Here We Go Again

Chapter 1

"Okay, don't forget your project is due on Friday." Ms. Amberson announced to the class.
I made a mental note, walking out of the class room and down the first of three long hallways i would have to walk down to get to my locker.

Putting in the headphones for my ipod i began to listen to Adam Lambert's preformance of Starlight by Muse.
I didn't really care if a teacher took my ipod. It was old and beaten up.

I was joined in my walk by my only best friend Demi. Her locker was two away form mine.

"Okay. Spill." she demanded.
"About what?" i asked.
"About last night."
"What about last night?" i asked, a little panicked.

Demi couldn't know what had happened last night.
"Nick last night." She said in her no duh tone.

"OH, uh..." i began. "well, We hung out at the skate park together."
"And we chilled with his friends." i said.

I knew what she wanted to hear.
"Okay, cut to the chase. Did you kiss or not?" she wved her hands wildly as she asked that.
"No. Sorry to disapoint." I told her.

She let out a dramatic sigh. Well, they you don't get to havethe lead role in every school play if your not dramatic like Demi. I must say though she is an awesome actress. I'm getting off topic.

"Did ANYTHING interesting happen last night?" she asked.

I didn't want to tell her what happened last night.
She would laugh. She wouldn't believe me.
BUt i had to right? You tell your best friend stuff right? no matter how much it scares you.

Here goes.
"Demi, last night someone tried ot kill me."