I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 1

-Gerard's POV-

I woke up that morning to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I stared at it until my eyes weren't blurry. 'Seven? Seven?!' I thought. I immediately jumped up and rushed to my dresser. I pulled out a black skull and crossbones t-shirt and a pair of semi-tight black jeans and a pair of black socks. I hurry up and change and stop in my doorway and sigh as I laughed at myself. 'It's Saturday,' I thought as I started to sit on my bed. Just then, Mikey runs in.

"Gee! It's Tuesday. Now come on! We've got to get to school!" Mikey screeched.

"What's the date?" I asked, looking at my calender.

"The fifteenth," Mikey said as I found the day. He was right. It was Tuesday.

"Shit!" I said as I grabbed my navy blue school jacket and put it on. I thought I'd do good today so I put on the red tie. I put my shoes on and grab my bag. When I rushed past Mikey, I stopped in mid-step and looked at him. "Why aren't you dressed?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Doctor's appointment. Testing my eyesight," he said. I thought about it a minute. Then remembered that he did have that eye doctor appointment. I smiled. "What?" he asked, walking over to me.

"Hope you get a needle or two," I said, rushing downstairs.

"Gerard!" he screamed playfully, coming after me. When he got on the landing, he spotted me at the bottom, facing him. He leaped toward me and we went tumbling down to the floor. Our mom came in looking at what fell to the ground. She smiled at us and shook her head at the sight of us rolling around on the ground. We looked up at her and I pushed aside the hair that was in my face.

"Heya, mom. How's it going?" I asked getting up and helping Mikey off the floor and slinging an arm around his shoulder.

"Alright. You better get off to school, though. Or, if you leave now, you'll make the bus," she said. I looked at the clock and grabbed a brush. I brushed my hair to where it was at least decent and ran out the door.

"Bye mom! Bye Mikey! Have fun!" I said as I closed the door behind me and saw the bus about two blocks away. I ran and got there about ten seconds before it pulled up.

"Almost late again, Gerard?" the bus driver, Shaun, said, smiling at me. "Where's the baby bro?" he said as I took my seat.

"He's got an eye appointment today," I said, walking up to him and stood next to him. He laughed at me and I smiled. We got to the next stop and I saw this new kid. He had black hair the fell in front of his face and blonde in the back. Brown eyes and the most lucious look on his face.

"Looks like we got a new kid. Oh, wait that's Frankie, my cousin from a little farther up north," Shaun said opening the door. When Frank walked on, Shaun and him locked eyes. "Well, if it ain't dear old Frankie," he said as Frankie's face lit up.

"Shaun, dude! Haven't seen you in a while. How's it going man?" he said, setting his books next to my bag and embraced Shaun.

"Yeah I know. It's going alright, just trying to get by, man," Shaun said, releasing from the hug and closing the door before he sat down. "Oh, by the way, dude, this is Gerard, a good friend of mine. Gerard, this is Frank, my cousin."

"Hey," he said, reaching his hand out.

"Hey, dude," I said grabbing it. We let go and looked out the front window.

"Isn't it kind of ... dangerous .. to stand up?" Frank asked, looking at me.

"Probably. But I really could care less, dude. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. So sorry if I came off a bit harsh," I said looking at him. 'Damn, he's gorgeous,' I thought.

"Oh. Ok. It's no problem," he said as he slowly made his way to the front. Shaun looked at him and smiled.

"Trying to make friends or something, Frank?" he said as Frank smiled at him.

'Damn he's got a great smile,' I thought to myself as I immediately looked away.

"Who needs friends? Friends are normally just backstabbers," he said as Shaun nodded in agreement.

"That's the way Gerard thinks. He's always alone. There's very rare moments when I see him walking toward the bus talking to someone," Shaun said, pointing at me.

"Well, in that case. I think I just found a new friend," Frank said as he looked toward me and smiled. I smiled back and handed him a skull and crossbones glove. He looked at it and smiled. "Nice."

I had one as well and we put them on at the same time. "Now remember, that glove immediately makes you like me and the other outcasts in the school. Every one of us has one," I said as he nodded.

We pulled into the school and me and Frank bumped heads trying to get our stuff. We laughed and got off and everyone stared at Frank. Then me. They realized that I had gotten a hold of him before anyone else could. Which was the plan when I first saw him.