Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

Faith Trust N Vampire Blood VS Skubrats

"Thank you ladies and gentalmen that was the one and only SKCUBRATS!!!!! We're gonna take a quick break and then Faith Trust and Vampire Blood will be preforming!"

The crowd gave a loud cheer as Skcubrats (aka mine and Jordies brothers band and our rivals) run off stage. How retarded can you be? Just about all the girls were screaming their heads off for them. Can I say 'ew'? I mean come on their name is Starbucks spelt backwards. In it was George (guitar) AKA It No. 1, Jimi (Bass) AKA man whore, Ash (vocals) AKA The Cow, Damon (guitar) and Tom (drums) AKA purple and the only cool 1 in their band. In our band which is called 'Faith Trust and Vampire Blood' Is Me (Drums), Kait (Guitar), Krystal (vocals), Jordyn (guitar/Uke), Amelia (Bass) and Litisha and Sasha are our managers.

I still can't believe Tish goes out with Jimi. I mean he's a freaking man-whore. Oh well doesn't matter not my problem. I'm gonna go help set up for our gig, I thought.

As I was setting up my drums Litisha can up to me looking kinda depressed. I sighed this could only be about 1 thing. Jimi. "What's wrong Tish?" I asked.

'It's Jimi," Tish said sadly. What did I tell you?

"What about him Tisha?" I asked turning around to face her properly.

"D-do you think he's using me?" I took a deep breath then let it out. I had to be honest with her i try not to lie to my mates.

"To be honest babes I think he's using you every chance he gets." The sort of bad thing about me and my mates is that we're not just honest we're brutally honest. We say exactly what we're thinking, most of the time.

"Ok" Tish turned around and went to help the others. I knew she wasn't gonna leave him yet she gets attached to easily.

"Litisha! Come help me find Kait!" We had 5 minutes until we had to go on and I didn't know where Kait was. Me and Litisha were running around backstage looking for Kait when I heard voices yelling.

"You fucking MAN-WHORE!!!!!" Well I guess we've found Kait but who was she yelling at and why?

"You sorry excuse for a human being!!" Man she was pissed.

"If you so much as go 50 feet near Tish again I swear I will rip you're fucking balls off!" She screamed.

"Kait!' I yelled as I was rounding the corner.

"What happened?" Then I was Jimi and I immediatly understood.

"Jimi,what happened why is kait yelling at you?" Litisha asked the Man-whore.

"Yes Jimi tell Tish what hapened. Tell her how much of a man-whore you really are," Kait said.

"Fuck you kait," Jimi said.

"I'm sorry Jimi but I'll leave that to all the prostitutes hat you seem to find," Litisha had pretty much guessed what had happend although she's still trying to deny it.

"Kait what happened? Please just tell me," The sad thing about me and my mates is that we can't help but be brutally honest.

"Jimi here had some slut backed up against the wall with his tongue down her throat and hand down her bra," Kait stated. With a sob Tish ran off.

"Fuck" I muttered.

"Kait go stall the show I'm gonna go get Litisha. Jimi, go die," Then I ran off to find Tish.
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yeah so thats like an intro to us and our story so yeah....