
chapter 1 - Declined

"I'm sorry that card was declined." the cashier said.
I let out a sigh.
"I figured it was only an amount of time." i muttered.
"excuse me?" she asked.

hing." I said taking my card and leaving the store.

Ever since sis quit her job to go to college, then got rejected form college, we've been loosing money. My sister and I I mean.
I lef the mall, my face downward.
When i got home i snuggled into the warm sheets of my bed to think.

In no time my roots of my hair would begin to show and we wouldn't have the money to re dye them blood red. I would be stuck with blonde roots. That would just look weird.
I hated loosing money. It mean stopping things, giving up things. And really all it took was one word to stop you from buying.

Declined. Such an evil word.
But that was only the begining of my problems.

"I hate everyhting about you
why do i
love you
I hate everyhting about you
why do i
love you"

Speaking of which.
"Hello?" i answered my cell phone. It had begun to ring in my pocket. THe ringtone was 'I hate Everything About You' by Three Days Grace.

"Hey babe." my boyfriend said thorugh the phone.
"Hey Mike." i said emotionlessly.
"what's wrong babe?" he asked all pouty.

I was getting really sick of him recently.
When he asked me to be his girlfriend i had thought he loved me, but now all it seemed he wanted was to get in my pants. he even went os far as to rent a hotel room and then drag me there after prom. I basically just ran away and avoided him after that.
But he kept calling me.

"Well for starters, you're calling me babe. Do i look like a pig? Don't answer that." I snapped.

"look babe, last night was-" he tried to say.
"Don't call me babe!" i interupted. "look just leave me alone Mike alright? I need some me time right now."
"Of course you do. That's all you ever need. You're so selfish bitch!" he said. "Well guess what? I know that you wanna break up. Well it won't happen. I won' break up with you and i WILL get what i want."

"Sure. Whatever. Sorry i have better people to talk to Mike."
"Like who? Adam? Are you in love with that loser?"

I just hung up on him.
Me in love with Adam? Psh! Adam was just a friend. Wasn't he?
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shortish i know