I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 25

We saw Ray and Christa heading back to the food court. We met up with them and sat down. "Where were you two? We were looking everywhere for you," Ray said, putting his arm around Christa's shoulder and taking a drink of the water that was in his hand. Frank got up and I slowly ducked down and told Christa to get down too. After Frank finished telling him, I peeked up. Ray spit his drink out and it landed on the guy at the table behind us. "You what?!" he nearly screamed.

"You heard me, Ray," Frank said as me and Christa got back up. I took some napkins and wiped up what had gotten on our chairs.

"But... but... I didn't know... that .. you.." Ray said as he pointed at me in shock.

"A lot of people didn't know, Ray. But I am," I said, shrugging and letting out a sigh.

"Prove it," Ray said, narrowing his eyes.

"What?!" Frank and I said in unison.

"Prove it to me. And Christa. Prove it. I want to really know if you really are .. you know," he said, crossing his arms. I hit my head on the table and stood up. Frank walked over to me and our lips met. I deepened the kiss and forced my tongue into his mouth. We let go and sat down.

"Happy?" I said, somewhat pissed off.

"Yeah. And a bit shocked," Ray said, taking another drink of his water. We started talking about our days so far. Frank and I left out the major details about our little .. fun ... we had in bathroom.


We stood up to head back out and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a security guard dude standing over me. "You two are coming with me," he said, glancing from me to Frank and then back to me.

"Did we do something wrong?" I said, a bit hesitant .. hoping no one found out about the restroom incident. I gulped as we headed toward the security office.

"We don't know. We just heard about something that may .. or may not ... have occured between you two. So we need to hear it from yourselves to actually believe it or not," he said, sitting behind the desk.

"Ok, what .. incident .. do you speak of?" Frank asked, very calmly.

"We heard from two men a bit older than you, I would say around mid to late twenties, that you too were having sexual contact in the upper mall restroom. Is that true?" he asked, staring at Frank.

"Sir, I don't lie. So, truth is, we did not make any sexual contact whatsoever in the upper mall restroom. I would have to say that the two you heard it from were the actual ones having sexual contact because I heard various noises coming from the bathroom right after my friend here and I had left," Frank said, no worry or hint that he really was lying in his voice.

"Is that so?" the man asked, suprised.

"Yes, sir," Frank said, politely.

"Alright boys, thank you," the guard asked, getting up to open the door for us. We looked at each other and put our hands in our jacket pockets and walked out. We got far enough so the guard didn't hear us before I asked.

"How in the hell did you learn to lie like that?" I asked, amazed and very curious.

"Years and years of practice, my friend," he said, smiling at me. I smiled back and we headed back to the bathroom. When we got to the bathroom, we heard people moaning and begging. "This just has to be good," Frank said as we walked in slowly, not letting to two people in there know we were in the bathroom. And Frank was right, the two guys that walked in were in fact, screwing each other. Frank looked at me and it was then that he was telling the truth about part of it. I snuck into the stall and grabbed my bags that I had from Hot Topic.

Frank kept the door open a little bit and saw the same security guard coming that way. Frank nodded and pointed at the two men. When the security guard walked in, he got redder than a hot pepper. "You two! Get dressed and come with me!" he screamed. The two immediately jumped up and got dressed.

They glared at us as they walked out and we just smiled. "Smile and wave, boys ... just smile and wave," Frank said as we bursted out in laughter.

Sorry if it seems a bit short. I'm in a hurry. Comments will get more updates and even more skittles! I gots tons of skittles :D