I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 16

ok ok... this chapter is dedicated to .... **drumroll by the all powerful Bob** ... I Am A Graveyard

Gerard's POV-

We searched high and low in the school yard ... yet .. no coin was found. I leaned against the front doors of the school and fell to the ground. "It's not here. I swear if I don't find that coin ... I'm going to go crazy," I said, looking at the cars that were passing by every couple minutes.

"Don't worry, Gerard. You'll find it. Was it a family heirloom or something?" Mikey asked. I sighed and looked up at him.

"Yeah, it was. Well, sort of anyways," I said. Even though it wasn't, to me it kind of was since I needed to make Mikey my little brother again. I was beginning to miss him coming into my room in the middle of the night jumping on me, waking me up and telling me about this whacked out dream he had. I missed that so much. I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes when that thought came into mind. "Gerard? What's wrong?"

"I miss my .. dad.." I said, drifting off. I did miss my dad. But right now, Mikey was the one that my heart was yearning for. Even though Mikey was a pain in the ass sometimes, it was always nice to have him around. To talk to, to hang with, to make jokes with.. to just have him around in general. He always made things seem worth doing. I looked at Mikey and saw him with a look of life and goofiness. I had missed that look, and I was seeing it again, but not in my brother's eyes.. I was seeing it in the eyes of a famous fourteen year old.

I sighed and stood back up. "Come on. Let's go get something to eat. I bet you're starved," I said, reaching out my hand. He grabbed it and I slung my arm around his shoulders. "You know, you remind me of a good friend who I lost. The look you have in your eyes just reminds me so much of him."

"Really?" Mikey asked, looking at me. I nodded and we started walking down the main walkway. I then heard a familiar engine. I turned my head only to see Jesse coming toward us. Luckily, he didn't recognize Mikey. Unless, it was the famous Mikey. Not Mikey my little brother. We kept walking and he came to a stop.

"Now listen," I whispered to Mikey. "I'm gay. But I'm not the 'flirt with every guy' type. The guy in the car over there is an ex and he will want to probably make jokes about me having a new boyfriend. Is it okay if I kiss you until he leaves?" I asked, looking at him with seriousness in my eyes.

"Yeah, sure. I guess," he whispered back.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't my dear old ex, Gerard," Jesse said, placing his arms on the top of his mustang.

"What do want Jesse?" I asked enterlocking my fingers with Mikey's.

"Nothing. Just seeing who you're new boyfriend is. He's kinda cute," Jesse said, winking at him. I gave a quick smirk and Mikey faced me. I turned to face Mikey but before I was fully turned around, Mikey's lips crashed into mine. My eyes widened for a moment, but I closed them and put a little more force behind it.

I opened my eye a little and see Jesse getting back in the car angrier than ever. He slammed his door shut and sped off down the road. We pulled apart and Mikey was staring at me, with lust in his eyes. "Whoa," was all he said.

"What? Never met anyone who has been told that they could kiss?" I said, smiling and slinging my arm back over his shoulder. We started walking again and I saw a smile appear on his face.

"No I haven't actually. I've been dared to kiss guys before but I never would ever date one really. But that ... that was amazing," he said looking at me.

I smiled back and gave him a peck on his cheek. "Well, if you be a good kid, you may get more of this," I said, doing a little pose. He laughed and we continued down the street towards a sushi restaurant.


-Mikey's POV-

We arrived at a sushi restaurant and my mouthed dropped. "How in the hell did you know I like sushi? I never told anyone that," I said, looking at Gerard.

"Lucky guess," he said opening the door and letting me walk in first. "You just look like a sushi person to me."

As we ordered our food, we sat and talked about everything in our lives. We joked and had a good time.


I sat and waited by the door as Gerard used the bathroom. I looked at the walls and saw a bit of goldish color reflecting in the corner of my eye. I looked at it and I pulled it from the tight space in which is was stuck. I looked at it and it had a skull and crossbones on it. 'Holy shit! This is the coin Gerard was looking for!' I thought as I stuffed in it my pocket. Gerard came out and we walked out. I didn't want to give it to him yet. I'll give it to him when I leave town.