Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

She will find someone else

Okay. So it was half official. I mean, we all knew, just, no one confirmed it. Kait and Kyle, Dawn and Ash, and me and Kane. Weird. Kait and her lover-boy had disappeared into the games room doing who-knows-what, Dawn and her lover-boy were...somewhere and Scott was out in town buying stuff for Christmas. It was in two months so he decided to avoid the rush, even though we all got discounts, it wasn't known to The Outside that he was in our band so he had to pay full price. We, meaning Kait, Krystal, Dawn, Charlie and I, didn't bother shopping. Clothing shops gave us things to try on and to advertise their brand. We just gave each other the clothes we got free. Since everyone had disappeared, even Charlie and Krystal (don't know where they are), it was only me and Monica in the lounge.

We were watching some vampire movie. 30 Days of Night I think it was called. We had also watched Slither. Monica was screaming at every little thing that happened. I was just laughing at her, and at the movie.

"Why are you so scared?" I asked in between laughs.

"I'm not." she said seriously. I just looked at her weirdly. Scary.

"Okay..." Uncomfortably.

"Hold me! It's scaring me!"

"Ummm...Okay?" She snuggled up to my side and buried her head in my chest when one of the vampires got mulched in a generator thingy. I patted her back slowly and it was weirdly comforting to me as well as her. The movie ended when the good guy died because he turned himself into a vampire to save his love. Monica was crying into my chest.

"It's okay," I soothed her, "she will find someone else." She looked up at me, her eyes glistening with tears.


"Yeah." She blinked a few times then leaned up to my face. Her lips barely touched mine. I leaned forward more until they were. She liked my lip asking for my permission and I granted it to her. The credits on the movie were running when they turned off. Monica and I gasped and turned around to find Kane standing there.