Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...


"It's my turn!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"





Charlie and Kait were fighting over Guitar Hero. " Hey, why don't you plug the other guitar in?" I suggested.

"OMG! You're a fucking genius!" Kait exclaimed. We were all in the games room of our mansion. Yes, we have a mansion. Not one of those we're-rich-so-we-have-a-mansion mansions, one of those -we-have-a-thirty-room-mansion-with-fifteen-bathrooms mansion. Yes, we were rich though.

Our games room had a massive 100" T.V with surround sound and every gaming device you can imagine. X-Box 360, PS3, Wii, etc, plus a wall with games, music and DVD's. There was a huge bench to the right with seven of the latest computers with wireless internet. Pinball machines, car-racing machines, photo booths and snack and drink machines were against the lef wall. Three huge, black leather couches were in the centre of the room facing the T.V with a mini-stage infront of it, for giutar hero and singstar. Almost everything else was either black, red or silver. Black carpet, red walls and silver and black curtains.

Dawn was relaxing on one of the couches, I was watching Kait and Charlie battle it out on guitar hero, Tisha was on one of the computers doing who-knows-what, Amelia was trying to beat her previous hi-score on pinball and Sasha was watching her. George, my brother, *shudder*, and Krystal were probably raiding the fridge.

"HEY!!" Amelia screamed.

"What happened this time? Did it cheat again?" Dawn sighed sarcastically.

"Yes it did...HEY! Don't use sarcasm on me! You know I get confused!"

"Yes we all know that..Maybe it's because you're blonde?" I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"HEY! Don't diss the hair! Just cause you're a hippy-" She started.

"Yes I AM a hippy, and you know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!" I screamed. Did I mention I have temper issues? No? Well, now you know.

"Fine! I'm sorry Shortie. I didn't mean to diss you." Amelia replied sounding very sorry.

"OK, but as punishment...Get me a coke!"


" Kaaaiiiiiiittyyyyyyyy!!!" I wailed in Kaits direction.

"NO!" I made a sad face.

" Fine. I'll get it myself." I complained. As I stood up I grunted and cursed the comfortableness of the couch.

"GOD JORDYN!! GO FOR A RUN!!!" Dawn laughed at me. I just mumbled something that sounded like 'shut-up' in her direction. When I got to the kitchen, George was there hooking up with some random chick. Seriously, he had her pinned up against the wall and they were making-out. Krystal was nowhere to be seen.

"GOD GEORGE!!! TAKE IT TO YOUR ROOM!!!" I screamed at them.

"OK then." He replied.
"Lets go." He pulled the girl, who was now blushing, out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"GAH!" I mumbled. I retrieved my coke and made my way back to the games room.