I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 34

-Gerard's POV-

I attacked Mikey and we started rolling around on the floor. He was laughing his ass off. I looked to the side and saw we were headed for the stairs, but before I could say anything, we started tumbling down, knocking down people as we went down.

"Watch-" thump thump thump "out!" Mikey and I screamed out to upcoming people. People dodged us and yelled at us as we passed them. We were laughing so hard when we made it to the bottom. Security started coming after us.

I was still laughing when I stood up. As was Mikey. I helped him up and we ran for the elevator. "Come on, dude!" I said as the guards made it to the bottom of the stairs. We got to the elevator just as it was closing. We slid through the space before it closed all the way. We looked at each other and sighed for a moment. Then we started laughing again. The two guys in the elevator kind of backed away from us.

When we got up to the top floor we tumbled out and caught back up with the rest of the gang. "You guys are so fucked up!" Ray said, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"And we try ever so hard," I said in my best british accent. Frank chuckled and I enterlocked my hand with his and we all walked toward the food court ... again. After that little show .... we were dying of absolute hunger.

I know I know it's extremely short ... but it's all I could come up with. Please please bare with me!