The World Awaits Your Smile


A loud banging noise interrupted Eric's, Justin's and Nick's conversation as they looked towards Eric's front door.

"I guess I'll answer it, then?" Halvo said, getting up from the couch.

"No! It could be a serial killer..." Nick trailed off, staring at the door.

Justin raised his eyebrow, "Do you really think they'd knock?" he asked, "Some just break in and kill everybody in the house."

"You're really making this situation lighter." Halvo mumbled, not being heard as Nick and Justin were in a heated debate.

"Have you not seen some horror movies?" Nick asked, "They just knock, man! No lie."

"They're films, dude. Anything can happen in a film."

Eric ignored the two and answered his front door, a frown pulling at his lips when he saw who was stood in front of him.

"Holly, what are you doing here?" he asked, pulling her into a hug as the tears fell down her cheeks. Holly hugged him back, burying her face into his chest,

"John." was all she mumbled, as Eric stepped aside, letting her in the house.

Halvo sighed as he followed her into the front lounge, "What's he done now?" he asked, as Holly's cousin comforted her.

"Well.. we were having a movie night, for Cody - videos from parties, random days, etcetera - you know?" Holly started, before being cut off by Nick.

"And you didn't invite us?" he asked, trying to act offended.

She shook her head, "Just, shut up." she simply said. "Anyway, so we had watched a few videos before one.. certain one came on," she scowled, remembering what had happened.

"What was it?" Justin asked, rubbing her back softly.

Holly let out a deep breath, to try and contain her tears. "A sex tape," she informed them, "With Cody." she finished. All three of them bared shocked expressions on their faces,

"Dirty bastard!" Nick exclaimed. Holly ignored Nick's comment,

"I've never felt more humiliated in my life." she said. Justin rubbed her back,

"I'm not taking sides with anyone here, but I'm pretty sure John and Cody would have felt just as humiliated as you did." he said, quietly.

"Yeah, Holls," Nick agreed, "I'm sure they didn't want anyone to see that. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything."

"That's what John said." she mumbled. "Eric, can I stay here?" Holly asked.

Halvo pursed his lips, "Don't you think it would be better to go back and talk to John?"

"John and I just argue, at the moment, anyway. It would be no use." Holly answered, shaking her head.

"Couples argue all the time. It's no big deal." Justin waved off.

"Pat and I barely argued, though. It's just.. weird." Holly replied, wrinkling her nose.

Nick let out a laugh, "Who could argue with Pat, though? He has that puppy dog face that you could never get angry at." The other three teens raised their brows at him, "Shut up." he said, pouting.

"Whatever man, you said it." Halvo teased.

Nick sighed, "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, what should we do, now? Watch a film?" he suggested. However, the look Holly was sending him wasn't very pleasant. "Okay, now's not the right time..." he replied, lowering his gaze to the floor. After a few moments of awkward silence, the sound of a phone ringing erupted around the room. Justin dug in his pocket to get out his phone, excusing himself and walking into the kitchen to take the call.

"Hey, man. What's up?" Justin asked.

"Have you heard anything off of Holly?" John asked, on the other end of the phone. "We're worried." he finished, biting his lip.

"Don't worry," Justin began, lowering his voice, "She's here, she's safe."

John let out a loud sigh, "Thank God." he said, sounding relieved. After a few moments of silence, he spoke up again, "Did she.. say anything, about why she left?"

Justin smirked, "Oh, yeah. We heard about it."

John groaned, "Great. Anyway, is it alright if I come around, in a bit?" he asked, "I don't want her to be mad at me, anymore." he whispered.

"Yeah, I think you two need to talk, without any arguments this time." Justin said. John nodded to himself,

"That sounds like a good idea. I'll see you later then." he said, as Justin said his goodbyes, hanging up the phone.

Justin walked back into the living room to be met by three pairs of eyes staring at him. Holly smiled slightly,

"Who was that?" she asked. Justin rolled his eyes,

"Nosy." he said, smirking. Holly frowned at him, and he sighed, debating whether to tell her the truth or not. He decided against it, knowing Holly's ways. "It was my mom." he replied. Holly nodded,

"What did she want?" she pushed.

Justin paused for a moment, trying to think of a good enough answer, "She wanted to know how you were holding up, how things were going down here. You know, just small chit-chat." he smiled, lightly, regretting having to lie to his cousin. Holly nodded,

"Cool." she replied, eying him suspiciously. Holly rubbed the back of her neck, "Is it okay if I use your shower?" she asked, directing her question to Eric. He nodded, smiling,

"Sure. You know where the bathroom is, right?" he asked. Holly nodded, thanking him and taking herself off up to the bathroom.

After showering, Holly silently cursed to herself, as she realized she had no clothes at Eric's house. Hoping he wouldn't mind, Holly entered Eric's bedroom and grabbed some random clothes before changing. She shoved the towel she had used in his laundry bin and trudged downstairs, raking her fingers through her wet hair.

"Eric, I had no other clothes, so I changed into some of yours, is that okay?" she called out, walking into the living room. She stopped in her tracks as she noticed there was one more person in the room than there was before she'd left. She groaned, before making eye contact with John, looking away quickly. She turned to look at Justin, frowning at him,

"I knew you weren't on the phone to your mom." she said, glaring at her cousin. He held a guilty expression on his face,

"Sorry, but I knew you'd flip out if I told you who I was on the phone with..." he replied, in an apologetic tone.

"Too right I would have." She sighed, before looking at John. "What are you actually doing here, John?" she asked.

"I hate you being mad at me." he said, "I can't stand it. I feel like I should be the one making you happy all the time, like you deserve, and I keep screwing that up."

"I think we're just going to leave the room..." Nick trailed off, before motioning to Eric and Justin to go elsewhere.

Holly sat down on the couch and looked at John, a sympathetic expression adorning her face. "You don't screw up, John," she stated, softly. "I just make things worse by getting angry all the time, or getting upset all the time. I wish I didn't, I don't want to. I just can't help it." she said, her voice wobbling and tears welling up in her eyes.

John soon took a seat next to her and held her in a comforting embrace, "Hey, don't go crying. There's no need for any tears," he said, stroking her hair, that was now drying. "You can't help your emotions, sweetheart - especially at a time, like this."

"I just don't want to lose you, John." she sniffed.

"You are not going to lose me," he said, confidently, "I promise you." Holly nodded and hugged John's body closer to hers. "Are you coming back to mine, tonight?" he asked, kissing the top of her head.

Holly shook her head, "I'm already changed and comfy. I think I'll just sleep here. If Halvo doesn't mind, that is. Stay with me?" she whispered.

"Of course," John smiled, in response, "I just hope my house isn't going to be a pile of rubble and ash tomorrow, because of Pat." he joked. Holly laughed,

"If we hear any sirens, you can call home." she said.

John let out a soft chuckle and kissed Holly's lips. The three other boys walked in the room and smiled at the sight.

"I see you two have made up, then?" Justin grinned.

Holly nodded and sent a grin back, "Yep!" she said, hugging John's waist. "However, I'm still sleepy, so I'm going to go and sleep in your guest room, Eric." she smiled at Halvo. "Night, boys. Goodnight, boo." she said, kissing John one last time and waving to everyone else.

Once Holly was out of ear shot, Eric spoke up, "Dude.. I can't believe you still have the tape of you and Cody." he laughed.

Nick and Justin raised their brows at him, "You knew?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," he nodded, "Best friends share these kinda things..." he shrugged.

"Right." Justin replied, smirking.

However, Nick replied with something different. "When did it happen?" he asked, seeming intrigued.

John pulled a face at him, "What the fuck, man? I've just made up with my girlfriend and you're asking about something that happened with my ex. Not cool."

"I was just asking," Nick defended, "You were with Cody for such a long time.. I was just wondering." he mumbled, "And Halvo knows!" he exclaimed.

John shook his head, "That was different. That was when I was in love with Cody, when that was something special."

"And now it's not?" Nick questioned. Eric scowled at Nick,

"Nick, shut the fuck up with the questions." he said. Nick held up his hands, apologizing. Seeing the look on Nick's face, John sighed.

"You're dying to say something, aren't you?" John asked. Nick shrugged his shoulders,

"I'm just wondering about the whole Cody and Jack moving in together situation and how you're taking it."

John shrugged his shoulders, "It's got nothing to do with me," he said, "If they're happy, then I'm happy."

"That's what everyone says." Nick laughed, "You're really okay, with it?" he asked.

"Yes, Nick! I love Holly, okay? I can't wait to carry on my life with her. She makes me happy and she keeps me in line. I love her." John sincerely said.

Nick stayed quiet, whilst Justin spoke up, "Well, I'm glad you're happy with her," Justin suddenly adorned a serious expression, "But Adam's not here anymore to kick your ass, so if you hurt her, I'll do it." he said, a small smirk pulling at his lips. John nodded, laughing,

"Fair do's." he replied, "Let's just hope I won't do anything wrong, anymore, to get my ass kicked."
♠ ♠ ♠
I've had South Park on the go all weekend. So funny.
Also, I'm so tired. So, goodnight all.