Here We Go Again

chapter 8

Gabriel...i had recognized him from the moment that he had pulled into Halo's driveway.
I had seen the way that he looked at Kayla and recognized it as love....yes i was sure of it...wether gabriel knew it or not he was in love with Kayla. And i couldn't have that. Kayla is mine.She is and always will be mine.

So naturally i came up with a plan. A plan that would make Kayla grow to hate Gabriel and vice versa instead of letting them become friends.
After all, i didn't want to kill Kayla. Those notes were empty threats. However if KAyla fell in love with Gabriel, or anyone but me... i would kill her.

I had skipped inside to tell Halo and NIck the good news. Gabriel would follow me in in a while i guess.
"I can stay!" I smiled at them jumping up ad down.
Halo let out a loud "WHOO HOO!"
But what Nick did....well it took me off guard.
Just as Gabriel walked in the door Nick pulled me into a kiss. On the lips.

I freaked out. I mean i liked kissing him and all but the crush i had had on him had faded quite a while ago... i liked Gabriel now.

NIck had kissed Kayla. How did i know it was Nick kissing Kayla? Easy...Nick and i are rivals...always have been and probably always will be. I didn't need to watch NIck kiss Kayla so i walked up to Halo.

She looked at me. I think she was trying to read my posture or something.

She smiled at me then walked over and pulled Nick off Kayla who was in a state of shock yet smiling.I hated that she was smiling. The strange thing was that the fact that she was kissing Nick didn't bother me, it was the fact that she was kissing someone at all. The fact that Nick was kissing her was just a bonus reason to want to kill him.
Actually i would want to kill anyone who was kissing Kayla.... but why?
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lots of POV switching there. Sorry if it's a bit unclear...filler this be.