Here We Go Again

Chapter 3

I sat in bed that night. I was just staring at the wall. I couldn't sleep.

I didn't want to sleep.
I was scared. Even withthe feeling that Gabriel was protecting me, he said someone was out to kill me. And who wouldn't be scared by that?

I laid back, now staring at the ceiling.

My phone rang.
"Jello?" i asked. Yeah i say jello instead of hello.
"Hello Kayla."
"Gabriel?" i asked.
The man laughed.
"Yes." he replied.
"Uh, Hi?" i said, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
"You sound scared." he said.
"I am scared." i replied.
"Well at least you admit it. Most won't."
I nodded. Then i realized he couldn't see that. "yeah. Then again most people aren't very talkative when they're with a murderer."

He laughed.
I giggled a bit myself for some reason.
"So you live alone?" he asked.
"How would you know?" i asked.
"Just a guess."
"Ah." there was silence.

I guess he didn't have anything to say. Neither did I.
The silence wasn't awkward though. Then the house phone rang.
Remembering that i had no parents and i wasn't even supposed to live here alone i had to answer the phone.

"Someones calling my house." i told Gabriel.
"Answer. I'll call back." he said.

I closed my cell and answered the home phone.
"Oh god. You're okay." Demi said relieved.
"why wouldn't i be okay." i asked a little high pitched.
There was no way i was telling her that the killer had just called me. Not after what happened earlier with the fainting.

"I don't know." demi said.
I heard laughter in the back ground.
"What's up over there?" i asked here.
"Halo just beat Nick at Super Mario." Demi explained.

Right. Of course.

"Hang up." a voice behind me whispered.
"Demi i gotta go now." i said, then hung up the phone. I didn't turn around.

I didn't recognize that voice.

I felt something thin and cold being placed on the back of my neck. Then a hand reached around so that the blade was positioned on the front part of my neck.

I started hyperventilating. How could i not.
I knew this wasn't Gabriel.

"Get ready to die." said the man, then i felt the blade move across my throat just as the front door banged open.

Everyhting went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
ooh they finally meet