I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 22

-Frank's POV-

I woke up the next morning and I rubbed my eyes. I heard heavy breathing and looked to see that Gerard was still out. I smiled and moved closer to him and rested my head on his chest. His breathing was so steady ... like his heart beat.

I rose and walked over to the night stand when I heard a knock on the door. I grabbed my pants and put them on. Gerard's mom walked in a couple seconds later. "Good morning," she said, smiling.

"Mornin'," I said as I put my shirt on and threw on my jacket.

"Would you like anything to eat .. or drink?" she asked. I looked up at her and shook my head a little bit.

"I'm not really hungry. Plus, I live just a little ways from here. So, don't worry," I said as I gave a quick grin and sit down on a nearby chair.

"You sure, dear?" she asked, placing one hand on the other.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I said, looking down at the ground. She nodded and walked out. I looked at the desk that was about a foot away. I saw a drawing pad on it. I got up and walked over to it and opened the flap. When I saw the first picture, my mouth dropped and my eyes widened. "Damn, that's amazing," I mumbled to myself. I looked through the pictures that were drawn and sketched. When I got to the last picture, I smiled. It was of me. I then heard movement behind me. I immediately closed the sketch pad and turn around. Gerard was staring right at me.

"Were they any good?" he asked, sitting up and then standing up.

"They were .. excellent. I've never seen anything like it. Where did you learn to draw that good?" I asked, amazed and curious.

"My grandmother. She taught me a lot of things. Drawing being one them. You see the very last one?" he asked, as he blushed a little.

"Yeah. It was really good. You got all my tattoos and everything. It was ... amazing," I said, walking over to him. Gerard walked over to me and met me half way. "Actually, you're amazing," I said as I pressed my lips against his. He deepened the kiss and his room door flew open.

"Gerard?!" his mom screamed. We immediately pulled away and Gerard looked like he was about to cry. I grabbed my shoes and ran out the door, scared.

-Gerard's POV-

I stood there, afraid to move. "What the hell were you thinking?" my mom asked, seriously pissed off.

"It was nothing. Really. I swear," I said, tears forming in my eyes. My mom walked over to me and her hand met the side of my face and hard. I looked at the floor and tears flowed down my face. Now was the a good time for Mikey, my little brother, to be here. He always was there for me when I needed him and right now ... I definitely needed him.

I grabbed the clothes I wore the day before and put them on. When I grabbed my shoes I ran out the door, down the stairs and out the front door. I headed for the high school because that's the only place that I could calm down when Mikey wasn't available.


I walked in the back door and walked toward the auditorium. I looked in it and I saw Frank and Ray sitting in the front row in the middle section. I walked up to them and they stared at me. "Dude, what's wrong?" Ray asked, standing up. I pointed to my cheek and they both saw the red handprint on my face.

"Gee, I'm so sorry," Frank said as he got up and walked over to me. I layed my head on his shoulder and started crying again.

"I can't stand this. I need my little brother back," I whispered to him. Ray didn't hear me which was the point. Frank rubbed my head and it was calming me down quite quickly. It was something Mikey would do. I looked up at Frank and smiled. "Sorry about my mom. She doesn't know about me liking guys only thing," I said, sighing.

"I kind of figured when she screamed," Frank said, laughing. I started laughing too.

"Hey, guys, wanna go to Hot Topic?" Ray asked, placing his hands in his back pants pockets. Frank and I both nodded. We walked out and when Ray wasn't looking, I grabbed Frank's hand and looked at him. We both smiled and moved closer as we walked out the back door and headed for Hot Topic. I guess today wasn't so bad after all.