Here We Go Again

Chapter 7

I knocked on Halo's door. She opened it with a smile, then noticed Gabriel in the car, recognized him and her smile faded.
"What's up?" she asked pulling me into her house.
"The murderer, Not gabriel!" i rushed before she could acuse Gabriel. "He's comingto my house tonight...why tonight? I don't know, but i need to be safe. So Gabriel is going to take me someplace safe."

"How is being with a murderer going to make you safe?" Halo asked narrowing her eyes at me.
"Demi didn't want me to leave either." i said looking at the floor as i walked down Halo's front hall and into her living room where all of my stuff was.
Nick was on her couch texting someone.

"Hey." he smiled at me as Halo glared at my back. I gathered my stuff and then walked back into Halo's frint hall a confused Nick and a even more angry Halo following.

"What's going on?" Nick asked.
"She's leaving." Halo snarled. "With Gabriel."

"Why?" Nick asked worriedly.
"The bad guy wants to kill me so i'm staying with Gabriel someplace safe." i told him quietly.

Nick blinked. "Okay."
"Okay?" Halo and i asked together, though Halo was mad and i was shocked.
"Okay. If that's what keeps you safe than okay. I'd rather not be able to see you than to have you dead." he nodded.
I smiled, then Halo gasped and her thinking face came one.

"What if...Gabriel stays here and protects kayla?" she smiled.

I hadn't thought of it that way... that might work....but Gabriel would have to change his appearance...

I ran outside and dropped my things on the front porch, just in case Gabriel said no, tehn ran to his car.

He rolled down his window.

"You need to change how you look." i told him.
"Why?" he asked.
"You and I are staying here. Me living here as i usually do and you being the new transfer student at school while protecting me from harm." i giggled at the thought.

Gabriel stared at me.
"So? What do you think?" i asked him smiling.
He thought on it then climbed out of his car.
For the first time i realized how much taller than me he was. At least half a foot.

I smiled as he said... "sure why not. But only if the threat doesn't get worse."

I ran inside to tell Halo and Nick the good news.


i would take chances, but not many. If it got danerous here, KAyla and i were leaving.

Normally i wouldn't protect someone, especially not a girl like Kayla but for some reason i was a bit protective of her....
As i walked into her friends house what i saw shocked me...disgusted me...made my blood boil.
♠ ♠ ♠
heh heh