The World Awaits Your Smile

Twenty one.

A petite girl barged her way through John's front door, and marched into his living room, letting a grin adorn her face as her eyes landed on Holly. "Guess what?" she exclaimed, the grin never leaving her face.

Holly, and all the boys, raised their eyebrows at Cody. "What?" Holly asked, a confused expression etched onto her face.

"I got my period." Cody stated, clapping her hands together.

Holly matched Cody's grin and sat up from the couch, "You did?" she asked, grinning. "I'm so happy for you!" Holly said, pulling Cody into a hug.

Garrett cleared his throat, "Why do girls always feel the need to share this shit?" he asked, to the group of boys, who in turn shrugged their shoulders.

"To make boys like you feel awkward." Cody replied, smiling sweetly at Garrett.

John let out a laugh, "That was such an evil, fake smile. You can really tell she's on her period." he stated, a smirk lingering on his lips. Suddenly, a book smacked John in the chest, making him yelp in surprise - and pain. "Ow! What was that for?" he exclaimed, rubbing his chest to try and make the pain go away.

"Wuss, that didn't hurt. Grow a dick." Holly replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

John rolled his eyes, "What, are you on your period, too?" he questioned, "Does the baba need some Advil?" he asked, sarcasm lacing his words.

Holly glared at John, "I'll hit you with something harder than a book if you don't shut up." she replied. John raised an eyebrow,

"Definitely on your period." he said, rolling his eyes. Holly simply carried on glaring back at him, as the rest of the group stared at the pair as they argued.

"I'm not on my fucking period, you dick." Holly stated, standing up to her full 5'5" height; flaring her nostrils.

"Guys," Jared cut in, hoping to cease the growing arguement. However, he got cut off.

"Shut the fuck up, Jared." Holly demanded.

John also stood up, towering over his girlfriend slightly. "What the fuck is your problem?" he questioned.

"My problem? What's my problem?! You! That's what my problem is!" she retorted, pushing John's chest so he stumbled a little.

"What the fuck have I done?!" John yelled, throwing his hands up into the air. "It would help if you fucking gave me some answers, instead of being a mysterious bitch!" he finished. Holly scowled at John, but before either of them could say another word, Jared had stepped between them both, grabbing them by their ears and dragging them towards the kitchen. Both John and Holly shouted profound words at Jared, as he ignored them both, only letting go of them once they were fully in the kitchen. He frowned at them both, as them glared back at him, both of them holding one of their ears.

"What the fuck, you guys?" Jared asked, looking between the pair. Holly shrugged,

"He started it." she accused, pointing her index finger at John.

John scoffed, "Yeah, because I hit you in the chest with a book." he replied, sarcastically.

"Enough!" Jared raised his voice, "You are acting like pathetic, little school kids." he stated, crossing his arms over his chest. However, before he could continue with his rant, Holly butted in.

"And you're acting like a teacher that needs to get laid." she commented, her eyes fixated on fumbling fingers. She huffed, "But hey, don't let John fuck you, he'll shout the wrong name." she spat. Jared raised an eyebrow, as John frowned.

"You're seriously still hung up on that? I've told you and told you again, Holls, it was an accident." John stressed. Holly raised an eyebrow,

"I'm hardly going to get over it just like that." she said, snapping her fingers together. Jared stared between the two of them, not daring to ask any questions, knowing he'd only get yelled at. "What would you have done if I had yelled Pat's name?" Holly retorted, "You'd be as pissed off as I am, so you can shut the fuck up."

Suddenly, Pat's head peeped around the corner. "I'd appreciate it if I wasn't brought into this argument." he said, simply. Holly sent him a glare which told him to shut up and go back in the other room, which he did, quickly. John sighed,

"Yeah, I'd be pissed at you, but I'd at least make the effort to forget about it!" he stated. Jared coughed awkwardly, before lifting up his hand and motioning it towards the door.

"I'm just gonna leave you two to battle this one out." he said, before quickly walking back into the living room. Holly let out a frustrated sigh,

"I forgive, I don't forget. You of all people should know that." she said. John's expression softened, as he placed his left hand on Holly's hip,

"Then forgive me. I'm sick of us always fighting," he said, quietly. He smiled, "This might sound bad, but I know this gets to you far more than it gets to me." Holly raised an eyebrow,

"Yeah, John, that does sound bad." she said, a small smirk playing on her lips. John laughed lightly, taking a step closer to her, hugging her small frame close to his body, as Holly's arms remained hung by her sides.

"So, am I gonna be forgiven anytime soon?" John asked, hopefully. Holly sighed, before wrapping her arms around his waist. She nodded into his chest.

"I guess so." she replied, as John's smile grew. She took a step back, holding up her hand, "But we're never having sex again." she said, her face and tone serious. John's face fell, as he stared back at Holly with a blank expression. Holly burst out laughing, as John carried on staring back at her blankly. Holly stopped laughing and smirked, "Aw, man, your face was totally priceless then."

John pouted, "You're a bitch, you know that, right?" he asked. Holly shrugged, nodding.

"I know." she smiled smugly, as John rolled his eyes at her. "But seriously, pull a stunt like that again and you'll have to learn to sleep with one eye open and grow eyes in the back of your head." she added. John laughed, nodding. Before either of them could say aother word, Garrett bounded into the room, smirking.

"John's getting no nookie!" he sang, directing his speech at John, who narrowed his eyes at his friend. John swatted Garrett around the head, causing him to bring his hand up to the back of his head as he pouted. "You're mean." he whined, before turning around and leaving the room to continue his whining to the rest of the group.
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It's been a while...

Sian just went home earlier from staying at my house for Halloween. We went to see Jennifer's Body... our original plan was to go dressed up as zombies, but we kinda bailed on that idea and just went dressed up normally, haha. The film was okay as well, for any of you who haven't seen it. :) Oh, but if you're a teenage guy, make sure you wear baggy pants that hide boners well... That's all I'm gonna say.

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