I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 23

We got to Hot Topic and walked in. It was deserted looking. I had preppy clothes on so I looked as if I didn't fit in. But oh well. That's all going to change. The cashier stared at me as if I was from a foreign country or something. "Umm, excuse me? Jock boy, this is for punkers only. You're not a punker," he said, acting like he was the shit. I glared at him. I had taken some eyeliner from Frank and put some on on the way to Hot Topic.

"Excuse me. These are my older brothers clothes. I am a punker. It's just that my mom decided to give me his clothes since they were too small on him and this was all I had clean. So shut your fucking mouth or you will no longer have a mouth. Understand?" I said, crossing my arms. Frank and Ray were laughing behind me. The guy immediately looked away and I smiled. I reached in my jacket and felt a huge wad of something in my pocket. I looked at it only to find about twenty two hundred bucks. "Shit!" I whispered as I smiled.

I decided since I had this much money, that I'd go for a shopping spree at Hot Topic. I grabbed a few pairs of pants and about a million shirts. A couple CD's and a few gloves. I set the load on the counter and the guy turned around. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped. "Damn! Never had a sale like that before!" he said, almost choking.

He rang it all up and it came to about five hundred and some odd dollars. I paid him and walked out and headed toward the restroom to change.


I came out ten minutes later, dressed in my new clothes. I was really close to walking out of the bathroom with the clothes on and almost forgetting to take the tags off, but I caught myself before I did. I looked around and saw the other two at the food court eating. Frank spotted me walking toward them and he dropped his drink. "Mother fucker! That shit fucking suits you!" he nearly screamed.

I smiled and let out a little laugh. "Yeah I know. That's why I bought it," I said sitting down. Ray didn't bother to respond. He was looking at some chick across the walkway talking on her cell phone. I whispered something to Frank and he looked at the girl. He looked back at me and nodded.


I stood there for about twenty minutes before the girl hung up. She was in tears when she did. "Hey, you alright?" I asked sitting next to her.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend and I don't know what to do," she said, wiping the tears away.

"Well, see that guy over there? The one with the curly hair?" I said, pointing at Ray. She nodded and looked back at me. "Well, he's good at these kinds of problems and I'm sure he'll be able to help you."

"Really?" she said, sounding a bit better. I nodded and stood up. I offered her my arm and she took it.

"What's your name anyways?" I asked her, walking over toward the table.

"Christa," she said, sighing. "I'm a bit nervous. I mean, he's really cute," she said, blushing a little bit.

"Well, don't be nervous. I'll take the other guy somewhere else and give you two some privacy. Will that be alright?" I asked. She nodded and we got to the table. "Ray, this is Christa. Christa, Ray," I said, pulling out a chair for Christa.

"Hi," he said, blushing practically.

"Hey," she said, rubbing her arm looking down.

"Hey, Frank, let's leave the two young ones to talk alright?" I said, motioning him to come with me.

"But, guys, no.. wait!" Ray said, looking scared.

"Raymond! Sit! Stay! Talk!" I demanded. He gave me a evil look and I returned it. When me and Frank walked away, we heard Ray and Christa hit it off.

"You're so good," Frank said, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah I know. That's why people love me!" I said, as I slung my arm over his shoulder. We headed back to Hot Topic and joked on the way there.