I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 17

We headed back to the high school and as we were walking I felt the coin between my fingers in my jacket pocket. Gerard and I didn't talk the whole way. I was going to say something but saw that he was deep in thought about something, so I just looked at the ground.

We got to the high school and we walked to the back and went in. "Isn't it a bad thing to go into the school without anyone around?" I asked, following Gerard to the auditorium.

"Yeah, but this is like my second home believe it or not," he said, sitting in the back row.

"How come?" I asked sitting a row in front of him.

"Sometimes if I'm angry and need a place to go or if I miss someone a lot and don't want anyone feeling bad for me or whatever," he said running his hands through his shoulder-length black hair. I saw the pain and hurt in his eyes when he looked up at the stage.

"Okay, I know you said you miss your dad earlier, but you have to be missing someone else besides him," I said, regretting that I did.

"Alright. You caught me. I miss my little brother okay? He turned up missing because of my stupid actions and I regret ever doing anything to make him leave. And I've been trying to find that coin in order to find him. It was like a .. lucky coin or whatever," he said, getting up and running toward the stage.

-Gerard's POV-

I got onstage and looked toward the right wing area of it. I then saw a glimpse of the day me and Mikey saw the jocks and cheerleader's talking shit to us and to Bert when the saw that he was hanging out with us. I felt tears in my eyes and fell to my knees. 'Mikey! Why did I have to be so fucked up and do that?!' I screamed in my head.

Mikey was my life and I made him disappear. Everything was all wrong now. I was some big jock and Frank didn't know me and Bert was a punker. Everything was screwed up. I changed everything. Only because I made Mikey vanish from everyone's life.

I looked at Mikey who was slowly coming toward me. He didn't walk the same. He didn't even look all the same. It was the same person ... but different in so many ways. I wanted my little brother back. And if I didn't get that coin, I'm never going to have my little brother back. Forget everyone else .... Mikey was the only person that invaded my mind.


-Two Days Later-

I was standing on the set of the show Mikey wanted me to be in. I read through the lines and saw that one scene was a copy of when me and Mikey went to the high school and started looking for a lucky charm and my character getting upset about losing a close relative. I laughed and looked at him and he was talking to some guy who I suppose was the director. I laughed again and could see that same thing when he was talking to our dad ... at least before he became this big star and he was a trouble maker like me.

-Flash Back- -Four years earlier- -Narrator's POV-

"Dad. I have to tell you what happened today at the museum!" Mikey said as he dropped his bag and ran up to his dad.

"What? What happened?" his dad said in the same tone, acting all excited.

"We had went to the museum and I saw this huge dinosaur skeleton and this one kid touched it and when he did the whole thing collapsed into a million pieces!" Mikey said doing all the hand motions and everything. Gerard laughed after Mikey said that and saw all the motions he was doing.


-Gerard's POV-

I smiled a bit bigger as I saw Mikey slinging his arms everywhere as he was talking to the director. "Gerard?" someone said as they shook me.

"Huh? What?" I said as I turned toward the person. It was a girl around twenty five. "Oh, what?" I said as I placed my hands in my pockets.

"We need you in make-up," she said. I thought for a moment.

"I got a better idea," I said biting my thumb nail

"What?" she said as she crossed her arms.

"It's .. I DO MY OWN MAKE-UP!!" I yelled. I walked off and wasn't really concerned with everyone staring at me.