Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

Go Die Jimi

“Stall how the fuck am I meant to do that? BITCH!” I yelled after Dawn as she was running the other way. Then I noticed that Jimi was still standing there. Why hadn't he gone to die like Dawn told him to?

“Girls we have to go out on stage and I'll think of something to do or say I hope,” I said to my band as we all started walking on stage but just before I go on I turn around to face Jimi and said,

“Hey man-whore why don't you do as Dawn said and go die then the world might be a better place,” I said as I went on stage.

Instead of going to stand at my guitar I went to the front of the stage. Knowing that none of the girls knew what to do so were just standing behind me dumb-struck. Next thing I knew I was about to speek not knowing what I was going to say.

“Ok well I'm actually the guitarist but I was told to keep you guys from not hating our band so here I am. The reason for all this is that the drummer of the band is off looking for our friend who's heart just got broken by the fag of a bassist from Skcubrats who was cheating on her and just happened to get snapped by me but anyway he is a fucking man-whore now I know why his name is man-whore. By the way if he ever asks you out he­ either has a girlfriend or is going to cheat on you sooner or later so my advise is don't go out with him. haha man-whore you look mad that now you cant get into any of these girls pants with no intentions to call or ever speak to again. Poor you fag.” Oh my fucken god I never thought I would say that while he was standing right in front of me and god does it feel good or what.

“Well talking about that man-whore is making me bored so anyone got any ideas of what we should do?” I asked in a sweet innocent voice.

“Play some games,” yelled a voice from they back off the crowd.

“That's just a stupid thing to say what are you a little kid or something?” Yelled another voice. Oh yeah I finaly get to say it oh my god.

“Don't act you age act your shoe size gosh,” I said and started to laugh.

“Well I'm a 13 ½,” the first voice yelled back. I turned my head to the rest of the band and winked knowing they knew what I meant.

“Well you know what they say about big feet...” I said and counted 3 2 1 on my fingers behind my back.

“Big hands!” My band shouted causing everyone looked at us really weirdly as if they thought we were going to say something else.

“What did you think I was gonna say gosh talk about sick minds much,” I said with amusement in my voice.

Just as I finished laughing I saw kyle my boyfriend walk thought the door. As he caught my eyes I turned around to the rest of the band. “Krystal can you talk bout something or sing or something I just wanna go talk to kyle,” I whispered at her. Just before I turned around she gave me a worried look as if to say is something wrong?' I shaked my head and raced over to kyle.

“I'm so sorry I missed your show,” he said pleading in the cuteness form of an apology, all I did was hug him and hold him tight until he pulled my chin up and kissed me. In between kisses I said, "we haven't played yet Dawn is doing something." As the kiss started getting heavy I heard

"Kait, Kait, Kait." Come thought the speakers. Then dawns voice saying, “stop sucking face and get up here so that we can do this show bitch.”