Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...


Don't think about it. If you don't think about it, you won't scream...But it was George and Jimi... "AHHHHH!!!!! GEORGE AND JIMI!!! EWWWWW!!!!!" I screamed.

"OMG! Get over it will you!" Teesh complained. I stuck my tounge out at her, then a scary question ran through my mind: I wonder if they used tounge? My joking look quickly transformed into one of horror. Attempting to get my mind off of that, I asked my bitches if we could go to the movies.

" Yo bitches!?!" I yelled at them. Amelia jumped a little, I silently giggled to myself. "Wanna go to the movies?"

"Yeah." Kait said lazily.

"Sure, why not?" Dawn replied.

"You know that you're only suggesting this to get your mind off of your brother and my ex." Litisha said in a ooh-i'm-so-smart-i-can-read-you-like-a-book kind of way.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I chanted to myself. Everyone laughed at me, for some reason.

"Okay then, dawgs! Lets roll in the hizouse!!!" Charlotte said in total gangsta mood.

"SHOTGUN!" Dawn screamed once we got to the garage. We were taking the van. the hippivan. WE HAVE A HIPPI VAN!!! I thought to myself. I always wanted one, it was my dream car.

"Alright then! I'M DRIVING!" I shouted. After we had all crushed ourselves into the car, I turned around to see who was where. I was in drivers; Dawn shotgun; Kait, Charlie and Amelia were in the three middle seats and Sasha, Teesha and Krystal were in the back.

"Hahaha, HAHAHAHA, MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" I laughed evily.

"OH, SHIT!!!" Krystal screamed.

"What? Whats wrong ?" Litisha asked.

"JORDYN'S DRIVING!!!" Everyone stared at me as I looked back with a face of pure innocence. Hehe. Want to know why they're so worried? I don't have a drivers licence. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!




"YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED ON THE FOOTPATH!!!" This was the type of things they were screaming at me. I couldn't help myself. Noone made me get out, well, I kinda didn't let them.


"JORDYN'S DRIVING!!!" Krystal yelled to the others. I pushed a button and the garage door opened. I rammed the pedel to the metel, blasting the music with all the windows down so eveyone we passed only saw a blur of colour and abot 2 seconds of music.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" I screamed.


"OMG! I can finally touch the ground!" Sasha shouted as soon as we tumbled out. People looked at us wierd. But I can understand what she means, we did go airborne a few times. Hehe.

"Oh shut up!" I mumbled. I heard a sigh next to me.

"You'll get better." Amelia said quietly to me.

" I hope so." I replied.

" I WaNNA SEE TRANSFORMERS!" Kait wailed like a 5 year old.

"WELL I WANNA SEE THE HANNAH MONTANNA MOVIE" Dawn cried. We all silently looked at her with a look of confusion.

"I'm joking!" She laughed.

" Fine, I WANNA SEE ICE AGE 3!" Krystal shouted.

"WE WaNNA SEE PAUL BLART!!!" Sasha and Litisha said.

"That's creepy..." I said quietly.

"Don't worry. It happens all the time," Sasha started.

"It's only because we're twins." Teesh finished.

"Like she said: creepy." Amelia replies. "What do you wanna see, Jordyn?"

"Well...I saw some hot guys go into Transformers 2..." I told everyone quietly.

"Okay. We're going to see Transformers 2." Dawn said.


I laughed at Dawns attempts to get a guys number. She was flirting like shit. Even I could do better than that. I thought to myself. I looked over at the group of guys, then screamed.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" There was one person I recognised, and I didn't want to.

"Whats wrong, Jordyn?" Charlie said, and by the look of her face, I could tell she wasn't trying to burst out in laughter.

"IT'S GEORGE!!!!" I screamed pointing to him. George and Jimmi. George and Jimi. George and Jimmi... The thought kept bouncing round my mind. As I recovered from my rant, the other girls were either laughing at me or staring at him with a look of disgust. He was glaring at us with a look of pure hatred, which set Kait off laughing like crazy.

"OH MY GOD GEORGE!! That look you're giving us is sooo different to the one you had when Jimi was giving you a hikey!! LOL!!" Yes she said LOL. I then processed what she said and screamed again. I fell to the ground, crawled to the corner and started rocking, holding my knees to my chest. Kait laughed harder and everyone who wasn't laughing before was laughing now. It's not fair.
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man i want a hippy van so bad....