I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 32

We caught up with Mikey and decided to go into Abercrombie just to see what was so special that a majority of the teen population just had to shop there. We walked in and saw all these preppy kids who thought that the world evolved around them. When they spot us, everything fell quiet. "Umm, excuse you. I don't know how you got this mixed up with the emo store across the way," one girl said as some people snickered.

"Oops. My bad. I guess I also confused your face for a gorillas ass," I snorted back, causing Mikey and Frank to fall to the floor, laughing hysterically. I smiled and crossed my arms, waiting for what she had to throw back at me.

"Well, umm..." was all she said.

"Come on, boys. Apparently she and everyone else knows I'm right about her face. Just gotta wait till the gorilla wants his ass back. Then we see what she's going to do for a face," I said as me and the guys walked out. The girl was almost in tears when we started heading out. Mikey stopped us and pointed to her unnoticable to the other people in there.

"Guys, we should really apologize," he whispered.

I snorted and looked at him. "Mikey, we're outcasts, they're stuck-up's, it's our job. Our two kinds never .. and I mean never apologize for anything that's said or done," I said, walking out with Frank who, surprisingly, seemed to agree with everything I just said. Mikey looked at the girl and then at Frank and I.

-Mikey's POV-

I looked back at the girl and she looked up at me. I motioned for her to come over here. She shook her head and I gulped as I started walking toward her. Just then, two security guys grabbed me by the arms. "Wait! Put me down!" I screamed. They just tightened their grip. "Can I just tell the girl that I'm sorry my friends did that? I can't help or do anything to stop them from saying stuff like that. I'm not like that. I swear. If I was .. wouldn't I have walked out with them?" I said, struggling to break free.

"Well, if you're truly sorry ... pay for her things," one guy said. I nodded and they placed me back on the floor. I walked over to the girl and waited for her to get her shopping done.

Just then, Frank and Gerard walked back in. "Mikey! Get a move on! Hot Topic's having a sale on these really awesome pants that I'm sure you would die to have!" Gerard said, pointing at the store across the walk way.

I just turned my head and looked down. "I'm sorry, Gerard. But, I don't think I'm going to be hanging out with you anymore," I said, somewhat hurting because I did.

"No! He's turning into one of them!" Frank screamed, running back to Hot Topic.

"Mikey, trust me when I say this: you'll regret doing this. Everyone always does. Everyone," Gerard said, pointing at me and then jogging back to Hot Topic.

-Gerard's POV-

I walked back into Hot Topic and saw Frank in the corner by the counter, his knees brought to his chest and sucking his thumb, rocking back and forth. "I can't believe this.... he's one of them now. Bad idea to turn.. bad bad idea.." he said, looking around frantically. I kneeled down next to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"He'll be back. They always come back," I said, anger in my tone. Trying to figure out a plan to make Mikey change back before it's way too late to do anything.