The World Awaits Your Smile


Standing by the terminal, Holly held her death grip on Cody as she sobbed into her best friend's shoulder. Garrett and John tried to pry her off of Cody; however, they were unsuccessful.

"You can't go." Holly sobbed, "I need you, right now. You can't." she said, shaking her head, hiding her face more into the crook of Cody's neck.

Cody sighed and patted Holly's back gently, "You already knew I was going, Holls." she said, just above a whisper. "I have to."

"No!" Holly whimpered, hugging Cody tighter.

John sighed and placed his hand on Holly's arm, "Holly.. Cody's plane will be setting off, soon. She has to go, sweetheart. She'll come back, don't worry. This isn't her last goodbye." he softly said, making Holly's grip loosen.

Holly rested her hands on Cody's shoulders, "You promise you'll come back?" she sniffed.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Cody promised, wiping away a few stray tears that were rolling down Holly's cheeks.

"I want to say my goodbye's." Garrett whined, standing next to both of the girls, adorning a pout.

Holly smiled lightly and stepped back into John's arms, letting him comfort her as Garrett wrapped his arms around Cody in a friendly hug.

"You'll be missed, CJ." Garrett said, using Cody's old nickname. She smiled slightly and pulled him into another hug.

"So will you." she replied, her face hidden in Garrett's suit.

He sighed and pulled away from her, "Arizona won't be the same, you know." he forced a chuckle. "We won't be able to go and raid Target, whenever, now."

Cody let out a laugh, "Don't worry," she began, "When I come back, there shall be many trips there. I promise." she grinned, letting them embrace for another time.

When Garrett and Cody pulled away, John stepped in and smiled softly at Cody. "You're growing up." he stated, "Remember when you told your parents, and myself, that you would never move?" he chuckled, "Now look at you. It's nice to see you being so happy and doing well with your life, Cody. I just wish you the best of luck in everything."

"You're making me want to cry, John." she said, "I promised myself I wasn't going to cry when I was saying goodbye." Cody's voice cracked towards of her sentence and the tears began to well up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," he quietly chuckled, "I just hope you know I mean it." he said. Cody nodded in response and pulled John into a tight hug, letting her tears stain his suit jacket.

"Flight 629, now boarding to Baltimore, Maryland."

Cody pulled away and wiped at her eyes, "Fuck." she sniffed, "I'll see you guys soon, okay?"

Garrett nodded and squeezed her hand one last time, "Yeah." he smiled, "Now, go. Don't keep Jack waiting." Cody smiled in response and turned to Holly.

"I love you, Richards." she smiled.

Holly nodded, "I love you, Jacobs." she replied, "And as much as I hate to say this, go. You don't want to miss your plane."

With that, Cody said her last quick goodbye's before leaving to board her plane. Her three friends watched on with sad eyes and glum expressions, adorning their faces.

"Come on," John started, "We have a plane back to Arizona to catch."

John, Garrett and Holly made their way to their terminal, walking slowly as they didn't have to catch their plane for another hour and a half. John's hand soon slipped into Holly's and squeezed it lightly for the support she was most in need of. As the three walked along, Garrett spoke up.

"Aw, aren't you going to hold my hand?" he asked, with a smirk, directing his question towards John.

John sighed and shook his head, "Shut the fuck up, Garrett." He did as told and continued walking along side the couple, keeping his head bowed down and shuffling his feet along. John looked down at his girlfriend and nudged her arm, "You're quiet. What's wrong?" he asked.

"What do you think is wrong?" Holly asked, no emotion present in her voice. "My mother and brother have just been put into the ground. My father and I haven't had a civilized conversation since the crash. My best friend has just left for Maryland, when I need her most. Do you really want to ask that question, right now?" she said, narrowing her eyes at John. John held a shocked expression on his face for a few moments, not expecting Holly to snap at him like that. But his expression soon changed back to the solemn look it held before, as he squeezed Holly's hand tighter,

"I'm sorry, that was a stupid question." he whispered, returning his gaze to the floor. After a few moments, he sighed, looking at Holly again, "I hate seeing you sad." he said. Holly shrugged,

"Get used to it, you'll see me like this a lot from now on." she replied, bluntly.

"I have an idea how to cheer you up," Garrett said, as Holly and John both turned to look at him. Garrett put up both of his hands, "Wait for it... Wait for it..." he smirked, "Aliens."

Holly smirked, hitting Garrett's arm playfully, "You're a retard," she said, "But thank you. That did cheer me up a little." she added, smiling at Garrett, who simply grinned back. John laughed, looking between Holly and Garrett, a confused expression adorning his face,

"What the actual fuck are you two on?" he asked, frowning playfully at the pair. Holly shrugged, smirking,

"Glass," she said, "Want some?" she asked, still smirking. John shook his head, laughing,

"I am beginning to think you're bipolar, missus." he said. Holly shook her head,

"No, it's just a little thing called the menstrual cycle." she replied, shrugging. Garrett and John both looked at each other, cringing and pulling faces. Holly laughed, "I'm sorry, am I not allowed to talk about that around you two?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. John and Garrett both shook their heads, responding with a 'no' almost simultaneously. Holly let out a small laugh, "Well, you wouldn't be here without it."

"We wouldn't be here without sex, either." Garrett replied, smiling. "Speaking of which, I wonder if Jack's going to put those condoms to use and get down to business, with Cody."

Holly cringed, "Oh, so it's not okay for me to talk about periods, but it's okay for you to put images of my best friend and her boyfriend having sex in my head? Thanks, Garrett." she sarcastically said.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, we just watched this Derren Brown programme. "How to Control the Nation".
He was popping up subliminal messages all throughout the show and at the end, you maybe would have got stuck to your seat.
Before we tried it, we were shitting ourselves. We even phoned each other, in case we got stuck, hahah.
It failed. Derren Brown fails.

Also! There's a reference to the children's movie, "Bolt" in this chapter. We love that film. :)