I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 33

I looked around and stopped when I spotted the only person who could possibly save Mikey. Alicia Simmons. Mikey talked about her a lot ... when we were brothers of course. I bit my lip and grinned. "Frank, I got an idea..." I said as I looked at him. I told him the plan and he walked over to Alicia.

-Frank's POV-

I walked over to Alicia and smiled. "Hey, Alicia. How's it going?" She looked up and smiled.

"Alright, Frankie, just hanging in there," she replied, looking through the shirts that Hot Topic had.

"Can you help us ... me and Gerard ... get someone from turning into a stuck up?" I asked casually.

"Outcast? Into a stuck up?" she said putting the shirt she had back down. "Come on, guys. This is between life ... and death," she said, grabbing mine and Gerard's hands and pulling us over to Abercrombie.

Mikey looked over to Alicia and just stared at her. Me and Gerard, of course, were hidden so Mikey didn't know we were in on this. Mikey started walking over to Alicia and I smiled. "It's working. He's walking over to her," I whispered, giving a high five to Gerard.

"I knew it would," he whispered as he stood up a bit more to see.

-Mikey's POV-

I saw a girl about my age walk into Abercrombie and look at me. She smiled and my heart starting pounding so loud that people over in China could hear it. I gulped and walked over to her.

When I got to where she was standing, I stuck out my hand. "Hey, I'm Mikey," I said, almost going red.

"I'm Alicia," she said. Man, she was so pretty. "So, what's someone like you doing in a place where you so don't belong?" she asked, laughing.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I mean, judging by your clothes, you really don't belong in a place like this. This place is for people who think everything is about them and everything just has to be perfect. You're not like that .... are you?" she asked, almost yelling.

"No, it's just a few friends decided to be real rude to that girl over there and I told her that I wasn't like that," I said honestly.

"Well, hun, you've got to realize something. I heard what the two did. Gee and Frank? Yeah, they've always been like that. It's just something you get used to and eventually join in when you know you don't have a heart for the followers of today's trend," she said, slinging her arm over my shoulder. "I mean, yeah, I have a heart, it's just I've been pushed around by the stuck-up's. And so I decided to try and destory their reps in order for them to feel my pain .. or something close to it. Understand?"

"Yeah, I guess. But I did promise to pay for her things ...." I started but Alicia cut me off.

"Ah ah ah! That's a major no. We don't pay for their things. It's common sense." I sighed and we walked out.

"Hey, he's not allowed --" one of the guard's started. Yet, Alicia cut him off as well.

"Zip it gorilla breath! He's coming with me!" she said, sticking her hand out, motioning for him to stay put. We walked out and headed for the food court.

-Gerard's POV-

"Frank! What the hell are they saying?" I demanded in a whisper.

"I don't know, Gerard! Now get off my back! It's killing me!" he said, pushing me off. I fell to the floor and landed on my ass.

"Damn it, Frank!" I said, kicking him in his ass.

"Gerard!" he said, turning toward me. I smiled and stood up. He did as well and I started running. He came running after me. We ended up running into Ray and Bob.

"Hey! Guys! Let's go to the food court! I'm hungry!" I said, smiling at Bob who, apparently was under me. They nodded and we helped them up. We ran to the food court and I looked at Ray. "Ray! You're paying!" I yelled, smiling.

"Fine!" he yelled back.

"Fine!" I yelled back at him. And we continued doing that until we saw Mikey and Alicia heading our way. "Yes!" I whispered.