Here We Go Again

Chapter 4

"Kayla!" a voice called urgently to me.
"Damn it!" the voice cussed.

My eyes fluttered open to see an emo boy leaning over me.
"you're alive." he said.

I nodded stiffly.
"Great. Good. I knew that."
"Gabriel?" i asked.
he turned to me. "What?"

"what happened?"
"Well, the guy tried to murder you by slitting your throat, but his knife was dull and all it reachh did was scratch you, but you passed out form the fear of being killed. Then he ran away when i cam ein, cause he knows who i am just like you do and then you woke up."

"you're really nice for a murderer." I told him.
He smirked. "Not really."
"But you came here to save me. Sorta." i pointed out.
"I only came because if anyone is going to kill you it's going to be me." He said coldly.
I gulped. "okay."

Just then i heard Demi rush through the door calling my name.
"Crap." Gabriel said.

Demi came up the steps and saw him, then me lying on the ground with a red mark on my neck.

"I knew it. I knew you weren't a good guy. She did, but look, you tried to kill her." demi yelled.
"You thought i was good?" Gabriel smirked.

"I just didn't think you were a big problem that's all." I mumbled.

He laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet a little to close to him for comfort. Actually my body was pressed against his when he pulled me up.

He let go of my head, and climbed out the nearest window.
"I'll be back." he said.

I stood there in shock.
I had just met Gabriel.
He was nice and cute, and i did not just call him cute.

He was a nice murderer.
Who wanted to kill me.
"Well." Demi said. "I think he likes you."

"what?" i asked turning to her. "you were just acusing him of trying to kill me."
"Yeah, until he laughed and helped you up. I can't believe he's a killer. He's way to nice looking."

I rolled my eyes. "Demi, a nice body does not make you a nice person."
"But you admit he's cute."
Demi laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door and onto the sidewalk.

I was now officially paranoid. I kept looking around for the guy who tried to kill me.
Demi laughed and led me to her house.