The World Awaits Your Smile


Holly stared back at John, noticing the serious expression on his face. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, looking at Cody,

"Uh, could you go tell a nurse that she's awake, please?" he asked, smiling lightly at her. Cody nodded, looking at Holly and smiling, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before standing up and leaving the room in search of a nurse. Holly returned her gaze back to John, whose expression still remained serious.

"What have you got to tell me?" she asked, her voice just above a whisper. John moved from the end of the bed, sitting in the chair Cody had just vacated. He took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together, as Holly frowned, "John, what is it?" she asked, as John's eyes remained on their entwined fingers. Tears started to gather in Holly's eyes, "John," she repeated, her voice cracking. John's face immediately shot up, a saddened expression adorning his face now. A single tear rolled down Holly's cheek as John began to speak,

"Your mom and Adam, they..." he began, stopping what he was saying as he saw Holly's expression change again. Holly didn't need John to finish what he was saying for her to know what had happened. Tears started to pour down her face as John stood up, engulfing her in a hug, "I'm so sorry," he whispered into her hair, as Holly sat up more, wrapping her arms around his waist, ignoring the excruciating pain it was putting her in.

Pulling away from John, Holly wiped away her tears, "What about my dad?" she asked, her voice quivering.

"He's doing okay." John said, wiping away more of Holly's tears with his thumb. "Whatever happens, just know I'm here for you, okay?" As those words left John's lips, Holly suddenly let out a loud sob, startling the boy.

"John, what have you said?!" Cody exclaimed, from the doorway; a frown present on her face. Cody walked into the room, standing by Holly on the other side of the bed, putting her hand on Holly's shoulder, squeezing it lightly in a comforting manner. Seconds later, a nurse walked in through the door, smiling at the three people in the room. She walked over to the end of the bed, picking out some paper work that was at the end of the bed. She looked up at Holly, seeming not to notice the tears that were still cascading down her face,

"It's nice to see you're awake," she said, returning her gaze back to the paper work in her hands, "How are you feeling?" she asked, looking back up at Holly. Holly's face soon held an unimpressed look,

"I've just been in a car wreck, my brother and mother are dead and my dad's hospitalised," she replied in a bitter tone, "Never felt better, thanks."

The nurse carried on looking at Holly, before coughing awkwardly, putting the paper work back where she found it, "I'll be back in an hour to check the stitches in your head." she said, before hurrying out of the room. Holly looked down, tears dripping onto the sheets that covered her bruised body. Cody sighed,

"Oh, Holly," she said in a sympathetic tone, "I'm so sorry." she added. Holly shook her head,

"Who else is here?" she asked, "I mean, like, who else came to the hospital?"

"All the guys are here," John replied, "And Alex, Jack and Lisa came down here with Cody," he added, looking at Cody.

"Oh?" Holly mumbled, also looking at Cody.

She nodded, "Yeah. Rian and Zack are flying down later, too. They didn't want to add to the people waiting to see you."

Holly nodded, "Has anyone heard off of Justin?" she asked, quietly.

"He phoned me and told me him and his parents were changing their flights to come down here." John informed her. Holly nodded, looking at Cody again,

"Get Lisa?" she asked. Cody nodded, standing up, before John spoke,

"It's okay, you stay there, I'll go get her," he said, "I'll ring Justin and see where he is as well." he finished, smiling at both the girls. He squeezed Holly's hand leaning over and kissing her briefly on the lips, before leaving the room. John walked back down to the waiting room, instantly catching everyone's attention.

"She's awake now," he said, smiling at everyone. Pat stood up,

"I wanna go see her!" he almost yelled, causing a few people who were not with the group to stare at him. John laughed lightly,

"She asked for Lisa to go see her." he said, looking at Lisa. Pat sat back down, crossing his arms over his chest, pouting,

"I'm offended." he said. A few people in the group rolled their eyes at Pat's childish behaviour. John looked back at Lisa,

"Can you find your way to the room on your own or do you want me to walk you up there?" he asked. Lisa waved her hand around,

"I'll find it on my own, it's fine." she smiled. John nodded, taking his phone from his pocket and nodding to the door,

"I'm gonna call Justin and see when he's getting here." he said, taking off out of the main doors. Lisa stood up, taking off towards the room where Holly and Cody were.

Lisa opened the door and poked her head in, "Is it safe to come in?" she teased, shutting the door behind her. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" she asked Holly, sitting down in the chair next to the bed.

"So-so." Holly replied, pursing her lips. Lisa nodded awkwardly before speaking,

"Pat wanted to come see you," she said, "He caused quite a scene in the waiting area," she said, laughing lightly. Holly smirked,

"Well, Pat would, wouldn't he?" Holly replied, humour lacing her voice. "Are you and Alex still as good as ever?" she asked, smiling at Lisa.

"I'm sure we're supposed to be talking about you, whilst we're here. However, Alex and I are doing good, yes." Lisa replied, grinning. "How about you and Jo--" Before she finished her question, Lisa gawped at Cody and quickly apologised.

Cody shook her head, "Why apologise?" she asked, "I'm with Jack, now. We're all in healthy relationships, we're all friends," she said, looking over at Holly, "There's nothing to be sorry for."

"Speaking of you and Jack," Holly started, "How are you two?" she asked. "I know I seemed sour during Warped, but you did look cute together, I have to admit."

Feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks, Cody smiled, "Thanks," she said. "It's nice and new and we're both having fun," she replied.

The conversation continued between the three girls for a bit until they heard the door open and saw two childish boys standing in the doorway. "We wanted to come and see you." Jack grinned, at Holly.

Holly let out a laugh, "It's good to see you, Jacky." she smiled, as she watched Jack kiss Cody's forehead and wrap his arms around her shoulders.

"Oh, cool!" Jack exclaimed, "Can I sign your cast, when you're out of hospital?" he asked.

"Me too, me too!" Pat grinned.

"Yes, you can both sign my cast," Holly sighed, "I don't want a fucking penis drawn on it though, Jack." she warned, narrowing her eyes at him.

Jack, however, adorned a childish smile as he leaned his chin on his girlfriend's shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm bored and I have nothing better to do than post another chapter for you all. Sian's not online because she has school tomorrow and had an early night. I don't start college properly until next Wednesday... kinda sucks.

I have A Rocket To The Moon's new song, "Annabelle" on repeat. I love it!
I also went to see The Final Destination 3D today. Word of advice to anyone planning on going to see it: do not go and see it in 2D. It'd be so shitty. The 3D effects are completely awesome, but the film itself was average.... the ending is shit, considering it's gonna be the last one.
This authors note is far too long, so I'll go now. Bye. :)
Oh, and comment and subscribe, please! :)