The Crossroads


I met him at the crossroads. It’s in the Memorial Park, just outside town. It's impossible to know where you are going or came from if you lose track. Nobody ever put signs up so its just four paths meeting in the middle. Meant to confuse and disorientate whoever happened upon it that day. I had just closed my eyes for a moment, listening to the music from my ipod. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata.

It was getting really dark but I didn't care. I almost wanted to get lost, wished I could just lose myself at the crossroads. Float into another reality; one that didn't involve stupid boys, or mean girls. Or cruel teachers and parents with their sharp tongues that let out such hurtful words. I wished such a thing was true, but that would be too complicated for such harmful Neanderthals. Clearly something so lovely would be beyond their understanding. I had thought rather bitterly, at the time.

I arrived at the crossroads, not even paying attention as I danced along to my blaring music. Skipping and spinning along the cobblestone path until my foot caught on the edge of a stone and sent me tumbling to the ground. Right smack in the middle of the god damn crossroads! I had the worst freaking luck.

And of course, I had been twirling around not watching where I had come and the direction that I intended on continuing in. I was utterly lost. I could barely walk as I got up and hobbled myself over to lean on a tree trunk, trying to keep my bearings. I knew I was completely screwed, and in this October weather it was soon going to be freezing cold. Not much my short flimsy white dress would do. I never dressed for the weather though, I much preferred to dress how I was feeling and today was a sort of slutty, good girl floral thing. It wasn't the best combination for late night mid October walking weather, but I hadn't minded too much earlier today.

I sat there contemplating my options when I saw a jogger running with headphones on. He would never notice me if I called out. I got up and readying myself to spring on the unsuspecting jogger I braced my poor ankle for the impact. The moment he ran into the crossroads I pounced on him sending his headphones flying and him rolling to the ground along with me, now underneath him.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you!" The stranger roared at me.

I all of a sudden lost my nerve that I had before, I almost considered lying and saying I tripped just so I wouldn't have to look into those angry slate gray eyes any longer. They were absolutely terrifying me, I felt like crying, which I rarely did.

"Well? Why the hell are you knocking me about in the forest and skulking around in the dark?" He demanded, his voice not subsiding from that fierce demanding tone. His eyes were boring a whole in my face as his gaze did not sway from my eyes, demanding me to look back.

"I...Um...I...Well I uh." I managed to stutter out unintelligibly.

He shifted his weight off of me and bumped my ankle on the way sending me into spasms of pain. I cried out as tears ran freely down my face, showing no sign of stopping. I moaned in pain as he tapped my ankle, testing it to see where it hurt.

"Is this why you jumped me?" He asked, much more gently than before, his eyes no longer piercing but beautiful and soft.

I nodded solemnly as the tears flowed down my cheeks. He attempted to wipe them away as more came back to replace them instantly. I knew we were very far away from the end of any of the paths; it was going to be a very long night.

He picked me up in his arms as I gasped in surprise at his strength. He wouldn't be able to carry me the whole way, it was too far. Sure enough, after about half an hour he let me down supporting me with his arm instead as I hobbled along. It was very late by the time we finally reached the lot with the cars, although I was in no condition to drive. But I refused to be near those eyes any longer, they were absolutely beautiful and terrifying all at once. I had to get away from him, even though he didn't look angry anymore.

"Uh, thanks for all the help. Um, bye." I blurted out all at once, forcing myself away from his helpful support.

I tried a step towards my car and fell to the ground screaming in pain. Oh god, it hurt so much! It was like someone was sticking knives into my ankle and the pain just kept going; shooting up through the rest of my body, making me convulse in agony. He rushed to my side pulling me up into his arms and heading towards a very nice looking Mercedes. Great, a snotty rich kid.

"You are coming with me, to the hospital." He said sternly, putting the full force of his gaze on me all at once. I nodded feebly and looked down at the ground, ashamed that I was in such a state. I hated being the helpless maiden, in need of a man to rescue her. I don't like depending on people, especially not boys.

But he didn't even listen at my attempts at explaining that I was perfectly fine to drive. He just placed me in the passenger seat and sped off in the direction of the hospital. When we got there he sat me down in the emergency waiting room and went to go inform the nurse of my ankle. He came back after taking a number and sat down across from me.

"So why were you even in the forest?" he asked casually.

"I was listening to music, and I fell on the stones." I replied back. I could see his was trying not to laugh at this, he probably thought I was some clumsy oaf. "It wasn't funny, it’s freezing at night."

I saw him then taking in my short little dress, barely reaching mid-thigh and it's little spaghetti straps and low front. The flimsy fabric that looked like it was going to float away any minute did nothing to conceal my obvious curves. I shouldn't have gone out in this. I had figured if I got cold I would just go back to the car but I never really got the chance.

He forced himself to take his eyes back to my face and flung me his jacket, a bit roughly, from where he was seated.

"You shouldn't have been out there." He said darkly, glancing towards the ground. He looked angry.

"You don't have to stay here; you look like you want to strangle me. I really don't enjoy being in the company of people who so openly hate me without reason." I said fighting back tears once again. What was wrong with me today, all I did was cry.

He didn't respond too that, just kept his eyes on a straight-stare of the floor. He didn't look amused though. For some random stranger I had just met hours ago he was definitely taking this to heart.

"I won't leave you, at least not until your family shows up or something." He finally mumbled.

I laughed at this; my family was clearly not coming for me. They were at home sleeping, not wondering even why I wasn't home at, I glanced over at the wall clock, around 4:30 in the morning. Even though I had even left messages on all the phones.

"They aren't coming for me, they couldn't care less." I told him.

He looked at me sadly, as if this affected him at all. He was free to go he should have dropped me off and left without ever turning back. This was not his problem any longer. I was not his problem and longer. Anyone else would have been gone hours ago. Anyone with common sense, at least.

He looked like he was going to respond to that but the nurse came then and called me into the doctor's office. He stayed the whole time as the doctor tested and X-Rayed my ankle and foot. And after I had gotten a cast and was released from the hospital he turned to me.

The fluorescent lighting of the EMERGENCY ENTRANCE sign lit up his face in a reddish hue as he took my face in his hands. His expression no longer dark and angry, just sad.

"If they aren't coming for you, then I guess I'll just have to stay with you." He whispered as he placed a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled up at him not knowing what to say. But in my mind I was thanking the crossroads for getting me so hopelessly lost. I smiled and reached up to return the kiss. He smiled at me and picked me up in his arms and carried me to his car. This was going to be a good year.
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Entry for Rocket Queen's What Inspires You? Contest.