I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 29

I flipped the coin up in the air over and over again. As I did, I kept wondering if I should keep going with the life I had or go back and lose all this. It was a hard decision. It was easy yet hard at the same time. I didn't want to lose Frank and all that we did .. but I really wanted Mikey back. I flipped it one last time before putting it in the nightstand beside my bed. I sighed and stared at the floor. "Mikey ..." I whispered as I sighed again. Just saying his name brought tears to my eyes.

I fell back and let the tears fall freely. "Mikey..." I said again.. only this time ... I rolled over and buried my face into the pillow. I needed Mikey back. I needed him more than anything. I loved Frank .. but he just wasn't Mikey. He could never be Mikey. I heard a knock on the door and ignored. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I just couldn't.

"Gerard? You alright?" I heard the voice ask. I looked up to see that it was Mikey.

'I remember that look,' I thought as I stared at him. He had the look that showed care and the want to help me out in any way possible. "Honest truth ... I'm not okay. I miss my brother and I want him back .. I .. I'm just a nervous wreck and I'm scared to death that I'm never going to see him again .." I said, closing my eyes tightly and bringing my knees to my chest. I placed my forehead on my knees and started crying harder than ever. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care if the world could see me like this .. bawling my eyes out.

"Gerard ... if there's any way at all that I could help you out ... let me know. I'm here for you," Mikey said, taking a step toward me. I looked up at him and stood up.

"If you really want to help me .. accept the fact that you really are my little brother .. that's all you have to do, Mikey .." I said, pulling out my wallet. I pulled a picture out of my wallet and looked at it. I got a surprised yet happy look on my face. There was Mikey .. sitting in front of me ... when we were real little. "Nothing matters right now .. all that matters is that you remember trying to get up in the middle of the night to see how many presents you got or how many skittles you could stuff in your mouth." I handed the picture to him and he gasped.

"But ... how can ... but you .." he said. "Is this real?" I nodded, and looked at him. He sighed and handed the picture back to me. "I got to go.." he said as he ran out the door. I was about to stop him but I thought I'd leave him alone. I didn't need to make anything worse. I doubt that he'll believe that he is my little brother.

-Mikey's POV-

I ran out the front door and started running for the hotel. I didn't even remember that the limo was there. I just started running.


I finally got to the hotel and ran in the main doors and ran up the stairs ... not bothering to wait for the extremely slow elevator. I got to my floor and ran up to my room door. I took the card key out of my back pocket and slid it in the reader. It unlocked and I ran in. "Where is it... where is it?" I said... digging through my suitcase. "Aha! Here it is!" I said, pulling out my photo album.

I flipped through the pages and stopped when I came to the middle of the book. There ... in front of my face .. was the exact same picture that Gerard had shown me. "Is this even likely possible?" I asked myself, taking the picture out .. studying it closer. I flipped it over and read the names. I gasped. "Gerard Arthur and Michael James ... Way?" I dropped the picture and stared at the floor .. immoblized.

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