Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

New Friends

I saw dawn so i ran to catch up with her.

"Are you alright?" I asked because she looked depressed which kind of scared me because Dawn's 1 of the happiest people I know and hates its when other people are upset.

"They hate us," she said.

"What? Who?" I asked confused.

"Sasha, Amelia and Litisha they're just ignoring me or telling me to fuck off," Dawn said. I could tell she was close to crying and I didn't want her to I hate her being sad it's just not right.

"It's going to be okay," I said hoping it was true. I mean what the fuck is their problem?

"We have to get to form time so I'll see you later okay?" I asked. Dawn nodded and gave me a hug before saying goodbye before walking off.

I was in form time when 2 people in mufti walked in and handed something to the teacher.

"Class this is Monica and Kane they're new so be nice or else," my teacher warned. I was sitting next to Tom AKA PURPLE!!! Haha I love Tom. Yeah anywayz there was a spare chair on my left and in-front on me so of coarse Kane and Monica sat there.

"Hi I'm Kait," I said to Kane.

"Hi I'm Kane," he said.

"This is my sister Monica but call her Mon everyone does," Kane said.

"Hi Mon." i said. she looked at me for a couple of seconds then squeezed me into a really tight hug.

"Hi Kait! Nice to meet you we're going to be great friends. Who's the hot emo looking dude?" she said all in one breath.

"Breathe," I laughed pulling out of the hug.

"This is Tom but call him purple he's Jordyn and Dawn's brothers friend but unlike 'It No. 1' AKA George, Purple is actually cool." I said hyperly.

"Hi Tom!" Mon said sitting down in his lap.

"Hi Monica." Tom said smirking wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I have a feeling we're going to be great friends." He said.

"Aw only friends? Where's the fun in that?" Monica asked causing us all to crack up laughing.

"So Monica do you play any instruments?" I asked.

"Yeah bass it's like really easy why?" She asked.

"Well me ad my mates are in a band but we just lost our bassist and managers," I said.

"Wait what happened with you, Melia, Tish and Sasha?" Tom asked.

"Eh they're having a bitch fit in the mean time we need to find someone to take their place in the band," I said.

"So what you're replacing them just like that?" Kane asked.

"No not at all. I mean no one will ever be able to replace them but we do need someone to take their place in our band," I explained.

"That's cool. Man I wish I was in a band," Monica sighed completely oblivious to what we were hinting at.

"I know!" I said acting like I just got the most brilliant idea ever.

"You can be the new bassist!" I told Mon.

"OH MY GOD YOU"RE A GENIUS!" Monica shouted.

"Oh I know," I said.

"Can I be the manager?" Kane asked.

"Fuck yeah," I said

"Come on you guys have to come meet the others they're fucking awesome," I told Monica and Kane.
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I kno it seems like we're replacing our friends like really easily but this part didnt happen in real life and real life for us is extremely different to what happen in this chapter/story so dont judge me. =p