The World Awaits Your Smile


Barging through the hospital doors, John marched up to the reception desk - followed closely by the rest of the boys. John placed his palms flat against the desk and began to speak.

"Can you tell me which room Holly Richards is in, please?" he politely asked.

"Are you a next of kin?" she asked, raising her brow.

John let out a frustrated sigh, "I'm her boyfriend." he simply said.

The receptionist nodded and typed something on the computer, in front of her. "Room 232."

"Thank you." John replied, before stalking off in search of Holly's room. Reading the signs on the walls, John looked until he found out which way to continue on to. "This way, guys. Come on," he said, leading them all down a hallway.

John soon stopped outside of a door, letting out a shaky sigh before placing his hand on the doorknob. "You can do this, John." Jared encouraged, "We'll be right by you." Letting Jared's words sink in, John nodded slowly before opening the door and coming face to face with Holly.

"Fuck," he whispered, seeing the stitches on her head and arm in a cast. John pulled up a chair from the corner of the room and pulled it closer to the bed, entwining his hand with Holly's.

"Look at it this way," Garrett spoke up, "She could be dead."

John narrowed his eyes at him, "Shut the fuck up," he whispered harshly, trying not to wake the teenage girl up. "If you're just going to be like that, Garrett, maybe you should just leave." John said, his eyes averting back to Holly. Garrett shrugged,

"Just sayin', man." he defended, holding up his hands and taking a step back towards the door.

"We'll, uh... Go get some coffee." Jared said, shoving Garrett quickly out of the door, leaving John, Kennedy and Pat in the room with Holly.

Holding Holly's other hand, Pat sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the bed, to John. "Wake up," he said, softly, shaking Holly's hand. "Please, wake up."

"Give her time, Pat," Kennedy said, patting him on the back. "She needs her rest after that crash. How are you holding up, man?" he asked, directing his question to John.

"I've been better," he mumbled, gently stroking the back of Holly's hand with his thumb. "I just want her to get discharged and home for Christmas, you know?"

"She'll be home in no time." Kennedy said, reassuringly smiling at both Pat and John.

"I sure hope so." John mumbled in reply.

Hearing a soft knock at the door, the three boys snapped their head in its direction, noting Jared stood in the doorway. "Hey, Cody's here.." he informed them.

John looked from Jared to Kennedy, to Pat and then to Holly. "Oh," he muttered, "Where is she?" John asked.

"In the waiting room. Jack, Alex and Lisa are with her. I'd just thought I'd let you know." With that, Jared exited the room most likely making sure that Garrett wouldn't get into anymore awkward situations.

"Want me to go and talk to her, for you?" Kennedy asked.

"No, I'll go," John replied, "I'll be back soon." he said, standing up and giving Holly a kiss on her forehead before exiting the room. John walked down the corridoors to the waiting room, his eyes soon falling on Cody, Alex, Jack and Lisa, who were all sat together. "Hey," he said, gaining the attention of all four of them.

Cody stood up, which made Jack and Alex do the same, and walked over to John. "How is she?" Cody asked, getting straight to the point.

John's eyes glanced to both Jack and Alex who were stood on either side of Cody. It would be a lie if John said he didn't feel intimidated by them both. "She's doing okay. She's sleeping, right now, but if you want to see her, just go ahead."

"I'm scared," Cody whispered, making John's stare turn into a sympathetic one.

Pulling her into his chest, John softly stroked Cody's hair, "Don't worry," he mumbled, "She's going to be fine. You know she's a fighter."

"I know," Cody said, pulling away from John, "Sorry, I soaked your shirt." she laughed, wiping away her tears.

"It's fine." John let out a quiet chuckle, "Are you going to come and see her?" he asked.

Cody nodded, "Yeah, I may as well get this over with now." John grabbed her hand and squeezed it in support.

"We'll stay here, babe," Jack started, "Just come back when you're ready, okay?" he said, kissing Cody softly on her lips.

"Let's go." she whispered, to John.

They walked down the corridoor in silence, their thoughts both consuming them. John stopped outside of Holly's room and turned to Cody.

"Pat and Kennedy are both in here." he said, before opening the door to reveal the three teens. Cody took a step into the room, the tears starting again as she saw Holly's state. John wrapped his arm around her shoulder, squeezing it lightly, "Hey, hey," he cooed, leading Cody over to the chair he was sat in earlier and sitting her down. John coughed, "We're gonna go grab some coffee and something to eat, will you be okay in here on your own?" John asked. Cody nodded, smiling weakly at the three boys,

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Bring me a coffee back though, if you would." she replied, smiling. The boys all let out small chuckles, nodded and walked out of the room. Cody turned to face Holly, taking hold of her hand and squeezing it in hers tightly.

"I'm so sorry." Cody whispered, her voice cracking. "We all could have lost you.. I could have lost you and I wouldn't know what I would have done with myself if I had. You're one of my best friends ever and I've realized I had been a dick and took so long to forgive you. I'm such a bitch. I'm sorry, I really am. I love you, Holly." she cried, letting her head fall onto the bed as her hand still held onto Holly's. "I just want you to wake up and for everything to be back to normal, again."

Cody's expression changed from hurt to shocked in a matter of seconds as she felt Holly's hand tighten around her own. Her eyes shot up to Holly's face, seeing a small smile adorning Holly's face.

"I forgive you." she said, her voice weak and hoarse. A small grew on Cody's face, as she stood up, leaning over the bed and embracing Holly in a hug. Holly let out a low groan, pushing Cody off of her,

"Yo, painful." she said, letting out a small laugh as Cody apologized quickly.

"How are you feeling?" Cody asked, softly.

"Sore," Holly cringed, trying to sit up more to face her friend. "I could do with some alcohol, to take away the pain, right now, though." she joked.

"You've been in a car accident, you have broken bones, yet you're still able to make your witty comments." Cody chuckled, softly.

Hearing the door open, the two girls looked over at John as he peeked his head in. "Oh," he said, quietly, "When did you wake up?" he asked, a small smile creeping its way onto his face.

"Just a few minutes ago."

John nodded, standing at the end of the bed, "There's something you have to know." he whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
I start my last year of high school tomorrow. Kinda stoked. Becky starts college next week, too.
Luckily for us, we have loads of chapters pre-written for this. :)