Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

***ous Mates

“Oi Krystal! WAKE UP!” I shouted popping a balloon in her ear causing her to jump.

“What the fuck!!” she yelled.

“You're not allowed to go to sleep for 40 hours, remember?” I said. We were doing the 40 hour famine and I noticed Krystal had nodded off. I knew we shouldn't have put a movie on.

“Yes I remember, and I wasn't sleeping. I was resting my eyes.”

“Yeah, right. Bull-shit.” I stood up hoping everyone will ignore me. And of course they did , haha snobs. I picked up my drum sticks and walked over to my drum set, they were awesome as. They were custom designed with heartagrams. Everyone looked so tired, so I came up with a random beat and started playing as loud as I could. This caused everyone to jump and give a little scream.

They were all giving me the evils so I quickly stood up and sprinted for the door with them following me on my heels. I ran up stairs and down some random hallways. Damn! I still didn't know my way around this house and I've been living with Jordyn for a couple years now, since they adopted me.

I looked back. I couldn't see them but I could definitely hear them. The next thing I knew I'd ran into a rock hard wall, fell on my back and then the wall fall on top of me. When I opened my eyes and realized I wasn't completely crushed I realized that it was a wasn't a wall I ran into, but none other then The Cow (Ash). Man he must work out a lot or something cause, damn, he was well built. Ew I did not just think that about the cow. Ew.

“Hey sexy, what you doing?” the cow asked.

“Oh you know trying to escape murderous mates. Same as usual.” I heard Sasha yelling heaps of swears at me causing me to start laughing.

“Speaking of which hurry up we need to hide. So you need to get your fat ass off me,” I said trying to get out from under him. The cow got up laughing.

“Now why shouldn't I just hand you over to your murderous mates?” He asked

“Well because you love me and and I told you to.” As I was saying this I spotted the magical door. You know the one that you spot when you really need it the most....Yeah that one. I pushed Ash in and then went in myself. Great. It's a fucking broom closet, I thought.

I heard Tisha, Kait, Krystal, Sasha, Charlie, Amelia and Jordyn run straight past us and I let out a sigh.

“Is it safe yet?” the cow asked laughing.

“Give them a few minutes to get bored,” I said looking up I noticed Ash, I mean the cow, staring at me.

“What you looking at?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Nothing. Just thinking about how hot you look up close in the dark.”

“Really?” I said smirking I looked him up and down

“You don't look so bad yourself.”

“Wow. Dawn Quigley saying poor little me looks hot.” He was full out smirking now.

“Yep. Just like all the otherhot emo skater dudes,” I said patting his face. He grabbed my hand and pressed it against the wall.

“Really?.....Can all the other hot emo skater dudes do this..?” Then all of a sudden PURPLE (Tom) opened the door.

“Woah! Hope I wasn't interrupting something,” He said laughing.

“PURPLE!!!” I yelled pushing past The Cow to give Tom a hug.

“And I don't know what you're talking about Ash here was just helping me hide from my murderous mates, but you're here now here to be my body-guard..Right?" By now Tom was cracking up laughing.

“Dawn get your ass here now!” I heard Amelia yelling. “Hide me Tom!!!!!!”