The World Awaits Your Smile


Closing the last suitcase, Holly picked it up, carrying it down the stairs and into the hall way. Blowing her bangs out of her face, Holly placed both of her hands on her hips and let a grin adorn her face.

"I can tell you're excited." Justin smiled, leaning against the living room door frame.

"Of course I am; I get to spend Christmas with my boyfriend and friends. What could be better than that?" she smiled.

"You're driving down to Arizona, aren't you?"

Holly nodded, "Yep! John's said that Adam can tag along, as well. So, road trip!" she grinned, "Are you flying down at a later date, as you planned?"

"Yeah, on the 23rd." he replied, smiling. Holly nodded, picking up a couple of bags,

"Help me with these, they're heavy." she instructed, as Justin rolled his eyes, laughing lightly at his cousin's demanding ways. The pair of them walked out to the car, putting the bags into the boot, repeating their actions with the second lot, closing the boot once they were in there.

Looking back at the house, they noticed the presence of Holly's 15 year old brother, Adam, walking towards them both. "Mom and dad are packing sandwiches and crap for the road," he said, pulling on the straps of his backpack. "See you later, Justin." With that, Adam climbed into the back of the car and turned on his iPod, letting his music overcome him.

"He has the nicest goodbyes," Holly chuckled, glancing back at her brother.

"I know," Justin sighed, "It really pulled at my heartstrings." he exclaimed, holding his hand over his heart.

Holly laughed and nudged his shoulder, "Nerd," she teased, "A nerd I'm going to miss, nonetheless." Holly smiled and wrapped her arms around her cousin's waist; Justin soon returning the hug.

"You'll see me in a week, stop getting so mushy."

"Yeah, Holls," her dad began, scaring Holly as she didn't notice him stood there, "Stop getting so mushy." he mocked, sending a grin her way. "Come on, we've got to get going if we're going to get to Arizona. We'll see you soon, Justin; stay out of trouble." Mark smiled, wrapping his nephew in a familiar hug.

After her dad said his goodbyes, Holly embraced Justin once more. A bang interrupted their hug as they saw Holly's mother locking the front door of their house, with a bag over her shoulder.

"Need any help, mom?" Holly called out, gaining the attention of her mom.

"No, sweetie," she smiled, "I have everything under control." Karen said, putting the bags of food on the floor of the passenger seat. "Bye, Justin. Tell your mother I said hi, okay?" After receiving a reply off of Justin, Holly's mom climbed into the car.

"They're just waiting for you, Holls." Justin pointed out, nudging her closer to the door of the car.

Holly laughed, "I know. I'm just taking in my surroundings. I'll miss you, California." she sighed, looking around her street.

"Just go, before you change your mind. John's waiting for you." Hearing John's name mentioned, a grin made itself present on Holly's face. "Go," Justin laughed, "Have a safe ride, okay?" Justin said, waving one last time as Holly climbed into back seat of the car as her father started up the engine, starting the long drive to Arizona.
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First chapters are always the hardest to write and the boring ones. Things shall start picking up soon enough. :)