I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 19

...I pulled out the coin. I clenched it hard as I heard the door open. I whirled around to see Mikey standing there. "Oh shit!" Mikey said, backing up against the wall.

"How long have you had this?" I said, flashing the coin in his face. "Huh? How long?"

"I found it at the sushi restaurant when you were in the restroom. I was going to give it to you when I left as a gift .." he said, but before he could continue on, I cut him off.

"I told you if you find it give it to me. I had to have it. I was desperate. This is the only thing that would bring my brother back," I said, heaving a deep sigh. I started laughing. "You want to know something funny?" I said, looking up at him with a smile.

He gulped. "Y-Yeah.. why n-not.." he stuttered.

"You probably won't believe this .. but .." I leaned into him. "..you're my little brother."

"What? Yeah right. I don't have a brother. And plus, you're an only child," Mikey said, laughing a little.

"Fine, don't believe me. But it's true. I wouldn't tell a lie," I said as I shrugged and started to head out.

"Wait, you're saying that because I'm like a little brother to you. Even though I'm not," Mikey said as he looked at me.

"Dude, I'd know my baby brother if I saw him and apparantly .. I'm looking right at him," I said as I looked at him. He then ran out the door and into the hall.

"Security! There's a maniac in here who thinks I'm his actual brother!" he screamed. My eyes widened and I ran out the door and down the hallway toward the back door.

"Shit shit shit!" I screamed as I heard footsteps behind me. "Got to get out of here!" I said as I pushed the fire exit doors opened. The alarms sounded but I kept on running.


I finally ended up staying at a bus stop when I realized I was about ten miles away from my house. The bus finally came and it was about time. It was about to start raining. I paid the fee and sat in the very back, handling the coin between my fingers. I looked at it and smiled. "My little brother is going to be coming back," I mumbled to myself.

About ten minutes later, the bus stopped again and I saw Frank get on. "Hey, Frank, back here," I said as I waved for him to come back and sit with me. He came back and sat next to me.

"Hey what's up, Gerard?" he said as he wiped the water from his face. I guess he got caught in the rain. He looked extremely hot though.

"Nothing much. Just trying to get back to town. Had a job offer and I think I'm going to get fired," I said, looking out the window.

"What for?" he asked as he slouched in the seat.

"Trying to make this guy believe that I was his older brother," I said, laughing a little bit. He laughed too and we just busted out laughing. We stopped when we noticed the few people that were on the bus looking at us.

"Sorry, dudes. Inside joke," Frank said as he smiled. He looked at me and I pressed my lips against his. He pulled away for a moment. "Here?" he said, looking around.

"Yeah, why not?" I said. He then pressed his lips against mine and deepened it. I forced my tongue into his mouth and he made his way on top of me. I could feel myself getting a bit excited down south and I heard Frank let out a very soft moan. I guess he was getting that way too. That's when the bus haulted and I heard a familiar voice at the front of the bus talking to the bus driver.