I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 18

I sat in the dressing room, looking at all the costume prop things. I then saw an outfit that I immediately fell in love with. They all had names on them and I checked the name on it. 'G. Way' was written on it. "Hell yeah!" I said to myself. I went to the bathroom and changed into it. Perfect fit.

"Gerard Way! On set!" I heard someone yell.

"Be out in a minute!" I screamed back. I put on the shoes they had for me and I ran out.

"See you found the outfit they picked out for you," Mikey said, looking at me. He had similar clothes on.

'Just the way he would normally dress,' I thought to myself. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I had my lines down pat, so I had no worries. I took my place and they tried to place more make-up on me. "Get away! I look fine!" I said, pushing away the hands that were coming at me.

"You need more make-up! You need that punker look!" the lady said.

"This is the punker look! If you don't like it ... then bite me!" I said, widening my eyes and staring at her. She walked off in a puff and I laughed to myself. I walked up the stairs that were there and leaned against the wall. Luckily, it wasn't the thin shit they normally use.

"And ... ACTION!" the director yelled.

"Freddie! Come here!" Mikey screamed. I had to be called Freddie ... which really pissed me off. I walked down the steps, kind of running as I did and stood on the landing.

"Yeah, dude. What's up?" I said, placing my hands on in the pockets of the jacket and walking down the rest of the stairs.

"I need some help. There's this girl ... she really likes me .. and I sort of like her ... but I don't know what to do," Mikey said.

"Just go up to her .. start a conversation .. and see where it progresses from there. It's the easiest thing to do," I said, walking over to the fridge and opening it.

"CUT!" the director yelled. "Gerard, you fit all too well into your character. And you say you never acted before?" he said, walking over to me.

"Let's just say, I had a lot of experience in that field of advice giving .. so I guess this character is like the real me," I said, walking over to the snacking area and grabbed a bottle of water. I then heard a clinking sound from the stage. I saw Mikey picking something up and looking around with a 'oh shit, better hide this' type of look.

I walked over to him as he was stuffing what he had in his hand in the pocket of the pants. "What was that?" I asked pointing at his pocket.

"What? Oh, that. It was just something my mom gave me for good luck," Mikey said, looking around with a bit of fear in his eyes. I could really tell he was lying to me. But I didn't let him know that.

"Ahh, ok. Just remember, if you're hiding something," I said, narrowing my eyes. "I will find out." I then walked off and headed for the parking lot. I pulled out my cigarettes and my lighter and lit one. I heard the doors open and I saw the director coming out.

"You got a light, man?" he said, pulling out a cigarette. I nodded and handed him my lighter. He handed it back and I stuck it in the pants pocket. The director, Johnny, took a long drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke. "Thanks."

"No problem. Didn't think you smoked," I said, taking a drag and blowing the smoke out as I looked at him.

"I'm actually trying to quit. Why are you smoking?" he asked looking at me.

"Having a rough time at the moment. Keeps me from killing somebody for no reason," I said, putting out the cigarette and putting it in the cigarette container. Johnny did the same and we walked back in the studio. Everyone was sitting around, quietly. I started to get a bit nervous and started biting my pinky nail. I always did that when I was nervous.


About five hours later, we were done rehearsing and I was changed back into the clothes I had come in. I talked the writers into changing my characters name to my real name because I'll think the other characters are talking to someone else if they don't. So, I was happy about that. I saw Mikey's outfit for the show hanging up when I went to hang mine up. I saw a little round spot in it. "Wonder what that is," I said, reaching to the pocket. My eyes slowly began to widen when I pulled out ...