
Chapter Two

Saying goodbye to Frankie as he parked in his drive, i peeked over the fence that looked on to my drive, not spotting any cars i quickly ran round and through the front door, humming the mission impossible theme tune in my head, i quickly passed the living room and headed for the stairs.

"Pany? is that you? and if it is why are you humming the mission impossible theme tune?" i was humming aloud? ... wait, quickly turning round to see my godfather Dylan looking confused walking through the living room door.

"Ah! Uncle Lany!" Running down the stairs i jumped up into his arms as he laughed at me, a more female sounding laugh came from the living room, throwing a questioning look at Dylan as he put me down, he rubbed his nape and started playing with the back of his red hair in a nervous gesture, "um.. well i'd like you to meet someone Cub," tilting my head in curiousity i peeked through the open door to see a beautiful blonde lady sitting on the coach, "wooo has uncle Lany got a girlfriend," laughing as his cheeks instantly turned red and he looked away from me, we stood there not moving for a while him fidgeting with his shirt, with me wandering what was going on, "well are you going to introduce me? or are we going to stand out here all day?"
Dylan looking quite startled straightened up, "of course," resting his arm across my shoulders he guided me into the living where the beautiful blonde was trying not to laugh at Dylan's behaviour.

"Pany Wynn Harris i would like to introduce you to my fiancee Evelyn Marie Tremaine." Glaring at my godfather for keeping this from me, i kissed Evelyn's hand, "a pleasure to meet you Miss Tremaine," she beamed at Dylan, "wow he's as charming as you said." turning her grin at me, "a pleasure to meet you too Mr Harris, but please call me Evelyn or Evie," unable to not grin back i plopped onto the settee beside her, "then you must call me Pany." i replied before punching Dylan in the arm, "thats for not telling me you got rid of the gold digger," i then punched him again, " and thats for not telling me you were engaged." Dylan pouted at me, "Hey it's not my fault you weren't here this morning for me to tell you before Evie arrived... oh so thats why the mission impossible theme tune you were sneaking in." "no i wasn't, i just popped to the shops." i said while trying my best to look innocent, "oh of course except it's a Sunday, no shops are open, you little liar."

Deciding its best to just ignore Dylan, who was now bragging that nobody could put one over on him, i turned towards Evie to see her watching Dylan with amusement. "You know my natural colour is blonde, though it's much lighter than yours, its like a white blonde. I'm not albino though, even though i look like it with my pale skin, hair and blue eyes, not that theres anything wrong with being Albino of course, but it would make life harder wouldn't it? Having to plaster yourself with suncream everytime you go outside, even if it's just to take the rubbish out or tke the dog for a walk." Noticing i was babbling i smiled sheepishly at the both of them who were staring at me hiding their grins, laughing lightly i looked up at Dylan who was still standing in the middle of the room, "Wheres Daddy anyway?"

Dylan deciding he had enough of standing sat on the floor before answering, "he had to go sign a contract for that new movie he's acting in, he should be back in an hour or so."
"Is that the one where he'll be starring next to Marissa Hopkins?" i asked with a frown as Dylan pointly didn't look at me and Evie just looked confused, "he promised me he wouldn't be doing that movie."

I was getting angry now, i didn't want that woman anywhere near us, Dylan kneeled infront of me, trying to calm me down, "this is a big chance for your dad Cub, he's getting to work with the best movie director there is," i pushed him away so i could pace infront of the fire to calm myself down, "so if that women trys to take me away again it'll be ok, or didn't anyone think that she could try to kidnap me again?" pulling me into his arms as i started to cry to upset to stop myself, Dylan tried to reassure me, "she won't go anywhere near you Cub, which is the reason me and Evie are here, we're going to stay with you while your dads on the set, so you never have to see her."

I cried even more at the thought that i wouldn't see my dad as much, lost in my angry thoughts of that woman, i didn't notice my dad had came home until i was turned around and gathered in his familiar arms
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Two chapters in one day ain't you lucky
the romance will start soon just not to get all the background information out first