I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 2

As Frank and I walked into the school, we made our way toward the outcast crowd. "Gee-Gee!" Bob said as he stood up and spread his arms. He had a drumstick in each hand.

"Hey, Bob. How's it all going? Ray, you doing okay?" I asked as I sat down and Frank stood next to me.

"Alright--" Ray began but I cut him off.

"I'm sorry, Ray, but that's the wrong answer. I'm going to ask you this again. Ray, you doing okay?" I said, looking at Ray with rasied eyebrows.

"No, I'm not. I've never felt alright nor will I ever be," he said as if he had to say it everyday.. oh wait .. he did.

"Oh, by the way guys, this is Frank. He's the new guy. He rides my bus. I was able to get him before the jo's and pop-pops could," I said as the guys smiled and introduced themselves.

After they did, Frank looked at me confused and asked, "Jo's? Pop-pops?"

"Oh, the language. 'Pop-pop' is the term we use for populars. Like they call us 'P.O.' which stands for punk outcasts. 'Jo' is jock. 'DS' is dork squad which is all the really smart nerdy people. Anything I left out?" I said as i looked around the table.

"Yeah. 'SS'.. stoner society," Ray said as he pointed with his head toward the groups of guys who always got high before school.

"That's right. I forgot about them," I said as I looked at them. I looked at Frank and said, "I used to be one of them. Then I decided I was wasting my life so I decided to become a P.O. It's more fun."

"Ok. I think I got it down," Frank said as the bell rang.

-Frank's POV-

I looked at Gerard and smiled in my head. He was so hot. That smile was lustful and his eyes and build were gorgeous. The bell rang and interrupted my thoughts. I shook my head and moved out of the way so Gerard could get up and grab his bag. I had set my stuff on his bag so I didn't get it in anyone's way. He handed me my stuff and smiled at me. I smiled back. He then looked around and pushed me to the corner of the lockers. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I .. umm.."

Please comment if you want more.
Sorry it was so short =]