The World Awaits Your Smile


"Dude, there's nothing to do at your house." Garrett complained, flicking through the channels on the TV. John raised an eyebrow,

"Go home then." he said. Garrett shook his head,

"Nothing to do there either." he replied, shrugging.

Holly let out a small laugh, "You have a very boring life, Nickelsen." she stated, resting her head on John's shoulder.

Garrett groaned, "I know! What can we do? There must be something we can do."

"I'm kind of hungry. Wanna go to Denny's?" Eric asked, tapping a beat out onto his legs.

"No," Garrett replied, "That would involve moving. I'm too comfy to move." he said, a lazy smile adorning his face.

"There's not a lot you can do when you're too comfy to move." Jared stated, rolling his eyes.

Garrett flipped Jared off and turned to Holly, "Would you like to give me a foot massage?" he asked.

Holly cringed, "No!" she exclaimed, "That's disgusting, Garrett."

Garrett shrugged, "Why? My feet are clean." he said, lifting his feet off the floor. Holly made a face,

"I don't care if they're clean or not, I'm not touching your feet." she replied, still pulling a disgusted face at the thought of feet. Garrett pouted,

"Please?" he pushed. Holly glared at him, as John laughed lightly,

"Dude, she won't even go near my feet. You're wasting your time." John said, as Holly sat beside him, nodding her head. Garrett snickered,

"That's because your feet are disgusting." he said, smirking. He looked back at Holly, "Please?" he carried on. Holly picked up a magazine from the floor, rolling it up and hitting Garrett forcefully over the head with it, repeatedly. Garrett laughed, grabbing the magazine from her hand, unfolding it and looking at the cover, "I'll just read this then if you're gonna be like that." he said, flicking through the pages of the magazine. Holly sat back,

"Good." she huffed, resting her head on John's shoulder again.

After a few moments, Garrett spoke up, "Hey, look at this.. Apparently, 5.5 million people have sex, every hour. That's just fucking weird." he cringed.

John smirked, "Want to add to that statistic?" he whispered, in Holly's ear.

Holly raised her eyebrow, and stared at John for a moment, wondering if he was being serious or not. After she realized that he was in fact being serious, Holly matched John's smirk and nodded her head. She slipped her hand into John's and they both stood up. The other three boys turned their heads, looking at them both,

"We're, uh..." John paused, looking at Holly, who was holding back laughter, "Gonna go nap..." he finished, before Holly dragged him out of the room, laughing, before any of the others had time to respond. Eric made a face,

"I really don't think they're going for a nap..." he said, as Garrett and Jared both cringed.

Meanwhile, John pushed Holly against his bedroom wall and attached his lips to her neck, emitting a moan to come from the back of her throat. His lips slowly trailed up to her jaw, as he placed soft butterfly kisses on Holly's skin.

Holly pushed John off of her and smirked as she saw the confused expression etched onto his face. Slowly, but surely, she lowered herself until his crotch was in her face. Holly unzipped the zip on John's jeans, making him groan at how slow she was going.

"Jesus, John." she exclaimed, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Why the fuck do you wear such tight jeans?" she huffed, trying with all her might to pull down his jeans.

John let out a low chuckle, "Sorry." he smiled, pushing his jeans off of himself. "There," he said, "Don't ruin the mood, now." he huskily said, pushing Holly down onto his bed.

John climbed on top of Holly and reattached his lips to her neck, as his right hand massaged her left breast. Holly let out a low groan, bucking her hips into John's and tangling her hands into the mess of his brown locks. John's lips left Holly's neck as he swiftly pulled Holly's tank top off, throwing it onto his bedroom floor. His lips soon connected with Holly's chest, making her arch her back from the pleasure.

Soon after, both of their clothes were spread around John's bedroom floor; moans and groans filling the room. Holly's fingernails scraped down John's back as he pushed further inside of her.

"Fuck, John!" she moaned, leaning her head backwards.

"Cody!" John groaned, making Holly's body tense underneath him, for all the wrong reasons.

Holly slowly locked her eyes with John's and flared her nostrils, "Get out." she growled.

John gave her a confusing look, "This is my house..." he trailed off.

"No. Get out." she stressed, as John finally realized what she meant, rolling off of her. Holly wrapped the sheet around her naked body and got out of the bed, collecting her clothes off of the floor.

"Don't go." John whimpered, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout her name.."

"Bullshit." Holly snapped, quickly dressing herself. John jumped out of the bed, grabbing his boxers off of the floor, stumbling around as he quickly pulled them up his legs. Once dressed, Holly quickly bolted out of his bedroom and down the stairs, walking quickly into the living room to retrieve her purse.

"Holly, don't leave!" John pleaded, running into the living room after her.

Garrett, Jared and Eric all raised their eyebrows at the scene that was unfolding before them. "I told you they weren't going for a nap!" Eric exclaimed, grinning.

"What happened, man? Couldn't you find the hole?" Garrett snickered, high fiving Eric.

Holly glared at the boys, "Shut the fuck up." she growled, silencing the pair as soon as the words left her lips. She turned around and faced John, "And you, move the fuck out of the way." Holly snapped, shoving John into the living room wall.

The sound of the front door slamming echoed throughout the house as John slid down the wall and held his head in his hands.

"John?.." Eric cautiously said, "What happened?" he asked, shooting wary glances to Garrett and Jared.

"I need to get out of here." John said, ignoring his best friend's question and racing up the stairs to get dressed. Once he had, he sprinted down the stairs once more and ran out of his house, not bothering to say goodbye to his friends.

John only had one destination in mind, as his legs carried him down the familiar streets that lead to a very familiar house. Running up the front steps, John knocked loud enough on the door and waited for anyone to answer, all the while rocking back and forth on his heels. After a couple of seconds had passed, the door finally opened and John came face to face with a woman in around her 40's.

"Oh," she mumbled, "Hello, John." she smiled.

"Hi, Sandra." he smiled, at Cody's mom. "Is she in?" he asked, a cheeky grin adorning his face as Sandra knew who he was talking about.

"Yeah, she is. She's just in her room. Go straight up." Sandra said, letting John in the Jacobs residence.

John quickly thanked her and made his way up the stairs, rubbing his palms against his jean clad thighs. Making his way onto the landing, John found the door to Cody's room. Deciding not to knock, John opened Cody's bedroom door, taking a few steps into the room and suddenly cringing at the sight in front of him. As his presence was noticed, he covered his eyes with his hand, as Cody let out a small scream,

"What the fuck! Have you never heard of knocking?!" Cody yelled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm leaving!" John exclaimed, backing out of the door and slamming it shut behind him. John shuddered and paced the hallway outside Cody's room, trying to get the image of what he just saw out of his head.

Seconds later, Cody emerged from her bedroom; a white sheet wrapped around her naked body. Cody sighed, "Why the hell are you here, John?" she asked.

"I fucked up, again." he simply said, his eyes landing on his shoes.

She groaned, "What did you do, now?" she asked, in a bored tone.

John cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, "I shouted your name, whilst we were having sex." he whispered. Cody let out a gasp and soon enough, her hand connected with John's cheek. "Ow." he mumbled, "Okay, I deserved that." he said, rubbing the side of his face.

"Too right you fucking did." Cody snapped, "You've really blown it big time this time, haven't you?" she stated more than asked. John nodded,

"But I didn't mean to do it!" he protested. Cody shrugged,

"Try telling her that," she started, "It's not gonna be easy to make this one up to her, John. It'll be a surprise if you can make it up to her at all."

"Don't remind me." he groaned.

Before Cody could say anything more on the matter, her bedroom door opened and Jack appeared, only wearing boxers. "Come back to bed," he whined, pulling on the bed sheet; not noticing John stood in front of him. Cody tried to stifle her laugher as Jack finally noticed John awkwardly stood next to the couple. "Oh," Jack coughed, "Hey, man." he nodded.

John acknowledged Jack with a nod, averting his eyes somewhere else on the landing. "Jack, I'll be back inside, in a minute, okay?" Cody smiled.

"No, you won't be inside, I'll be inside." he grinned, childishly before closing Cody's bedroom door.

John cringed again, "Ew." he said, quietly. Cody turned back to look at John, before clearing her throat,

"Anyway..." she said, "Why did you feel the need to come tell me this?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. John shrugged,

"I thought you could maybe talk to her..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Cody sighed,

"John, you know there's nothing I can say or do that she's going to listen to more than anyone else," she said, her tone lighter than before, "This is something you yourself need to sort out. I'm sorry." she said, shrugging lightly at the end. John sighed, nodding,

"I know." he said, his voice low. He smiled at Cody, "Thanks anyway. I'll, uh... leave you two to it, then." he said, as Cody laughed awkwardly, bidding John goodbye, as he walked back down the stairs, seeing himself out of the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Becky stayed at my house all weekend. It was really lovely. :)

We are seeing All Time Low in two days. Can you say... stoked?