I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 30

I sat there ... not moving a muscle ... on the edge of completely not breathing. I stand up and put the album and the picture on the bed. And at that I begin to fall.


I sit up on my bed and look around panically. I looked at my room and it's clean. I get out of bed and walked over to my suit case and pulled out the photo album. When I got to the page that the picture was on .. I saw that the picture wasn't even there. "I've got to get control of myself. I'm losing it," I said, yawning. I got back in bed and instantly fell back asleep.


-Gerard's POV-

Walking down the sidewalk, I brought my jacket closer to me. "Damn, it's freezing out here," I mumbled. I then look up and saw Frank a few feet in front of me ... looking depressed. I jogged up to him and turned him around. He looked at me and smiled. "Frank .." I said, smiling.

"Gerard, I've been wanting to see you all day .. " Frank said, smiling back. He pushed me against the tree a couple feet away and started kissing my neck. "I want you, Gee," he whispered in my ear, biting my lobe gently. I moaned softly as I bit my lip.

"Frank..." I said as I felt him undoing my jeans. The cold hit my member quickly and sent chills up and down my spine. I shook and smiled. It actually felt good. I opened my mouth slightly and not long after I did, I felt Frank's soft lips against mine. I slid my tongue into his mouth and he deepened the kiss.

Pulling away, Frank looked at me. "You're pathetic," he said, walking away. I looked at him in shock. Tears formed in my eyes. I immediately zipped my pants up and started running home. I ran across the street, not noticing the speeding car coming.


"Whoa!" I screamed, sitting up in a cold sweat. I picked up my cell phone and called Frank. "Come on, come on.. answer already," I said, after about three rings.

"Hello?" I heard a voice say sleepily.

"Frank?" I asked, panting slightly, still in shock of the dream I just had.

"Yeah, dude?" he said, yawning.

"I got a question," I said, closing my eyes, imagining Frank's sweet lips on my own.

"Yeah, dude, go ahead," he said, sounding more awake.

"Would you ever .. like ... start getting me a bit excited and then look at me and tell me I'm pathetic and then walk away?" I asked, feeling a bit scared. He hung up the phone and I just sat there stunned. I closed my phone, and layed back.

About two minutes later, I heard a knock on my front door. I walked downstairs and looked out the peep hole. It was Frank. I opened the door and he lunged himself at me and pushed me to the couch ... getting on top of me. Frank leaned down and started kissing my neck and then my lips. I didn't argue. He pulled away and looked at me. "Gerard .. I'm too in love with you to say you're pathetic and then walk away," Frank said, weakly smiling.

I pulled him down to me and pressed my lips back against his. His hands started freely moving along my chest and waist and then soon later, my ass and member. "Fuck Frank!" I said, almost screaming. We fell to the floor and then I bit my lip as he pulled my pants down and started rubbing my shaft. He continued as he brought his face closer to mine.

"Gerard .... I love you, babe," he whispered, unshakely and with so much meaning. He stopped rubbing and we just stared at each other. Any other time, it didn't seem to hit me but just then ... it hit me and ... it felt good.

"Frank ... I ... I love you, too," I said. He smiled and my heart started burning with strong feelings for Frank. He zipped my pants back up and layed beside me .. resting his head on my chest and running his hand along my shirt buttons. I wrapped my arm around him and we fell asleep.