The World Awaits Your Smile


Jumping on the makeshift bed that Garrett and Kennedy had made the previous night, Pat grinned and shouted loudly, "It's Christmas!"

Groans erupted through the entire living room as everyone heard Pat's cheery voice. Garrett tried to shield his head, from being jumped on, with the duvet and his hand. "Shut the fuck up," he mumbled, from beneath the cover, "It's..." he paused, checking his phone to see what time it was. "4:36am." Garrett finished, letting out another loud groan.

"Go back to sleep, Pat." Jared said, turning over to go back to sleep again.

Pat pouted, "I can't sleep. Santa's been." he grinned, bouncing up and down.

"Tough shit." John said, "It isn't time to open presents so you may as well go back to bed, man."

"You guys are all buzz kills." Pat stated, crossing his arms as he plopped down on the floor on John's living room. After minutes of silence, Pat couldn't keep still and he couldn't keep his mouth shut. "You better watch out," he started singing, "You better not cry, you better not pout, I'm tellin' you why.."

"Do not do it." Kennedy warned, his eyes still shut.

Pat grinned cheekily, "Santa Claus is coming to town!" he exclaimed, "Santa Claus is coming to town! Santa Claus is coming to town." he sang, holding the notes of the last few words. Suddenly, a pillow connected with the side of Pat's head which made him whine, like a child.

"I told you not to do it." Kennedy said.

"How are Cody and Jack still sleeping through this?" Holly groaned, hiding her eyes with her arm.

A light bulb seemed to appear above Pat's head, "I'll wake them up!" he grinned, falling on top of Cody and Jack; prodding, poking and shoving all included to wake them up.

"What do you want?" Cody asked, her voice muffled as she hid her face deeper into Jack's chest.

"It's Christmas, Cody." Pat whispered, poking her cheek.

Cody quickly sat up, too quickly, as her and Pat's foreheads both connected and made a loud 'smack' noise. The room was filled with the sound of Pat and Cody groaning and the rest of their friends laughing at their misfortune.

"That hurt like a bitch." Cody stated, rubbing her forehead. "But, it's Christmas!" she cheered, "It's going to be a good day. I can tell."

"I really wish you hadn't have woken her up, Pat." John said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

An hour later and all of the group were almost fully awake and sat in a circle, much like the previous night. Presents surrounded them all as they picked an order in which people would hand their presents to each other. With most of the presents mostly open, there were only a few remainder left.

"Who's next?" Justin asked.

"Myself." Holly smiled, picking up her present. "This is for Cody and Jack," she said, handing them the box, "You better enjoy it." she finished, stifling her laughter.

Raising an eyebrow each, the couple shared a look before ripping open the box. Once they saw the present Holly had bought them, they didn't bother to try and stifle their laughter; they both let out loud laughs.

"Condoms. Thanks, Holly." Cody grinned, passing the box to Jack.

Jack looked over the box and then back up to Holly, "These will come in handy," he started, earning laughs to come from his friends. "Thanks, Holls."

"It's my pleasure," Holly said, "Oh, no, wait... Cody's pleasure." she teased, making a blush creep onto Cody's cheeks.

"Our turn!" Jack grinned, handing out a messy wrapped present out to Holly. "It's for you and John, love us." he smiled, wrapping his arm around Cody's shoulder.

Holly let John unwrap the present and smirked when she saw what is was. "A sex book. Wow. Thanks, guys. Really."

As Holly was thanking Cody and Jack for the present, John was flicking through the book, scrunching his face at some of the pages. "What kind of position is that?! That's.. fucked up." he said.

"Your face is fucked up," Eric started, "Now, give me my present." he demanded, a large smile present on his face.

John handed Halvo his present and smiled, "Merry Christmas, buddy." he said, whilst Eric took the wrapping paper off the present.

"Dogs!" he exclaimed, examining the dog book. "Thanks, man."

Jared laughed, "You should have just got him a puppy."

John shrugged, "The book was cheaper." he smirked, looking over at his best friend who seemed too engulfed with his new book.

"Here," Holly said, softly, passing John a gift card. "Merry Christmas." she smiled, watching John as he pulled out the card.

A wide smile spread across his lips, "A tattoo appointment? Really?" he asked, letting out a soft laugh. "Thank you, sweetheart. It's perfect." he said, kissing her softly on her lips. After letting their lips linger for a moment, or two, John pulled away and passed Holly and Cody an envelope each. "I hope you like it.." he shyly said, rubbing the back of his neck.

The girls both opened their envelopes at the same time, eager expressions on their faces. Once they had opened them, their eyes snapped to John, "Spa treatment?" they both said, at the same time and then laughed afterward.

"I thought you girls needed some good, quality, alone girl time. I have to admit, I had my mum help me pick what I should get, but you know.." he rambled.

Holly embraced her boyfriend in a tight hug, kissed him plenty of times and thanked him softly before reading what the spa treatment entailed. Cody, however, just had to look at John and he knew how much it meant to her.

"Thank you." she mouthed, which earned a gentle, friendly smile and a nod in return.

"Is that it, now?" Kennedy asked, looking around the group.

Jack shook his head, "Nope!" he smiled, "I have a present for you all." he said, pulling the presents out of his bag. "Free All Time Low tickets, for our shows, in the New Year." Jack grinned, holding the tickets out to his friends.

"Only you would offer us free tickets to see your crappy band play." Holly joked, making her friends, including Jack, laugh. However, for Holly, it seemed like she would be faking that smile for a long while.
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