The World Awaits Your Smile


| Two months later |

"I'm so glad you're here!" Holly exclaimed, engulfing her best friend in a tight hug. Cody let out a chuckle as she hugged Holly back with just as much force. "And look!" Holly grinned, pulling away. "No more cast." she said, smiling, holding her arm up so Cody could see.

"Don't I get a 'hello', now?" Jack teased, from beside Cody.

"Hello, Jack." Holly smiling, wrapping her arms around his thin waist. "Anyway, we have to go." she said, letting go of the lanky boy. "John's waiting, in the car." Holly informed them, leading them towards the exit.

Cody furrowed her eyebrows, "Why didn't he come in?" she asked, a confused expression still present on her face.

"Apparently, it was too cold to just run in and run out. So, he stayed in his car with the heater on full blast." Holly said, shaking her head. Jack shook his head,

"Wuss." he said, snickering after he'd said it.

Cody slapped his chest, "Shut up. You screamed when there was a spider in the bath, for Christ's sake." she said, with a small smirk.

"I don't blame him!" Holly exclaimed, "They're scary fuckers."

Cody let out a small laugh, then sighed, "You two are pathetic. They can't hurt you."

"What about the poisonous ones?" Jack questioned, with wide eyes. "They can kill you."

"You know what?" Cody started, "I am not having this conversation with either of you two." she said, noticing John's car and walking towards it. Reaching the window of the car, Cody noticed John was looking down at the paper on his lap; a smirk crept it's way onto her face as she tapped loudly on the window, causing John to shoot his head up quickly, a shocked expression on his face. That expression soon faded, as a smile spread across his face and he unlocked the doors of the car.

The three teens climbed into John's car, after throwing Jack and Cody's suitcases into the boot, as the previous conversations about spiders started up again. "They have eight legs, it's not normal!" Holly shuddered.

"I know, and they have loads of eyes, too!" Jack replied, as he also shuddered.

John looked between the two with his eyebrows furrowed, "What the fuck are you two going on about?" he asked.

"Spiders." Holly said, simply.

John shook his head and let out a quiet laugh, as he started the engine. "So," Cody spoke up, "Why did you have the doors locked, John?" she asked, smirking slightly.

"Have you seen the people around here?" he retorted, "They look like murderers. I, for one, would not like to be murdered. Therefore, I locked the doors."

"As I said before, wuss." Jack said, grinning. John frowned,

"Oh, you've been talking about me when I wasn't there to defend myself, have you?" he asked, looking in his rear-view mirror at Jack. Jack nodded, "Why am I a wuss, then?" John questioned.

"Because you were too pussy to get out of the car because 'it was too cold'." Holly replied, rolling her eyes at him. He raised an eyebrow at her,

"Says you, who had to wear about 50 layers to come out of the house in, and then still insisted on stealing my hoodie as well, to get out of the car with!" he retaliated. Holly didn't say anything, but simply stuck up her middle finger at him. Cody laughed,

"Now, now, children. Stop fighting." she said, trying to keep her serious tone.

"We're not fighting." John and Holly both said, at the same time.

Jack laughed, "Wow, synchronized. Nice." he nodded, still laughing slightly.

"Shut up." Holly and John both said in complete unison once again. They both looked at each other, laughing loudly. Jack frowned,

"That's just creepy." he said, still frowning at the pair.

The short drive back to John's was spent catching up on things they'd all done since they'd last seen each other, laughing and joking about some of the events. John pulled into his driveway, as the group got out of the car, heading towards the front door. John turned to face Jack,

"Hey, wanna play some basketball?" he asked, as Jack nodded eagerly in response. "Okay, we'll be in later, girls." John smiled, leading Jack around the back of his house.

Cody and Holly entered John's house, heading straight for the living room. "Hey, Ross." Cody smiled, plopping down on the couch next to him.

"Oh, God. You're back?" he joked, sending a smirk her way.

Cody nodded, "I sure am. Now, get out." she demanded, grinning. "We're going to be talking about girl stuff, and I'm sure you don't want to hear about all that stuff." Cody said, raising her eyebrow.

Ross groaned as he got off of the couch, "I don't see why you couldn't go and talk about that shit in John's room." he grumbled, leaving the room.

Holly opened her mouth to speak, but got cut off by Cody. "I need to confide in you." she stated, crossing her legs underneath her body.

"Okay?.." Holly raised an eyebrow.

Cody let out a quick sigh, "I think I'm pregnant." she said, biting her thumb nail.

Holly grinned, "Really?" she asked, "You could be having little Lebanese babies? That's so cute!" she said, as she clapped her hands together.

However, Cody held an unimpressed expression on her face. "That's not even funny, Holly." she said, frowning slightly.

"Sorry." Holly apologized, "Don't you want Jack's children, or something?" she asked.

Cody shrugged, "We've not talked about this kind of stuff. I don't know how to feel about this. I just know that if I am, I'm going to be shit scared." she said, as Holly wrapped her arm around her best friend.

"Don't worry. You'd be a terrific mother. How late is your period?" Holly asked.

Cody pondered for a moment, "Just over a week. Will you be there when I do a pregnancy test?" she whispered, hugging Holly.

"Of course." Holly replied. Cody nodded,

"Good." she said, "Now, I need to go and pee. I'll be back down, soon." she smiled, getting up and leaving the room.

Holly sat on the couch, clouded in her own thoughts, until she noticed the presence of John, sat next to her. "Hey," she laughed, lightly. "What's up?" she asked.

"Nothing." John replied, "But... I'm just going to get straight to the point here, is Cody pregnant?"

Holly raised her eyebrow at him, "Why do you want to know, Mr Detective?" she asked, a soft smirk gracing her lips. John shrugged,

"I'm curious. I heard you two talking..." he said, as Holly sat and raised an eyebrow,

"Creeper." she teased, smirking. John pouted,

"I wasn't creeping! I was going in the kitchen to get a drink, and I just overheard you two talking!" he defended. Holly laughed,

"Oh, someone's a little touchy today." she smirked, using a baby voice and prodding his arm, causing John to frown,

"You're in a wind up mood. I'm leaving." John said, standing up.

"Aw.. Did I upset the baby?" Holly asked, still using the same baby voice as she used before. However, John ignored her and left Holly laughing to herself as he exited the room, to join Jack out back, again.

"What did you say to John?" Cody asked, laughing, as she entered the living room and sat back down in her previous place.

Holly shrugged, "He's just too easy to wind up sometimes." Holly replied, smirking.

"You're cruel." Cody smirked. After some minutes had passed by, Jack hobbled into the living room, disturbing Cody and Holly from their conversation. "Oh, God," Cody began, making room on the couch for her boyfriend. "What happened?" she asked.

John soon followed in, laughing at the state Jack was in. Jack glared at John and pouted, "I fell over." he whined, making Holly laugh, too. "I got a boo-boo. Kiss it better?" he smiled, holding out his arm.

Cody smirked and left a trail of kisses on Jack's arm, "Better?" she asked, softly, brushing Jack's hair out of his eyes, with her fingers.

"Much." he replied, gently kissing her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's Becky's birthday today! :) I dunno if she's actually on the bus, to Manchester, or not... She should be. >:(
Anyway, it's really cold. I hate Autumn.