Things You Either Hate Or Love

Moving out

The cool wind brushed against my wondering face.
i could feel the slight essence of water in the cool stream as it moved in a strong current to air, that to human eyes was invisible.
i wondered what it felt like to be water.
falling gracefully from the sky in the form of raindrops,
or falling from a broken persons eye in the form of tears.
how it would feel to be part of that fast, ever moving stream.

to be free.

"are you happy to be going to stay with auntie Ruth?"
my mother says, interrupting my thoughts.
" yeah, i guess it would be fun"
i say in a dreamy tone,
my mind is too far away to even think though what i am saying.
" you'd get a bloody nice tan, I'm jealous"
my sister, Ebony, mutters.
the only reason she is not coming is because she is pregnant, typical, i guess. it is only uniform that she would do something like get into a fight,
or cause a mess during a family crisis.
"yeah, i guess a tan would be nice"
i say. even more off-topic with my tone now.
then i drift off into a fantasy everyone's thoughts are written on there heads in purple crayon. I see what my mother is thinking, : damn! i wish Kaya would hang around, then not everything in my life would be so stuffed up!
whist my sister is thinking :
humph! I wish I was going to auntie Ruth's. she lives in a f*cking mansion! and I'm pregnant, I'm the one who needs the pampering!
i am pulled out of my fantasy when i realize we are off the dirt road,
and have just turned onto state highway 1,
which is about 20 minutes from the airport.
To help pass the time, and to mellow the anxiety,
i count things.
like awesome dogs and weird people, until we get to the airport.
mum lifts my stuff out of the car boot, while Ebony and I get the ticket thing from the desk. the guy serving us was checking Ebony out, because out of us she is most attractive.
she looks like Victoria from "twilight" only with golden hair and deep blue eyes.
on one in new Zealand Fancy's me, because i am to adverse. i don't blame them either.
when my flight is just about to go mum wales on about " you don't have to go" and " don't come home pregnant in that case".
what she really saying is this:
OK, fine, go.. my only sensible daughter.
but don't come home pregnant like Ebony, not that any guy would have sex with you unless he was drunk"
but time dose go by, and i eventually get on the plane. just as the plane is taking off,
i close my eyes.
partly to enjoy the feeling of freedom, and partly to say:
And then it starts playing that song " freedom"...
which is fine by me.
♠ ♠ ♠
if you read this you totally rock!!!!!! =] i love to hear feed back as well! f you have any ideas... I'd love to hear them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rock on super girls!
xxx laura!xxx