white ears. His hair was quite shaggy and black, a bit of it gathered into a pony tail at the nape of his neck. His bangs nearly covered his eyes in their length, but what could bee seen of them they were gorgeous. They were a striking deep blue fringed with thick black eyelashes almost darker than his hair. They were accented with matching slender black eyebrows, arched in a cocky sort of manner as though waiting for this to be overwith. He was generously handsome, the epitome of a heart stopping double-take. A slight smirk seemed to hover just over his plump lips as he awaited the end of this hearing. He stood quite tall with all of his weight on one leg and his hands in the pockets of his long black fashionably styled trench coat.

The second boy was just as tall as the first but nearly a complete opposite. He had Beautiful blood red hair that spiked up in odd angles, accenting his high cheek bones. He lacked piercings in his ears and instead wore a single leather necklace around his neck. His pale muscled skin slid smoothly beneath his red satin shirt which had the top three buttons undone to show off the deep crevices of muscles on his chest. He wore long black slacks with chic black shoes. Just like the first boy he was quite handsome. His eyes were green speckled with golden flecks fringed with long eyelashes. He had a look of amusement on his angelically chiseled face. Whatever was the outcome of the judge it seemed he was eager to hear about it.

The final boy walked forward in long graceful steps, arriving where the other two boys were in a few strides. He had nicely styled blond hair that continuously fell into his face causing him to have to look up through his bangs for most conversations. With a slender white hand he combed through his hair pushing the bangs back into place. If the other two boys were handsome it was nothing compared to him. He had the looks of an angel and stood as though he was one. He wore a white outfit complete with long white slacks and a jacket that went down to his knees. He had it buttoned up and tied around the front. His hands were placed just inside the large pockets of the jacket. He had a white matching turtleneck underneath the stunning white coat. The only visible flesh was of his face. He had grey eyes and dark eyelashes. His face was smoother and less angled than the black haire’d boy’s was. Once he finished pushing his hair from his eyes once more he returned his hand to his pocket and the judge continued.

“You three, unlike many others of your generation, have passed all the tests necessary to allow you the final test before you can claim your rights to be vampires. You have showed insurmountable control as well as an unsurpassed knowledge of your surroundings. Should you pass this final test, you will have the right to call yourselves true blood vampires, if, however you should fail you will be slowly ripped apart and burned until dead, multiple times if need be.” His eyes flashed with excitement. The boys showed no reaction on their faces to the comment just made. It was as though someone had told them that the weather was nice or the stars were visible at night. They seemed to have expected something like this to have happened.

“Now come forward to accept your task.” The vampire judge commanded. As they stepped forward and made their way from the center of the room to his podium a girl dressed in a shimmery red velvet cloak appeared from behind the old man. She held a large almost flat bowl of a shimmery liquid. She met the boys in front of the podium. It was her turn to speak.

“You three must live among the humans and adhere to strict rules. Not one rule can be broken should you hope to pass the test.” Her voice was high pitched and ridiculously articulated. She spoke as though she didn’t want to repeat herself. “On top of living with the humans, you must also live with one. You must do everything in your power to keep it alive. It will not do to turn in a dead specimen. When you arrive at the mansion, your human will be delivered to you. Don’t think of eating it. This human is the difference between life and death for you. If you can prove that you can coexist with a human we will grant you your full powers as vampires. Until you are full vampires, sunlight will have a lesser effect on you. Garlic is still painfully powerful, but you three should be strong enough to handle it, should the need arise. Be wary of stakes through the heart, they are bloody painful.” She murmured under her breath.

“Oh, and one more thing.” The old man said, before dismissing them, “If one of you fails, you all shall fail. You will not only be testing your ability as an individual vampire, but also as one that can work with others. The testing will end in one year’s time from now. You will return here with your living specimen and you shall be evaluated. You may choose to tell your human that you are vampires, or you may choose to keep that from them. You must have their trust, and they must be alive.”

The old man waved his boney hand and dismissed them. One by one they turned to go without another word. The crowd was silent as they passed down the long room to exit the room. Never had such a difficult task been asked of any vampire. Though, with the way these boys acted no one could doubt they got what they deserved with this sort of task.

“Next-“ The old man called as the boys opened the door and walked out of the judgment hall.
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I have never written anything about vampires. This will be my first time trying this new dark writing style, though I do hope to add some humor. I'd love to know what you guys think.