The World Awaits Your Smile


The flight ran smoothly, taking just over an hour and a half; an hour and a half which was filled with mainly laughter, as John and Garrett spent a majority of the flight bickering, much to Holly's amusement.

Following behind everyone leaving the plane, Garrett jumped down from the steps and pumped his fists in the air. "It's so good to be home!" he cheered, causing people around to stop and look at him.

"You're making people stare," John said, walking up to him with Holly. "Can't you act normal, until we get home?" he asked.

Garrett grinned, "No." he replied, cheekily.

Holly sighed and pulled on John's hand, "Can we go and get a coffee or something, please? I'm in need of a hot drink." she said, walking off to enter the airport.

The two boys followed her into the airport and soon caught up to her, entering the small Starbucks that was in the center of the all the confectionery stands. Holly turned to John,

"You and Gare go sit at a table. Do you want anything?" she asked.

John shook his head and smiled, "No, I'm good. Thank you, though."

Holly nodded her head in reply and turned to Garrett, "How about you?"

"I'm good, too, thank you." Garrett replied, sending a soft smile Holly's way.

"Okay. I'll be quick, promise." Holly said, walking off to join the line at the counter.

Garrett snickered and John stared at him, "What? Why are you laughing?" he asked.

"No reason." Garrett said, shaking his head.

John let out a frustrated sigh, "You were going to say 'that's what she said' after Holly said that, weren't you?" he guessed.

However, before Garrett could reply, the two boys - and most people in Starbucks - heard a squealing noise coming from the other side of the room. John and Garrett looked over to see three teenage girls grinning, as they made their way over to the boys.

"Hi!" they said, in unison, as they reached the table.

John let out a quiet chuckle, "Hey. How are you guys?" he asked, adorning a friendly smile.

"Good," one of the girls giggled, "How are you both?" she asked, looking between John and Garrett, a giddy smiling sitting on her lips.

"We're doing okay, thank you." Garrett replied, smiling.

"Good!" another girl answered, "We were just wondering if we could get pictures and autographs, if you don't mind?"

"Of course we don't mind." John smiled, standing up. However, he didn't notice Holly stood behind him, so he nudged into her. "Oh, sorry, sweetheart."

Holly smiled lightly, "I'm ready, now." she said, barely audible.

"We haven't got our pictures, yet." one of the girls sniped at Holly. "You're not going yet, are you, John?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

John held back his laughter, "Not yet, if you want pictures." he replied. John's eyes glanced back to Holly and saw tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh, beautiful." he cooed, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Don't cry." he whispered.

"I want to go, John. I want to be in the comfort of your home, wrapped safely in your arms." she whispered, balling his shirt into her fists.

John nodded his head, "Okay, doll face." he said, softly, kissing her forehead briefly. John soon had his attention on the three teenage girls, "Sorry, girls. Garrett and I unfortunately have to leave. Hopefully we'll see you in the new year, when we tour?" he smiled.

"Yeah, definitely!" the girls grinned.

After that, they all said their goodbye's - apart from Holly, who was left standing awkwardly beside them - and left Starbucks.

"I like how they were watching you being all lovey dovey, with Holly." Garrett laughed.

John shrugged, "Holly's my girlfriend," he began, squeezing her hand gently. "If it bothers them, then I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do. They'll get over it, eventually." he finished. Garrett nodded,

"That's true." he replied.

The three teenagers walked out of the airport, searching for Garrett's car which had been left in the airport car park. Once finding the car, they all climbed into the car, Holly and John sitting in the back of the car as Garrett got in the drivers seat, staring the engine and setting off in the direction of their houses. The car ride was silent for a while, until John decided to make conversation,

"My mom and dad are back home today, by the way," he said, directing his statement more to Holly, who nodded, smiling. "They might be back by the time we get there, or it might be later. They didn't give me specifics." he said, laughing lightly.

"That's fine," Holly nodded, "It'll be good to see them, again." she smiled, softly.

John smiled back at her, "They've missed you." he told her, rubbing circles into the back of her hand with his thumb.

Soon after, Garrett was pulling up outside the O'Callaghan residence. He rolled down his window, "See you guys later, okay?" he called after the couple, as John opened his front door. Before stepping inside the house, Holly and John both waved goodbye to Garrett, until he was out of sight.

Holly sighed as she walked through the hallway into John's living room. "Today's been a long day." she stated, flopping onto the couch and curling into a ball, ready for sleep.

"You're not going to go to bed without saying hello to us first, are you?" The female voice interrupted Holly's thoughts, making her open her eyes and come face to face with her.

"Of course not." Holly said, standing up. "Hi, Jennifer." she greeted John's mom, embracing her in a warm hug.

"Are you feeling okay, sweetie?" Jennifer asked, "Do you want me to make you some food, or get you a drink?"

"Mom." John groaned, leaning against the wall.

"Do not groan at me, John Cornelius. I am only asking if she would like anything. There is no need for the tone." With that, John's mom exited the living room and Holly narrowed her eyes at John.

"You're a douche, sometimes." she said, bluntly. John put up a hand,

"She was fussing! She knows you don't like people fussing." he mumbled. Holly rolled her eyes, ignoring his comment,

"I'm going to go and say hi to your dad, and then go for a nap," she said, walking towards the kitchen, "Are you gonna come nap with me?" she asked, smiling. John nodded, taking off his suit jacket and hanging it up on a coat hanger that was hanging on the curtain rail. Holly walked into the kitchen, smiling at John's parents, who were sat at the dining table, talking. John's dad stood up, smiling at Holly, before embracing her in a tight hug. Holly laughed lightly, hugging him back,

"Hey, John." she said, stepping back and smiling at him.

"Hello, Holly." he replied, returning the smile. "Are you joining me for some horse racing, later?" he asked.

"No can do." John interrupted, walking into the kitchen. "It's nap time." he grinned, tugging on Holly's wrist as he lead her towards the stairs.

Holly looked back at John's dad and shrugged, "Apparently not." she called out, "Maybe next time?" John's dad smiled in response and nodded his head.

"You're a pain in my butt today, O'Callaghan." Holly stated.

John chuckled, "Why?" he asked.

"You just interrupt your parents and my conversations as you please. Do you know how annoying that is?" she asked.

"I'm sorry," John apologized, his back facing his bedroom door. "I'm just really looking forward to this nap." he grinned, pushing his door open, with his back, and pulling Holly in with him. Holly closed the door behind her, walking over to her suitcase, pulling out some pajamas and walking towards the door of the en suite. John laughed, causing Holly to turn and look at him, frowning.

"What?" she asked.

"The fact you're leaving the room to get changed," he said, "It'd be nothing I haven't seen before." he added, smirking. Holly frowned, sticking out her tongue and flipping him off, before walking into the en suite and locking the door behind her. She shed herself of her clothes, putting on the pajamas she had under her arm, unlocking the door and walking into the bedroom again. "Look at that," John started, "We've just lost precious nap time because you decided to go in the bathroom to change."

"You know what?" Holly said, climbing into his bed. "Shut the fuck up." she snapped, pulling the quilt up to her chin and turning over so that her back was facing John.

A few seconds later, Holly felt John's arm slip around her waist. "I'm sorry." he said, "As you said, I'm a douche. I didn't mean it. Please don't go to sleep mad at me." he whispered, placing a small kiss underneath Holly's ear. Holly huffed,

"I'm not. Go to sleep." she said. John sighed, burying his face in the crook of her neck,

"Fibber. You're still mad at me, aren't you?" he asked. Holly turned around, coming face to face with John, before kissing him lightly on the lips,

"No, I'm not. Now, shut up, you're wasting precious nap time with your waffling." she said, smirking at him. He smiled back, wrapping both of his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him, as she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes, the sound of his heartbeat lulling her to sleep.
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It's Becky's birthday on Fridayyyyy! :) We're going to watch Ice Age 3, hahah.
Also, we're seeing All Time Low in nine days. Woooo!