Status: Complete!

Ink Poisoning

The Poison Begins

A local downtown tattoo parlor sits quiet as the sun goes down. With the sun setting, it wasn't going to be quiet for long. This part of town wasn't bad... it just wasn't good either. At this time anyway. At sun down is when all the creeps, freaks, addicts, and weirdos came out. But then there were few relatively normal people, like Demetra who worked in the tattoo parlor just to have money to get by. With her dark brown that slightly hung in her face, light hazel eyes and interest in the dark skater look, she fit right in, appearance wise. As for personality, she fit in with the groups that made this part of town pretty okay.

The bandies, partiers, and clubbers are what made that part of town known. Upcoming bands play there all the time and go clubbing to wind down. Most bands well-known today have played there. The best clubs were there and the best music. So its usually full of people at night. People come to get away, some come to de-stress, some come to getsex lucky. That's what it was known for. But then there are the people who come to cause trouble, steal, and others to make people 'Relaxed'.

Demetra sat there, in the front of the tattoo parlor with her legs propped up on the desk, reading a magazine as she listened to one of the upcoming band's new sound on her ipod. Her head bopped to the beat, her hair making little movement because of the beanie on her head as her foot tapped on air in her black and white Vans. A simple pair of skinny jeans and shirt layers is what she wore tonight. She had decided to chill before drunken couples came in all lovey dovey asking for the mistake of tattoos of each other's names on body parts that they will find the next morning. And the 'Relaxed' people came in, walking to the back of the parlor to get themselves a fix. In other words... Drugs.

The owner of the parlor was a drug-dealer. Demetra tried her best not to mix herself with him or his costumers too much. All she wanted to do was work and make her money. That's its. But little did she know that staying away from costumers was the last thing she would want to do. The bell rung over the door and a guy stumbled in, struggling to keep his balance. Demetra didn't notice at first until he stood all the way up. She quickly tossed her magazine on the desk and hopped on her feet while taking out the headphones. She looked at him as he rubbed his face with his hands. He was all sweaty and pale which worried her.

"Hey. are you okay, mister?" She bent down abit more trying to see his face. Once he removed his hands her eyes widened. The sea foam green eyes she loved looking into, was the once she was staring at. "Eric...?" She muttered in shock. He looked terrible. His once tanned skin was sickly pale, his eyes were dull and had bags under then like he hadn't slept in weeks. His clothes looked like they were just thrown on him. His brown and blond hair was messy and matted together. He looked weak and like he could brake any minute if she even thought about reaching out and touching him. Her crush was now her worst nightmare.

Eric was part of a band that played every Thursday night. They met at a club one night, started talking and became friends. She's been secretly crushing him ever since but never did anything because she soon found out he had a girlfriend. She use to be a fan of his band and was now dating the band's Guitarist/background singer, Eric.

"Hey, Demetra!" Eric shouted over the music and waving his hands in the air. Demetra turned around and smiled widely. She put down her drink and weaved through the crowd to him.

"Eric! Where have you been?" She hugged him and looked at him. Her eyes shifted to his ears. "OMG! You got more piercings!?" She moved his hair from his ear. He flinched.

"Yeah. A few days ago. And me and the band was doing a show out of town. About a day's drive to get there, did the show the next day, then came back which was the day after day. I would have told you but it was short notice." He explained.

"Oh its fine. You're back now and that's all that matters." She said and gave him one of her perfect smiles. He smiled back and looked around.

"Listen." He started and got closer to her ear so he didn't have to shout. "The bands wants to practice but i wanted to talk more and tell you about the trip. So you wanna came to my garage and watch?" Demetra's heart skipped a beat. He was asking her to came to his house. Maybe not to his house exactly but she was going to see where he lived and he wanted to talk to her more. That had to be a good sign.

"Yeah, Of course." She beamed and he took her hand and lead her out the club. She hopped into his van with his other band members. They all talked the way there and once they got there, she got to see the inside of his house. It was kinda big but it was nice. Really nice. Once they got to the garage, they practiced four of there songs and Demetra sat on the old couch and listen. Once they finished the last song she smiled. "That was amazing. You guys are gonna go far one day. Just don't forget the little people."

"That's not gonna happen, Demi." Eric smiled and winked at her as he took off and put up his guitar. He didn't get to see the blush that flooded her face.

"Was that my favorite song?--" a female voice was heard at the garage door. Everyone looked to see a beautiful blond walking through the door. She had high heels, jean skirt, and a handmade t-shirt with the band's name on it.

"Kim." Eric smiled and walked over to her and kissed her. Demetra's heart dropped to her big toe. Eric put an arm around Kim and turned to Demetra. "Demi, this is my girlfriend, Kimberly. Kim, this is Demetra." Kim gave a small wave before wrapping her arm around Eric's waist.

"Hi." Demetra said in a small voice and put on a small smile with it.

"Oh, wait!" Kimberly said suddenly. "This is the girl you said..." She lowed her voice abit and pointed at Demetra as she looked at Eric "...can give us the tattoo's."

"Yeah. Oh. Demi. I've been meaning to ask you. Would you do our tattoos? We wanted to get the band's name with a banner under it with each other's initials." Eric brought Kim closer. Demetra could have just broke down right then and there but she just smiled and nodded.

"Sweet!" Kim squealed in excitement and kissed Eric's cheek.

2 months after she gave them the tattoos, she hasn't seen Eric since.
"What happened to you?" She walked around the desk and touched his shoulder. He looked at her and pushed his messy hair out of his eyes.

"Listen, Demetra, where's Doc? I-I need to talk to him." He said stuttering and rubbing his hands up and down his own arms.

Demetra pointed to the back where the owner was, not taking her eyes off Eric. "Eric, what's going on with you?" He didn't answer he just walked passed her to the back. She watched him and walked back to her seat. She started to continue her new tattoo sketches but then she heard yelling in the back. She instantly stopped what she was doing and walked to the back.

"Listen, man. I'm only a few dollars short. I...i Promise I'll pay you back. Just.... spot me just once." She heard and turned the corner to see Eric moving alot with his hand out and Doc, the parlor owner, with a bag of something in his hand.

"I don't know. You look like you've had enough alrighty, man." Doc said with a slight smirk on his face.

Eric groaned and tapped his foot on the floor rapidly "I'll... I'll pay you double next time! I swear." He added.

"Sound good to me. You got a deal." Doc smiled and slapped the bag into Eric's hand as they stood hands. Demetra shook her head and showed herself as she walked up to them.

"You can't do that! You said he's had enough already. You gonna kill me!" Demetra stepped up.

"He wanted it." Doc just shrugged. Eric glared at her.

"Yeah, stay out of this Demetra." He snapped as he slightly rocked in place.

"No! You're going to O.D." She said and took the bag out of his hand. Eric growled at her. Yes, Growled.

"Give me it back!" He shouted and reached for it.

"Demetra, just mind your own business and do what i pay you, okay? Go to the front, I hear costumers." Doc said. Demetra didn't listen she just rolled her eyes. Eric snatched the bag from her and she fought to get it back. It dropped on the floor and Doc picked it up. But since Eric wasn't in his right mind he punched him for touching it. Demetra covered her mouth in shock as Doc sat up on the floor and wiped the blood from his lip. He looked up at Eric in angry. Demetra threw the bag at him and grabbed Eric's hand to get out of there. She ran and Eric still confused to what is going on, was just being dragged behind. She passed up the people who were there to get tattoos and out the door. Soon as she was a building away from the parlor she heard the door bell open.

"HEY! DON'T YOU COME BACK HERE AGAIN! YOU TOO DEMETRA!" Doc shouted outside into the poorly lite street.

"I QUIT!" Was all she shouted and continued moving at a fast pace walk with Eric's hand still in her's. They walked liked that for a little while until Eric started to call out to her in a groggy and sickly voice.

"Demetra..." He said. She ignored him and kept walking. "Demetra.....Demetr-" He hunched over and emptied out his stomach. Demetra turned around and looked at him while sighing.

"Oh, Eric..." She muttered and bent down to rub his back. He continue to empty himself until he felt he couldn't do it anymore. He sat down and leaned back but since nothing was behind him, he fell back and hit his head.

"Ow." He said and clutched his head. Demetra pulled his head into her lap and looked down at her. He looked awful. He was paler then before and his lips were chapped and turning bluish.

"Eric, how did you get into this? Where's Kimberly?" She said as he started to shake. She just stroked his hair and waited for him to stop so he could answer.

"Me... me and Kimberly started a little while ago. O-once i started, i couldn't stop. We bro-broke up last week. She wanted...wanted...the big guys with the money t-to buy the stronger s-stuff." He struggled to talk but got it all out. That got Demetra pissed. That groupie-whore got Eric like this and then just leaves him. That was enough to make Demetra want to hire a hit man.

"Why?" She muttered to him as he sat up a little. He head was now in her chest. "I thought you were different, Eric. I thought you where going to make it with out having this kind of back ground." Just as she finished and sat up quickly and started blowing chunks again. She just rubbed his back, comfortingly

"You did?" He muttered and looked over at Demetra. She could see the light sparkle in his eyes that use to be so bright before. She nodded.

"Yeah. I did." She said quitely.

He swallowed the nasty taste in his mouth before opening it to speak. "But why? All the famous Rockstars have bad backgrounds. Shouldn't i-it be that way." He said, not stuttering as much now.

She shook her head." But when your famous, your past doesn't matter though. If every famous person dwell on the past, there would be no celebrities. And plus, the rockstar life doesn't mean much if your future is dying with the memory of your old fame from Once Upon A Time and a hand full of crack." He looked down and started to shake. He leaned his head back in Demetra chest wanting her to hold him. Which she did.

"Demi..." He called her by her on nickname. She smiled at that. "C-can you d-do me a favor and just...just kiss me." He said.

"What?" She questioned.

"Kiss me." He said and she listened. As soon as her warm lips touch against his, his shakes slowly stopped. She pulled away once they stopped completely. He's eyes were still closed and he opened them to look into hers. It took him all of this to finally see how really beautiful she was. He looked down a ashamed a little about what he was going to say next. "Help me, Demi."

"Huh?" She said, still dazed from the kiss. She didn't even think about his breath.

He looked up at her. "Help me. I-i don't want to be like... like t-this anymore." He's eyes begging for help from her.

" need professional help that i can't give you. But I'll be with you every step of the way, if you want me to be." He stared at her for a moment and looked down.