Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

I'll leave you two alone then

“I made pancakes” I said happily as I walked in to Dawns room who I knew would have a hangover from last night.

OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. Was the only thought I had going though my mind when I saw the cause lying behind Dawn with his arm over her and them both under the covers

“Did I miss something?” I asked while waving my finger at Dawn.

“No ewwww” Dawn said while trying to get out of her own bed but only to fail as the cause just tightened his arms around her, and even though I knew for a fact Dawn was going to hurt me later I turned around and said “I'll leave you two alone then” with a giggle then just as I was about to close the door and laugh I heard a crash then a “That fucking hurt what did you do that for”. So me being me I turned back around only to see and empty bed with no blankets on. What the fuck I thought to my self.

Then I saw movement on the other side of the bed so I walked to the bed climbed over it to see

“OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD” I yelled at the top of my lungs. there lying on the floor was Dawn and Ash hooking up. This was my chance to get dawn back cause they didn't hear my 'oh my gods' and kept hooking up.

“Dawn your not getting any pancakes if you don't stop sucking face, like now” I yelled so loud I knew it would hurt Dawns hangover. Tehe. I'm gonna be in big trouble and I knew it. Just as I was going to make a run from it Dawn grabbed my arm to stop me. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP. Then as if coming to my rescue in roles Kyle and said that he needed me for something really really important and the seriousness in his voice made me and Dawn both scared. But Dawn let go and Kyle stretched out his hand to me and I grabbed it and we walked out of the room closing the door behind us. Next thing I know is I'm pined up against the wall while kissing Kyle,

“OK so what is the really really important thing you needed to tell me” I asked as I had pulled away but our heads still together.

“Well I haven't seen you in like a week and I missed you and Dawn wouldn't have let you go if I said I need you so I can do this.” I was wandering what the 'do this' was until he kissed me again then I got it.

I pulled away

“Yeah I don't think so ether. But I..” I was cut off by George and all his mates- minus Ash of coarse-walking towards us

“Hey Kait have you seen Ash,” Tom asked with out even giving me a hug but then it clicked to why he hadn't. Well I was still kind pinned against the wall. So I pushed Kyle away and he just pouted but then noticed.

“What so I don't even get a hug now purple gosh, stupid people with purple hair.” Tom just laughed.

“Well kait it would have been a bit awkward me hugging you when I first got here," he pointed out then gave me a hug.

“But um ash is a bit unavailable at the moment,' I said trying not to laugh my ass off. And as if right on cue Ash walked out of Dawn's room while they had there hands laced together. All his mates jaws dropped to the floor at this.

They all started talking and Kyle grabbed me around the waist and carried me away from them and into the games room.....
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haha lolz