I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 27

-Mikey's POV-

It was Friday and there was no sign of Gerard and Frank. Gerard had called me and wanted to see if Frank was allowed to come to the studio and watch us. I was at an intersection across the studio and I started to cross but stopped when I heard someone yawning. I looked up and and saw two people about five floors up on the platform. I climbed up the ladder and headed up toward them. When I got up there, I saw Frank and Gerard sitting there, half asleep. "Guys, wake up," I said as I shook them both.

"Huh? What? What time is it?" Gerard asked rubbing his eyes and looking at me. "Oh shit? What time are we supposed to be there?" he asked, shaking Frank a little more.

"We don't have to be there until about noon. It's ten thirty now. So, if you guys want to get a shower or whatever you still got time," I said helping them both up. They got up and we all climbed down. Frank stumbled a little when we were on the ground but Gerard caught him. We all ran for the studio after that. "Don't you guys need a shower or something?" I asked as we were running.

"They have showers there don't they?" Gerard said, still hanging on to Frank. I nodded. "Well, I have clothes there I had bought from Hot Topic and Frank probably won't mind wearing some of those clothes until he gets home .. so.." Gerard said as we turned the corner and ran across the street to the studio.

"Guys, I think I'm going to be sick ..." Frank said, placing a hand on the wall of the studio, grabbing his stomach and then then started throwing up. Me and Gerard turned away. Gerard then turned back, rubbing Frank's back and sighed. He didn't look at Frank, more like tried calming him down a little bit.

"Finished?" Gerard said as Frank stood up straight. Frank nodded and we walked into the studio. Gerard and Frank headed for the shower and I walked over to Johnny who looked a little better than he did a few days ago.

"You feeling alright, J?" I asked, walking up to him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm feeling fine, Mikes. Just fine," he said as I looked away. "I had the strangest feeling in my bed last night. It felt like something was under it and ... moving.. but it could have been my imagination. And when I woke up this morning ... I saw that my window was completely out and glass was everywhere." I shrugged and walked away.


About an hour later, Frank and Gerard were showered and dressed. They walked over to me and I looked up at them. Gerard was taking a towel to his hair. I guess it takes a while for him since it's so damn long. "Feel any better? Wake up any?" I asked as they looked at me. Frank looked at me like he did something wrong. "What's up with him?" I asked Gerard.

"Let's just say .. if there's Starbucks .. he'll always have the look as if he did something horrible. He doesn't want to take any unless it's alright," Gerard said, slinging the towel over his shoulder. I laughed for a moment.

"Frank, if you want coffee ..." but he ran to the coffee area before I even got the chance to finish. I laughed again as Gerard and I walked over to get some as well. "Feel any better?" I asked Frank as I grabbed a glass.

He slouched in the chair he was sitting in and took another sip. "Oh yeah... much better.." he said as he took a deep breath. Gerard shook his head and sat next to Frank.

"Alright people! We need to start a bit early today!" Johnny yelled as Gerard stood right back up and set his coffee back down and walked on set. He threw the towel in the hamper that was on the set. I walked up to him and smiled. He smiled back and yawned a little bit.


We were half way through the final scene and Frank jumps on the set, slides and crashes into Gerard. "What is wrong with you, Frank!" he screamed as they fell to the floor.

"C-c-c-c-c-coff-f-f-f-fee-ee and s-s-s-skitt-t-t-t-tles ..." he said, barely being able to talk straight. Gerard pushed him off and stood up.

"Okay... where in the hell are the skittles? You should know ... ahh ... never mind," he said as Frank stood up and looked around. He saw Gerard and ran for him. Gerard stopped him and laughed. "I never knew he got this way before," he said, watching Frank do all these different stunts like running up to the walls and getting really close to running up it. The cast and crew laughed at him. Frank was being a complete loon.

"What do you mean you never kenw he got this way before?" I asked, laughing a little more.

"Well, I haven't known him that long so I don't know what he likes or dislikes," Gerard said, grabbing Frank by the arm and stopping him. "Want some skittles?" he asked, calmly.

"Yeah yeah yeah!" Frank said, jumping in place a little. He pulled out a bag of skittles from the bag that was next to me and threw them in some random direction. Frank's eyes followed for a moment and he ran after them.

"Hey, I'm going to get. I need to find a way to calm him down. I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said as I waved and grabbed the skittles the Frank managed to sweep by.

-Gerard's POV-
"Frankie! Look what I got!" I said as I waved the skittles in his face. I ran for the door and he ran after me, gaining on me a little. "Come on Frank! You got to do better than that!" His eyes widened and he clenched his teeth. "Oh shit!" I said as I saw him gaining even more on me. We ran all the way back to my house. Non-stop.