Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...


Haha, god Jordyn moves fast. We've known Kane for like a day and she's already hooked up with him. Hehe she growing up!

"Anywayz if you n Kane are done, we need to practice for the tribute concert." I reminded them.

"Oh suck penis." Jordyn said.

"You know you love me, there's no point denying it." I told her.

"Yeah... Keep telling yourself that." She smirked but me being the mature, reasonable, kind responsible person I am, I of coarse poked my tongue at her.

"Stop being a bunch of retards n lets practice." The ever loving Charlie The Unicorn said.

FF>>>>(After Practice in Games/music/t.v room thingy.)

"Oh by the way we're having an after party down here only downside is that so is George and mum said we can't kick them out. So suck it up and lets get drunk! Oh and don't worry Mon, Purple will be there." I said winking at Monica as I said the last part. I was hungry so I went up to Monica bitch slapped her, licked her face then said,

"You are my slave. I claim you as my slave. If anyone else wants to as their slave they have to make a deal with me first. Your first job as my slave is to give me a piggyback ride to the kitchen." with a straight face. This caused everyone to crack up laughing except for Monica who was still trying to figure if out if I was serious or not.

"Now bitch! Turn around so I can jump on your back!" I yelled at her. When she did I screamed, "Yay!!" Like a little kid making everyone laugh.


"Hi PURPLE!" I screamed at the top of my lings collapsing on the couch Tom was on with my head in his lap.

"Hi Dawnie." He said laughing.

"Did you know that Monica really likes you? Seriously she can't stop talking about you. You 2 should definitely go out." I said making him laugh .

"Are you suppose to be telling me this?" He asked.

"Telling you what?" I asked getting confused. Stupid alcohol what did I just say? Fuck. Tom of coarse just laughed at me.

"Never mind," he said shaking his head.

"How drunk are you?"Purple asked.

"Ummm.... Umm... Um.. Um." I said drifting off forgetting Toms question.

"Earth to Dawn." He said waving a hand in front of my face.

"Officer, I swear to drunk I'm not God!" I said holding my hands up.

"I think it's time you went to bed." Tom said.

"But mummy, I don't want to go to school today." I said yawning as Tom picked me up and took me upstairs to my room.

"I'm just putting you to bed Dawn." Tom said laying me down.

"I love you purple. You're like my not so gay gay friend... wait that means you're not gay...Right?" I asked confusing myself.

"Sure." Tom said laughing as he walked out and I quickly passed out.

Awhile later I heard someone knock on my door. I just grunted hoping they'd go away. Instead they opened my door and said something, I was to tired to pay attention so I just grunted again wishing they would leave. The door closed so I assumed whoever it was did but the next thing I know I felt someone crawl into the bed next to me. I just went back to sleep. I was to tired to care.

I woke up and felt an arm around my waist spooning me into the person behind me in an iron like grip. Fuck what happened last night? I opened my eyes slightly then slammed them back shut. Damn hangovers suck. I slowly opened my eyes again and looked down at the arm to see if I knew who it was. He had a tattoo on his inner wrist that said 'Love Is A Luxury.' Damn it I know who has that tattoo. Why can't I remember? I tried to get up but whoever was it was just held on tighter burying their face in my neck. Fan-Fucking-Tastic. Although it is comfortable... NO! BAD DAWN! NO!

*mentally slaps hand*

"Wake the fuck up" I said poking him in the face. I felt him slowly stir then suddenly stiffen.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you in my bed?" I asked.

"I have a feeling you're not going to like the answer." An all to familiar voice said. Ash AKA The Cow. Great just great.

"DAWN I MADE PANCAKES!" An all to bouncy Kait said barging into my room.
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