Status: Finished

Sometimes I Have No Idea Where I'm Going With This...

Billie Jean is not my lover.

So Monica was our new bassist and Kane was our new manager. They were weird, but, you know, that's how we roll. I was in our studio practicing guitar when Kane walked in.

"Hey there home-skillet," I said to him. He stared at me weirdly for five minutes, then said

"Okay...So, what ya doing down here all alone?"

Of course, me being me, replied "Oh nothing much...Just grabbing little children out of my hidden stash in the closet and raping them. But shhhh! Don't tell the others! They will want them too." I said all that with a completely straight face. Kaney's eyes bulged, then he laughed nervously.

"You're kidding...Right?"

"Well duh! We all know it's you I want to secretly rape! But don't tell Kane! It's a secret!"

"Haha. Now i know you're joking."

"Yeah...I'm just joking. It was completely a joke. Hahaha..." His face crumpled into shock, then uneasiness. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing.

"HAHAHA! YOU'RE (gasp) FACE!!!(gasp) IT LOOKS (gasp) SO FUNNY! (gasp) HAHAHA!" he joined in laughing with me.

"So anyways. What are you doing down here?"

"Oh, I'm just practicing my guitar...and singing." I said the last part as a mumble but he still heard me.

"You sing?" he asked.

"No not really, just a little. We're doing a Michael Jackson Tribute concert. I'm practicing for the back-up vocals and the guitar parts." I said with a smile. I loved MJ. I even had a shirt with I *a picture of a heart* MJ on it. He was a great singer, dancer and he influenced a lot of people world wide.

"Really? Can I, can I hear some?"

"Ummm...okay. Just a little bit, though" I began to sing my favourite song.

"Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl who claims that I, am the one, but the kid is not my son, she says I am the one, but the kid is not my son..." I trailed off because Kane was looking at me in shock.

"I knew it! I suck balls!" I shouted. He ran up to me, gave me a hug and planted a kiss on my lips.

"You sucked? YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME! I mean, it was great and you're a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, good singer!" He said it all in one breath then blushed at the fact that he kissed me.

"Uh huh..." was all I could manage. "Umm...Kane? You're crushing me...Can you let me go?" He let go immediately. He stared at me for a few seconds, then went for my lips again. It lasted for a few minutes, then, the door banged open.

"JORDY!!!!! WE KNOW YOU'RE DOWN HERE!! COME OUT, COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE!" Dawn screamed towards me. A few seconds after that, they all came in. I mean they ALL came in. Dawn, Kait, Charlie, Krystal and Monica.

"AHHH!!!" they all screamed when they saw me and Kane making out.

"My eyes! My poor, virgin eyes!" Kait shouted.

"Shut up Kait! You've seen worse and we all know it!" We ended up laughing. After five minutes Kait caught her breath and announced to us:


"BRING IT OOOOOON!!!!" Charlie screamed back at her.

"Is this how it always is?" Kane whispered to me.

"Yup. Pretty much everyday." I said back happily.