Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

Ninja Glare

"Seriously Dawn, get off his back," Ash said glaring a deadly glare in Pat's direction. Dawn jumped down and went over to Ash. She gave him a short kiss then smiled at him and he actually smiled back.

"Oh my god! He smiled!" Kait yelled clearly shocked.

"No shit, Sherlock," I mumbled, laughing slightly. Everyone was looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked.

"I love sarcasm too!!" John shouted.

"Finally! Someone I can relate to."

"Yay..." He said sarcastically.

"Woohoo..." I said twirling my finger in the air. The others just looked on confused. I blinked a few times then grinned.

"Okayy..." Zack said.

"Zack!" Monica screamed and then proceeded to tackle him to the floor.

"Okayy..." He said again, this time he was on the floor being sat on by Monica. Our band laughed at the situation others just looked shocked.

"Oh my gosh! Hahaha, your faces!" Charlie laughed at them. After we had settled down(which was about 10 minutes later) Alex spoke.

"Anyway... the reason why we're here is because-"

"Oh! Do you wanna come to my apartment?" Kait cut him off.


"Oh my god, YES!" Krystal cut him off again.

"What's going on?" Kenny whispered to me.

"Her apartment. No one knows where it is but everyone has the number. Not even her parents and family knows where. She goes there when she's sad or angry. It's a privilege to be invited," I explained.

"Okayy..." He said.

"Lets go!" Kait shouted. On the way there I was in shotgun so I had control of the music. We were in a bus, like a tour bus, except it was more pimped out. I played a song I downloaded off of youtube. It was called 'Ninja Glare' by 'Nigahiga'. I giggled before it started.

"Should I be affraid?" Jared asked Dawn quietly.

"No," Dawn said. He sighed in relief.

"You should be terrified." As I heard that I let out a mad scientist laugh.


"Is she insane?" Rian asked.

"Only a little bit, maybe, kinda, extremely," I answered.

"Oh god..." Shane hid his face in his hands. The song started and all the girls stood up. They waited until the chorus and started to sing along with it while doing the hand movements.

"OH EM GEE (gee)
You can't see me (me)
I'm blending in just like a pine tree (tree?)
I am unseen, You can't see me cuz
I'm a ninja, nin, ninja, ninja, nin, ninja."

After the song we fell to the floor laughing hysterically. The guys were just watching us weirdly.

"We're here..." Kait said in a creepy voice.